web应用部分乱码_什么是Web服务| 第2部分


网络服务的优势 (Advantages of web services)

  • They provide interoperability between software applications regardless of their properties or the platforms on which they are installed.

  • Promote Web services standards and protocols based on text, making it easier to access their content and understand its operation.

  • By piggybacking on HTTP, Web services can take advantage of firewall security systems without changing the filter rules.

  • Allow different software and services companies located in different geographic locations can be combined easily to provide integrated services.

  • Allow interoperability between platforms from different vendors using open standard protocols. The specifications are managed by an open organization, the W3C, and ensures full interoperability between applications.

    使用开放标准协议,允许不同供应商的平台之间实现互操作性。 规范由开放组织W3C管理,并确保应用程序之间的完全互操作性。

Web服务的缺点 (Disadvantages of Web services)

  • For transactions can not be compared in their degree of open standards for distributed computing such as CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture).

  • The yield is low compared with other distributed computing models such as RMI (Remote Method Invocation), CORBA or DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model): One of the disadvantages of adopting a text-based format, and that the goals of XML is not the conciseness and effectiveness of processing.

  • By piggybacking on HTTP, they can dodge security measures based on firewall rules which seek to block or audit communication between programs on both sides of the barrier.


创建Web服务的原因 (Reasons for creating web services)

The main reason for using Web services is based on HTTP over TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) on port 80. As organizations protect their networks with firewalls, which filter and block much of Internet traffic, it closes almost all ports except TCP 80, which is precisely the approach used by browsers. Web services use this port for the simple reason that they are not blocked.

使用Web服务的主要原因是基于端口80上的HTTP over TCP(传输控制协议)。随着组织使用防火墙来保护其网络,防火墙会过滤并阻止大量Internet流量,因此它将关闭除TCP 80之外的几乎所有端口。正是浏览器使用的方法。 Web服务使用此端口的原因很简单,即它们未被阻止。

Another reason is that, before there was SOAP, there were no good interfaces to access functionality from other networked computers. Those that had were ad hoc and not well known, such as EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), RPC (Remote Procedure Call), or other APIs.

另一个原因是,在没有SOAP之前,没有良好的接口可以从其他联网计算机访问功能。 EDI(电子数据交换),RPC(远程过程调用)或其他API是临时的且不为人所知。

A third reason that Web services are very useful is that they can provide greater independence between the application using the Web service and the service itself. Thus, changes over time should not affect one another. This flexibility will become increasingly important given the trend to build large applications from distributed components smaller is increasingly used.

Web服务非常有用的第三个原因是,它们可以在使用Web服务的应用程序和服务本身之间提供更大的独立性。 因此,随着时间的变化不应相互影响。 考虑到越来越多的趋势是使用越来越小的分布式组件构建大型应用程序的趋势,这种灵活性将变得越来越重要。

It is expected that the coming years to improve the quality and quantity of services offered based on the new standards.


技术 (Technology)

The foundations for building a Web service standards are XML and SOAP. The data transport is typically performed via HTTP or HTTPS for secure connections (the standard does not specify the transport protocol). Data is transferred in XML format, encapsulated by SOAP protocol.

建立Web服务标准的基础是XML和SOAP。 数据传输通常通过HTTP或HTTPS进行,以实现安全连接(该标准未指定传输协议)。 数据以XML格式传输,并由SOAP协议封装。

安全 (Security)

Many companies feared in the past, provide functionality via the Internet due to fear of exposing your data. But with the advent of Web services they can publish services in a simple manner and are completely isolated from the database.

过去,由于担心公开数据,许多公司担心会通过Internet提供功能。 但是随着Web服务的出现,他们可以以简单的方式发布服务,并且与数据库完全隔离。

The security of Web Services is one of the weaknesses of this technology. The problem is not lack of security mechanisms but the lack of consensus on what should be the mechanism to be adapted for the Web Service technology, the questions most relevant to safety are as follows: – Authenticity (be sure that a transaction of Web Service took place between the server and your client – Privacy (all messages exchanged between server and client are not intercepted by an unauthorized person) – Integrity (messages sent by both the server to the client, as otherwise, must remain unchanged). Then it describes the main security mechanisms.

Web服务的安全性是该技术的弱点之一。 问题不是缺乏安全性机制,而是缺乏关于应采用哪种机制以适合Web Service技术的共识,与安全性最相关的问题如下:–真实性(确保Web Service交易已采取服务器与客户端之间的位置–隐私(服务器与客户端之间交换的所有消息都不会被未经授权的人员拦截)–完整性(服务器与客户端之间发送的消息,否则必须保持不变)。主要的安全机制。


SSL (Secure Socket Layer) when applied to small devices provides authentication, data integrity and privacy services. Currently, the solution to send confidential information to Web Services is a security mechanism to use SSL over HTTP also known as HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure). This mechanism protects confidential information and is easy to configure. Its disadvantage is slower than unencrypted HTTP transactions and is therefore not suitable for data transfer rates high.

