

UK Web Hosting
改善网站排名和访问者的指南 (Guide To Improve Site Ranking & Visitors)

In this article, we are going to discuss some guidelines for creating effective website that is convenient to use a vast internet visitors. Most of the times, people encounter some common errors, which prevent the rapid loading of the resource or site and the search for relevant information.

在本文中,我们将讨论一些有关创建有效网站的指南,这些网站可以方便地使用大量互联网访问者。 在大多数情况下,人们会遇到一些常见的错误,这会阻止资源或网站的快速加载以及对相关信息的搜索。

Primarily customers lands on the website to find the right information and within 10 seconds, they scan the web page, and if they are unable to see the necessary data, or by going through a complex system of navigation, likely the internet audience will immediately leave the web page. Proper site development requires creative efforts.

主要是客户登陆网站找到正确的信息,然后他们在10秒内扫描了网页,如果他们看不到必要的数据,或者通过复杂的导航系统,很可能互联网受众会立即离开网页。 正确的网站开发需要创造性的努力。

Generally, the website owner hire’s an expert team – designer, programmer, copywriter, content optimizer and manager, and an administrator. As a result of efforts taken by these experts the website becomes more search engine and audience friendly. In such case, the visitor most comfortably and easily can find the right information he is seeking for. The site development is necessary to avoid low-quality design. When you create a web page it is recommended not to use too large or small text, it is tiring users. The design is not the place, screaming bright colors that hurt the eyes and irritates the modern man, tired of diverse advertising information.

通常,网站所有者雇用一个专家团队-设计师,程序员,撰稿人,内容优化器和经理以及管理员。 由于这些专家的努力,该网站变得更加搜索引擎和受众友好。 在这种情况下,访问者最舒适,最容易地找到所需的正确信息。 必须进行站点开发以避免低质量的设计。 当您创建网页时,建议不要使用太大或太小的文本,这会累人。 设计不是地方,尖叫着明亮的色彩会伤害眼睛并刺激现代人,他们厌倦了各种各样的广告信息。

Nice design definitely attracts the internet visitors, but the unique and useful resource on the site is much appreciated to increase the site ranking. Typically, users don’t come to your site to get acquainted with the advertising, but to for quality and useful content. When placing content on your website, make sure the keyword density is proper. Most of the times, websites rank lower due to the high keyword density.

精美的设计肯定会吸引互联网访问者,但是该网站上独特而有用的资源对于提高网站排名倍受赞赏。 通常,用户不是来您的网站来了解广告,而是去了解质量和有用的内容。 在网站上放置内容时,请确保适当的关键字密度。 在大多数情况下,由于关键字密度高,网站排名较低。

Also, when the navigation of the website is complicated, it discourages the visitors and forces them to leave the website. Site containing large number of web pages are advised to create a Site-map of the website on put it on the homepage. Site-map helps visitors to navigate through the site very easily.

另外,当网站导航复杂时,它会阻止访问者并迫使他们离开该网站。 建议包含大量网页的站点在其首页上创建该站点的站点地图。 网站地图可帮助访问者非常轻松地浏览网站。

Nowadays, Internet is evolving very rapidly, there are very few people who uses low-speed modem connections. If the resource or website pages are loading at longer time then, leaving visitors without waiting for the complete page loading is usual. Accordingly, the higher page loading speed, the more visitors will visit to your website as well as your search engine rankings will improve. The large number of links, advertising, media files and graphics might be the reason for your slow loading site. The issue can be solved by opting the dedicated server hosting plan offered by uk web hosting company.

如今,Internet发展非常Swift,使用低速调制解调器连接的人很少。 如果资源或网站页面的加载时间较长,那么通常无需等待完整的页面加载就可以让访问者离开。 因此,页面加载速度越高,访问您网站的访问者就越多,搜索引擎排名也将得到提高。 大量的链接,广告,媒体文件和图形可能是网站加载缓慢的原因。 该问题可以通过选择由英国网络托管公司提供的专用服务器托管计划来解决。

These high-end web hosting servers ensures the round the clock availability, redundancy, optimum performance and 100% network uptime for your website.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-to-optimize-your-business-website-for-good-rankings-and-more-visitors/






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