移动端 scheme 转换_如何将网站转换为移动友好格式

移动端 scheme 转换

There have been some rapid advancements in the industry of wireless telephony and specially the mobile technologies. When we look around us, we realize the extent of popularity it has gained. Based on a statistical data, there are almost equal number of viewers for your website or your blog viewing via mobile devices and traditional internet. This ratio is expected to increase with an increasing popularity of smartphones in the days to come. Hence, it becomes important to make your WordPress website to be mobile friendly inorder to be accessed by viewers accessing your site via mobile devices.

无线电话,特别是移动技术行业已经有了快速的发展。 当我们环顾四周时,我们意识到它的受欢迎程度。 根据统计数据,通过移动设备和传统互联网浏览您的网站或博客的观众数量几乎相等。 随着智能手机在未来几天的日益普及,预计该比率将增加。 因此,使您的WordPress网站具有移动友好性很重要,以便查看者可以通过移动设备访问您的网站。

It may be possible that not many are aware of the fact that most of the high traffic WordPress based websites/blogs already have optimized portals for being accessible for mobile devices and gadgets. Since WordPress Hosting is one of the most popular segment of the industry, there are multiple ways that are suggested on various websites for making a site mobile friendly without making much changes.

可能没有多少人意识到这样一个事实,即大多数基于WordPress的高流量网站/博客已经具有优化的门户网站,可供移动设备和小工具访问。 由于 WordPress托管 是该行业最受欢迎的部分之一,因此在各种网站上建议了多种方法,以使网站移动友好,而无需进行太多更改。

So, how would you make or convert an existing website into a mobile friendly website ?

那么, 您如何将现有网站制作或转换为适合移动设备浏览的网站?

It is pretty simple since it is WordPress first-of-all. There are various WordPress plugins that have been specifically designed and developed to serve this purpose.

这很简单,因为它首先是WordPress。 有专门设计和开发用于此目的的各种WordPress插件。

Plugin I :Wptap – This WP plugin has the ability of developing mobile themes and plugins which would regularly convert the WP-site into an entirely new web application platform when viewing it from iPhone along with iPod Touch, Blackberry and Android smartphones as well.

插件I: Wptap – WP插件具有开发移动主题和插件的能力,当从iPhone以及iPod Touch,Blackberry和Android智能手机查看WP站点时,这些主题和插件可以将WP站点定期转换为全新的Web应用程序平台。

Users have the option to choose between Free as well as Premium themes. There are 4 theme that can be accessed from the Wptap sidebar, namely :

用户可以选择在免费主题和高级主题之间进行选择。 可以从Wptap侧边栏中访问4个主题,即:

  1. Tap News (iPhone Application stylish theme for mobile phones);


  2. Video Tube (used for video blogging and media content spreading on a mobile version of a site);

    Video Tube(用于在网站的移动版本上传播视频博客和传播媒体内容);

  3. News Gallery (for image-focused and developed in a magazine style WordPress blogs);


  4. News Press (applied for News and Blog section and other text-centric WP websites).


Plugin II :WP Mofuse – Users don’t have to pay for this plugin, it is offered for free. This too can be a good pluginto transform your WordPress blog into mobile friendly site. WordPress websites using this plugin are accessible by different devices which includes iPhone, Android, Blackberry and other smartphones as well. The only drawback with Mofuse is that, it does not give the users much flexibility nor freedom, hence, few users deny using it. But there are some users who find installing it very simple.

插件II: WP Mofuse – 用户无需为此插件付费,它是免费提供的。 这也可能是一个很好的插件 将您的WordPress博客转变为适合移动设备的网站。 使用此插件的WordPress网站可通过包括iPhone,Android,Blackberry和其他智能手机的不同设备访问。 Mofuse的唯一缺点是,它没有给用户带来很大的灵活性或自由度,因此很少有用户拒绝使用它。 但是有些用户发现安装非常简单。

Plugin III : WPTouch – This is one more WP-plugin for mobile devices which offers a sort of special mobile theme for users who get connected to their WordPress blogs from their phones. This plugin would automatically transform your WP blog into a web-application experience when checked from iPhone, iPod touch, Blackberry Storm and Android devices as well. It also offers a reliable panel for administration.

插件III: WPTouch –这是又一个用于移动设备的WP插件,它为通过手机连接到WordPress博客的用户提供了一种特殊的移动主题。 当从iPhone,iPod touch,Blackberry Storm和Android设备中进行检查时,此插件将自动将您的WP博客转变为Web应用程序体验。 它还提供了可靠的管理面板。

Plugin IV : WordPress Mobile Edition – Now, this is one of a kind plugin. It is capable of detecting if a request has come from a mobile browser or a normal browser. If a visitor access your website from a mobile browser, it presents an interface designed for a mobile devices. Its installation is a bit tricky though. But once done, it works smoothly.

插件IV: WordPress移动版– 现在,这是一种插件。 它能够检测请求是来自移动浏览器还是普通浏览器。 如果访问者通过移动浏览器访问您的网站,它将显示一个为移动设备设计的界面。 它的安装有点棘手。 但是一旦完成,它就可以顺利进行。

Note : For all those who are unaware, you can access our Eukhost blog ( via. a mobile devices as well.

注意: 对于所有不知道的人,您可以通过访问我们的Eukhost博客( )。 移动设备也是如此。

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