禁止访问潜在不安全因素附件_了解如何吸引潜在客户访问您的企业网站| 第三部分...


使用流行的社交网站获取潜在客户 (Use popular Social Networking sites to get potential customers)

Once you have a great landing page in place on your business website, you can run a social networking advertising and marketing campaign. Social networking websites like FaceBook, Twitter, etc. are hugely popular and are frequented by millions of visitors daily.

一旦您的企业网站上有一个不错的登陆页面,就可以运行社交网络广告和营销活动。 诸如FaceBook,Twitter等社交网络网站非常受欢迎,每天有数百万的访问者光顾。

使用Facebook和Twitter生成针对您网站的目标流量 (Use Facebook and Twitter to generate targeted traffic to your site)

FaceBook, for example, is as successful as Google in getting web visitors to it. It has millions of members who apart from looking for spending a good time with their friends and relatives on FaceBook, are also good online buyers. FaceBook pages can be a huge platform to build your advertising and marketing campaign successfully. You can also run a FaceBook promotional program.

例如,FaceBook在吸引网络访问者方面与Google一样成功。 它拥有数以百万计的会员,他们除了希望在FaceBook上与亲朋好友度过美好时光外,还不错的在线买家。 FaceBook页面可以是成功建立广告和营销活动的巨大平台。 您还可以运行FaceBook促销程序。

FaceBook advertising program can easily help you reach your target customers quickly. There are more than 500 million members on FaceBook! Many of these can be your potential customers with the right kind of promotional campaign. It is quite economical to use the program.

FaceBook广告计划可以轻松帮助您快速达到目标客户。 FaceBook上的会员超过5亿! 通过正确的宣传活动,其中许多可以成为您的潜在客户。 使用该程序非常经济。

You can set the daily advertisement budget you are comfortable with, or adjust the daily budget as and when you need. You can even use the CPC or CPM methods where you pay only when members click on your advertisement or when people see your advertisement respectively.

您可以设置自己喜欢的每日广告预算,也可以根据需要调整每日预算。 您甚至可以使用CPC或CPM方法,仅在会员点击广告或当人们看到您的广告时才付费。

使用Twitter作为营销工具 (Using Twitter as a marketing tool)

Twitter can help you send well targeted short messages to your Twitter followers, and if you are popular and have thousands of followers on Twitter, then you can use the site to generate targeted Twits with a link to your product’s page and lots of your Twitter followers will visit your product’s landing page.


Twitter is the most popular micro-blogging network site today. Any internet marketer must use the power of Twitter to its fullest extent. Building a huge e-mail list is quickly possible through Twitter marketing. You can promote your product on Twitter or even use Twitter to pre-sell it. Twitter offers one of the best business opportunities of connecting with your customers and even prospective buyers.

Twitter是当今最受欢迎的微博客网站。 任何互联网营销商都必须充分利用Twitter的力量。 通过Twitter营销可以Swift建立庞大的电子邮件列表。 您可以在Twitter上推广您的产品,甚至可以使用Twitter预售产品。 Twitter提供了与客户甚至潜在买家建立联系的最佳商机之一。

With twitter, you can generate huge amounts of traffic to your website or even to your YouTube videos quickly. You can easily find prospective customers through cleverly formed Twitter strategy. With such powers, Twitter is easily one of the best traffic generating methods available to any internet marketer.

借助Twitter,您可以快速为您的网站甚至YouTube视频产生大量流量。 您可以通过巧妙地制定Twitter策略轻松找到潜在客户。 有了这样的功能,Twitter很容易成为任何互联网营销商可以使用的最佳流量生成方法之一。

Such social networking sites are used to quickly build trust and followers. Your popular Twitter page or your FaceBook Page can very quickly become viral in nature – your followers can re-tweet your messages to their own friends, or your FaceBook friends can help you bring in a lot of other members to your FaceBook Page and from there to your website.

此类社交网站用于快速建立信任和追随者。 您受欢迎的Twitter页面或FaceBook页面在本质上会很快变得病毒式传播–您的关注者可以将您的消息重新推给自己的朋友,或者您的FaceBook朋友可以帮助您将很多其他成员带入FaceBook页面,并从那里到您的网站。

创建特定于社交网络的活动 (Create Social Networking Specific Campaigns)

If you succeed in making your social networking pages popular, then you can really generate a sustained flow of visitors to your website and hopefully many of those visitors will purchase your product and services.


Create a campaign is such a way that your products and services become well-known to other through your own contact, friends, and relatives on these Social Networking websites. This is how your product information can become viral on the net.

制作广告系列是通过您自己的联系人,朋友和亲戚在这些社交网络网站上使您的产品和服务在其他人中广为人知的方式。 这就是您的产品信息如何在网络上传播的方式。

The above are just two popular social networking sites examples, FaceBook and Twitter, which you can use in your marketing campaign to get potential customers to your business website fast. There are other such social networking websites which you can use successfully to create more avenues to bring in visitors to your site and generate fast profitable campaigns.

上面只是两个流行的社交网站示例,即FaceBook和Twitter,您可以在营销活动中使用它们来快速吸引潜在客户访问您的企业网站。 还有其他此类社交网站,您可以成功地使用它们来创建更多途径,以吸引访问者访问您的站点并生成快速盈利的广告系列。




翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/learn-how-to-get-potential-customers-to-your-business-website-part-3/






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