iso20000 第2部分_网站服务| 第2部分

iso20000 第2部分

Web服务-缺点 (Web Services — Disadvantages)

  • The Web services standards are now in some areas recently.

  • Web services suffer from poor performance compared to other approaches to distributed computing such as RMI, CORBA, or DCOM.

  • By using the HTTP protocol, Web services can bypass security measures put in place through the firewall.


情境 (Scenarios)

Web services implement business logic made edible (it consumes a web service use) through the use of standards (mainly TCP / IP, URI / URN / URL, MIME, HTTP / SMTP /etc, SOAP, SSL / TLS, etc., for the transport and XML for content), which enables any technology using these standards can exploit it, thereby facilitating application interoperability. The creation of Web services is justified by the SOA, that is to say, will make available a service that implements business logic hidden to users.

Web服务通过使用以下标准(主要是TCP / IP,URI / URN / URL,MIME,HTTP / SMTP / etc,SOAP,SSL / TLS等)来实现可食用的业务逻辑(消耗Web服务使用) (内容的传输和XML),这使得使用这些标准的任何技术都可以利用它,从而促进应用程序的互操作性。 SOA证明了创建Web服务的合理性,也就是说,将使实现对用户隐藏的业务逻辑的服务可用。

Under swap data in Business to Business as Business to Consumer, another interest for which Web services are used is that they are based on HTTP (which uses port 80 by default). To understand this, keep in mind that many companies are protected using firewalls that filter and block a lot of Internet traffic for security reasons. In this environment, many (almost all) ports are closed to incoming and outgoing traffic and administrators of these firewalls are not willing to open them. Port 80, however, is always open because it is used by the HTTP protocol used by Web browsers. With this advantage, web services represent a kind of tunneling.

在企业对企业与企业对消费者之间的交换数据下,使用Web服务的另一个好处是它们基于HTTP(默认情况下使用端口80)。 要了解这一点,请记住,出于安全考虑,许多公司都使用防火墙来过滤和阻止大量Internet通信,从而保护了它们。 在这种环境中,许多(几乎所有)端口都禁止传入和传出流量,并且这些防火墙的管理员不愿意打开它们。 但是,端口80始终是开放的,因为Web浏览器使用的HTTP协议使用它。 利用此优势,Web服务代表了一种隧道。

Web服务-平台 (Web Services — Platforms)

Web services can be deployed using a software application server:


  • JAX-WS 2.x which is the reference implementation of Java EE and open source is built into GlassFish and usable in other environments. Its extension WSIT (aka “Project Tango”) provides an implementation of WS-ReliableMessaging, WS-SecureConversation, WS-Trust, etc.

    作为Java EE和开源的参考实现的JAX-WS 2.x内置在GlassFish中,并可以在其他环境中使用。 它的扩展WSIT(又称“ Project Tango”)提供了WS-ReliableMessaging,WS-SecureConversation,WS-Trust等的实现。
  • Axis and Jakarta Tomcat server (both projects open source Apache Software Foundation)

    Axis和Jakarta Tomcat服务器(两个项目均为开源Apache Software Foundation)
  • Codehaus XFire provides a Java framework with an approach different from Axis

    Codehaus XFire为Java框架提供了与Axis不同的方法
  • CXF Merger between XFire (Codehaus) and Celtix (ObjectWeb)

  • Macromedia ColdFusion MX

    Macromedia ColdFusion MX
  • Microsoft IIS HTTP Servers (with the. NET)

    Microsoft IIS HTTP服务器(带有.NET)
  • BEA WebLogic

    BEA WebLogic
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server (based on the Apache server and the J2EE platform)

    IBM WebSphere Application Server(基于Apache服务器和J2EE平台)
  • Oracle Application Server Oracle Corporation

    Oracle应用服务器Oracle Corporation
  • Novell ZENworks

    Novell ZENworks
  • NuSOAP library for developers of Web services in PHP

    适用于PHP Web服务开发人员的NuSOAP库
  • GSOAP library for developers of Web services in C + +

    GSOAP库,用于C ++中的Web服务开发人员
  • JBoss Application Server JBoss society. Component of JEMS (JBoss Enterprise Middleware System) which also includes the relational persistence framework Hibernate.

    JBoss应用服务器JBoss协会。 JEMS(JBoss企业中间件系统)的组件,还包括关系持久性框架Hibernate。
  • Compuware Uniface Implementing SOAP web services using Tomcat

    Compuware Uniface使用Tomcat实施SOAP Web服务
  • IBM Lotus Domino

    IBM Lotus Domino
  • Application Platform Nirva Nirva Systems which offers its platform fusion of an ESB and an application server handling different languages

    Nirva应用程序平台Nirva Systems提供ESB和处理不同语言的应用程序服务器的平台融合

Web服务的缺点 (Disadvantages of Web Services)

  • There is currently no established standards for critical applications such as, for example, distributed transactions

  • Performance related to the use of Web services may be lower than those found using alternative approaches to distributed computing such as Java RMI, CORBA, or DCOM

    与使用Web服务相关的性能可能会比使用其他分布式计算方法(如Java RMI,CORBA或DCOM)发现的性能低
  • The use of HTTP allows Web Service security measures to prevent the firewall (where the rules are often established their own programs to prevent communication between “external” and “internal” to the firewall).

    HTTP的使用允许Web Service安全措施来防止防火墙(在规则中通常建立它们自己的程序来防止防火墙的“外部”和“内部”之间的通信)。

为什么要创建Web服务 (Why create a Web Service )

The main reason for the creation and use of Web services is the “decoupling” that the standard interface exposed by the Web service allows the system between the user and the Web Service itself: changes to one or other of the applications can be implemented in a “transparent” at the interface between the two systems, this flexibility allows the creation of complex software systems consisting of components released from each other and allows a high reusability of code and applications already developed.

创建和使用Web服务的主要原因是“解耦”,即Web服务公开的标准接口允许用户和Web Service本身之间的系统:对一个或另一个应用程序的更改可以在一个应用程序中实现。在两个系统之间的接口处“透明”,这种灵活性允许创建由彼此释放的组件组成的复杂软件系统,并允许已开发的代码和应用程​​序具有高度可重用性。

Web services also won acclaim since, as the transport protocol may use HTTP over TCP port 80, this port is normally one of the few (if not the only one) were left open by firewall systems to incoming and outgoing traffic from the outside to business systems, and this is because on that port traffic passes through the HTTP web browser: this allows the use of Web services without configuration changes on the company’s security (a point that while is a positive side raises concerns about safety).

Web服务也广受赞誉,因为,因为传输协议可以在TCP端口80上使用HTTP,因此该端口通常是防火墙系统为从外部到企业的传入和传出流量而开放的少数几个端口之一(如果不是唯一的话)系统,这是因为该端口上的流量通过HTTP Web浏览器传递:这允许在不更改公司安全性的情况下使用Web服务(这是积极的一面引起了对安全性的关注)。

A final reason that has encouraged the adoption and proliferation of Web services is the lack, prior to the development of SOAP interfaces really functional for the use of distributed network capabilities: EDI, RPC, and other types of API (Application Programming Interface) were and remain less well-known and easy to use the architecture of Web Services.


Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到


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