驱动开发 阻止特定进程_如何阻止来自特定国家/地区的流量

驱动开发 阻止特定进程

Many webmasters and Internet security experts have always been keeping a close watch and serveilling the web for security threats. Post observations, it has been seen that during the recent years, there have been a lot of hacking attempts initiated from the Chinese geo-location. Chinese attackers and hackers are being considered to be causing serious concerns for webmasters from across the globe.

许多网站管理员和Internet安全专家一直在密切监视并监视网络中的安全威胁。 观察后发现,近年来,中国地理位置引发了许多黑客攻击尝试。 人们认为,中国的攻击者和黑客正在引起全球网站管理员的严重关注。

Across various places over the web, we get to read that the Chinese government isn’t taking any steps and measurements for discouraging attackers from carrying out illegal activities over the World Wide Web. Hence, further adding to the concerns for webmasters across the world. Considering such a scenario, it becomes crucial to protect and safeguard the property ourselves.

在网络上的各个地方,我们都读到中国政府没有采取任何步骤和措施来阻止攻击者通过互联网进行非法活动。 因此,这进一步增加了全球网站管理员的关注。 考虑到这种情况,保护自己的财产至关重要。

And, as a matter of fact it is no tough to strengthen the online presence ourselves. If you have an Apache server, using an htaccess file, you can easily block the traffic coming from the desired locations over the globe. Having said that, users who have an IIS based server too can block the unwanted traffic. Webmasters and server administrators can block the traffic at the router level itself. Incase, you have a Linux router or have deployed a firewall with IPTables, you can check the IPTables blocklists at : http://www.wizcrafts.net/iptables-blocklists.html

而且,事实上,自己增强在线形象并不困难。 如果您有使用htaccess文件的Apache服务器,则可以轻松阻止来自全球所需位置的流量。 话虽如此,拥有基于IIS的服务器的用户也可以阻止不必要的流量。 网站管理员和服务器管理员可以自己在路由器级别阻止流量。 如果您有Linux路由器或已使用IPTables部署了防火墙,则可以在以下位置检查IPTables阻止列表: http : //www.wizcrafts.net/iptables-blocklists.html

We are left with not many choices other than blocking the traffic originating from IP’s from China, due to a simple fact that there aren’t any firm steps adopted by the government their. Though, by implementing these measures, we might also block the legitimate traffic and the users who do not have any false intentions in their minds. But, after taking such counter-active measures, it has been reported the drastic decrease in the hacking attempts and attacks in the very recent months.

除了阻止来自中国的IP流量之外,我们别无选择,这是因为一个简单的事实,即政府没有采取任何坚定的措施。 但是,通过实施这些措施,我们也可能会阻止合法流量和在心中没有任何虚假意图的用户。 但是,据报道,在采取了这种反措施之后,近几个月来黑客尝试和攻击的数量急剧下降。

那么,按照该程序将要实现什么? (So, by following the procedure what are you going to achieve ?)

The procedure stated in this article will help you keep the individuals from china away from surfing your website pages, hence decreasing the chances of causing any damage to your site and the information therein. Common words about the increasing number of hacking attempts and volume of illegal online activities from China, is being shared among the webmasters from various communities across the globe.

本文所述的过程将帮助您避免中国用户浏览您的网站页面,从而减少了对您的网站及其中的信息造成损害的机会。 来自中国的各种黑客企图和非法在线活动的数量日益增加,这是全球各地社区的网站管理员之间的共同口号。

A point should be noted about the procedures described in this article wouldn’t avoid the hackers from finding your IP address of your server. In order to safeguard that area as well, you can opt for a firewall. The process stated here makes use of an htaccess file which instructs your Apache Web Server software to stop responding to the requests generated from Chinese IP locations. Having said that, if you have taken appropriate measures for hardening your servers, the TCP port 80 which is the only open port on Apache for serving the requests, webmasters can instruct not to serve any requests arising from IP addresses from China from your server. This would offer you two advantages, one that your information and data would be safeguarded and secondly you can avoid attacks and hacking attempts on your web-server through port 80.

需要注意的一点是,本文中描述的过程不会避免黑客找到您的服务器IP地址。 为了保护该区域,您可以选择防火墙 。 此处说明的过程使用了htaccess文件 ,该文件指示您的Apache Web服务器软件停止响应从中文IP位置生成的请求。 话虽如此,如果您采取了适当的措施来加固服务器, TCP端口80是Apache上唯一用于处理请求的开放端口,则网站管理员可以指示不要处理任何来自中国IP地址的请求。 这将为您提供两个好处,其一,可以保护您的信息和数据,其次,您可以避免通过端口80对Web服务器进行攻击和黑客攻击。

The usage of .htaccess files is a routine part for the apache server, hence if you have your site upon this server, you’d have to spend none. If you aren’t sure about the type of server on which your website is hosted, you should get it confirmed from the company who has offered you an Affordable Web Hosting service. You must also check with them whether the use of .htaccess has been allowed for your account, if it hasn’t request them to enable it (Note: It would largely depend on the type of hosting account).

.htaccess文件的使用是apache服务器的日常工作,因此,如果您的站点位于该服务器上,则无需花费任何精力。 如果您不确定托管您网站的服务器类型,则应该从向您提供了负担得起的Web托管服务的公司处获得确认。 您还必须与他们核对是否允许您的帐户使用.htaccess,如果没有要求他们启用.htaccess( 请注意:这在很大程度上取决于托管帐户的类型)。

The procedure to block the traffic originating from Chinese IP addresses is carried out using the ‘deny‘ statements in Apache .htaccess file. For eg. :

使用Apache .htaccess文件中的' deny '语句执行阻止源自中国IP地址的流量的过程。 例如。 :

order allow,deny allow from all deny from


By including the mentioned statements in the .htaccess file on the Apache Server, would block the IP and the complete subnet


It is important that the access to .htaccess is enabled in the primary Apache configuration file ie. httpd.conf. The file should include the below statements :

重要的是,在主要的Apache配置文件(即.htaccess)中启用对.htaccess的访问。 httpd.conf。 该文件应包含以下语句:

AccessFileName .htaccess AllowOverride Limit

AccessFileName .htaccess AllowOverride限制

These simple steps can keep you safe from the illegal intentions of hackers, and hence would keep your online existence secure and hassle free.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-to-block-traffic-from-particular-country/

驱动开发 阻止特定进程





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