SSL(安全套接字层)在应用于小型设备时可提供身份验证,数据完整性和隐私服务。 当前,将机密信息发送到Web服务的解决方案是一种通过HTTP使用SSL的安全机制,也称为HTTPS(超文本传输​​协议安全)。 此机制可以保护机密信息,并且易于配置。 它的缺点是比未加密的HTTP事务要慢,因此不适合高数据传输率。

XML签名 (XML Signature)

The XML Signature is a joint initiative of the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) and W3C to specify an XML syntax and processing rules for creating and representing digital signatures. The advantages in using XML Signature, unlike other standards for digital signatures are based on the independence of programming language, easy human interpretation and independence of the manufacturer. This technology also allows you to digitally sign an XML document subsets.

XML签名是IETF(Internet工程任务组)和W3C的一项联合计划,旨在指定XML语法和处理规则以创建和表示数字签名。 与其他数字签名标准不同,使用XML签名的优势在于编程语言的独立性,易于人为解释和制造商的独立性。 该技术还允许您对XML文档子集进行数字签名。

XML加密 (XML Encryption)

The XML Encryption specifies a process to encrypt data and its representation in XML format. The data may be arbitrary data (including an XML document), XML elements or XML element content. An XML document that uses XML Encryption can be viewed by any user, but only the owner of the decoding key can perceive the encoded content.

XML加密指定了一种加密数据及其XML格式表示形式的过程。 数据可以是任意数据(包括XML文档),XML元素或XML元素内容。 任何用户都可以查看使用XML加密的XML文档,但是只有解码密钥的所有者才能感知编码后的内容。

WS安全 (WS-security)

WS-Security (Web Services Security) is a joint initiative of companies like Microsoft, IBM and Verisign for the use of XML-Signature and XML-Encryption to provide security to SOAP messages. WS-Security is an effort to make Web services work better in a global environment. WS-Security also includes some important components such as routing, reliability and transaction handling.

WS-Security(Web服务安全性)是Microsoft,IBM和Verisign等公司的一项联合计划,旨在使用XML签名和XML加密为SOAP消息提供安全性。 WS-Security致力于使Web服务在全球环境中更好地工作。 WS-Security还包括一些重要组件,例如路由,可靠性和事务处理。

萨姆 (Saml)

The SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) is an emerging standard for exchanging authentication and authorization information. The SAML solves an important problem for next-generation applications, which is the ability of users carry their rights among different Web services. This is important for applications that intend to integrate a number of Web Services to form one unified application.

SAML(安全断言标记语言)是用于交换身份验证和授权信息的新兴标准。 SAML解决了下一代应用程序的一个重要问题,即用户在不同的Web服务之间传递其权利的能力。 这对于打算集成多个Web服务以形成一个统一应用程序的应用程序很重要。

与Web服务相关的限制 (Limitations associated with Web Services)

SOAP has several limitations, which in turn affect the Web services directly, they rely on such resources.


The limitations are described below:


Security and privacy – none of the versions of SOAP defines any type of security. This is due to SOAP using HTTP, but to implement security mechanisms within the network can use SSL over HTTP (also known as HTTPS) to ensure confidentiality, integrity and authentication of the client, server and encrypted communication.

安全性和私密性– SOAP的任何版本均未定义任何类型的安全性。 这是由于SOAP使用HTTP,但是要在网络内实施安全机制,可以使用HTTP上的SSL(也称为HTTPS)来确保客户端,服务器和加密通信的机密性,完整性和身份验证。

As there is no support for security, including privacy, the norms that constitute the Web Services project has led each to seek different solutions to solve the security problem which becomes incompatible with the promise to implement a global standardization .


Messages and routing – to support the traditional features of asynchronous messages


Quality service and reliability – to ensure response times and detect exceptions


Transaction processing – to support transactional communication, the communication transaction to associate with local transactions and to participate in distributed transactions


Management – to monitor the condition and behavior of Web Services


Performance – to optimize the delivery of Web services that have implications for the design of applications, remote calls, network characteristics and storage / processing of documents


Interoperability – support interoperation without problems is the main goal of Web services and SOAP, or provide a platform for integration between applications and different languages and deployed on any operating system.


So this technology would be a standard technology but nevertheless, there are rivalries between suppliers. For example, the AXIS (Apache SOAP implementation of the project) is not compatible com.Net Microsoft, so it generates interfaces in two formats, one for their own and other than o.Net to be compatible with the Axis. To solve this problem several approaches like SOAPBuilders Interoperability Lab which provides a platform to test product interoperability.

因此,该技术将是一种标准技术,但尽管如此,供应商之间还是存在竞争。 例如,AXIS(该项目的Apache SOAP实现)与com.Net Microsoft不兼容,因此它以两种格式生成接口,一种为自己格式,另一种为o.Net格式,以便与Axis兼容。 为了解决此问题,有几种方法,例如SOAPBuilders互操作性实验室,它提供了一个平台来测试产品的互操作性。

Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-is-web-service-part-2/






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