在服务器上使用安全SHell SSH的好处

SSH also known as Secure SHell is a network protocol which permits you to exchange data using a very secure channel between two different networked devices. SSH is one of the secure method for accessing the remote systems. Using the SSH, a user can log into the Linux shell command prompt and can easily execute commands. It gives much similar feel like you are sitting right in front of your linux server and typing commands at the console.

SSH也称为Secure SHell,它是一种网络协议,允许您在两个不同的联网设备之间使用非常安全的通道来交换数据。 SSH是用于访问远程系统的安全方法之一。 使用SSH,用户可以登录Linux shell命令提示符,并可以轻松执行命令。 就像您正坐在Linux服务器前并在控制台上键入命令一样,它也具有类似的感觉。

A few years ago, users used to use the Telnet in order to access the servers. However, since telnet is not much secure, and the Internet started becoming open to worldwide audience, servers connected to internet required a more secure way to access the shell.

几年前,用户曾经使用Telnet来访问服务器。 但是,由于telnet不太安全,并且Internet开始向全世界的观众开放,因此连接到Internet的服务器需要一种更安全的方式来访问外壳。

SSH offers encryption for data transfer that restricts hackers and attackers from hacking your server password and user information. Another benefit of using SSH is that it allows you to tunnel other network protocols. As an example, if you wish to transfer any files securely, you can utilize the SSH in order to encrypt the FTP transfers. This can be done with any type of connection, like VNC or Samba both are good for such tasks.

SSH为数据传输提供加密,从而限制了黑客和攻击者入侵您的服务器密码和用户信息。 使用SSH的另一个好处是,它允许您建立其他网络协议的通道。 例如,如果您希望安全地传输任何文件,则可以利用SSH来加密FTP传输。 可以使用任何类型的连接完成此操作,例如VNC或Samba都适合执行此类任务。

Using Secure SHell, the user are able to handle their dedicated server remotely, also they can monitor the server logs, install / uninstall software and applications, they can even start or stop services, etc… SSH is able to recognize normal Unix shell commands, which you can use to login as “root” in your server to manage your server with full rights.

使用Secure SHell,用户不仅可以远程处理其专用服务器,还可以监视服务器日志,安装/卸载软件和应用程序,甚至可以启动或停止服务,等等。SSH能够识别普通的Unix shell命令,您可以使用它以“ root”身份登录服务器,以完全权限管理服务器。

Since, SSH is introduced to Linux users, it has become the best and secure method to manage the dedicated server environment. It is more effective and useful to perform various tasks which cannot be done with a web-based control panel. Therefore, SSH is the best network protocol for managing your dedicated server.

自从SSH被引入Linux用户以来,它已经成为管理专用服务器环境的最佳和安全的方法。 执行基于Web的控制面板无法完成的各种任务更加有效和有用。 因此,SSH是管理专用服务器的最佳网络协议。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/benefits-of-using-secure-shell-ssh-on-server/





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