

The most widely used FTP server Proftpd on Linux is available in almost all distributions. The operation of the FTP is much simpler than the Samba or SSH, so it is used as a simple way to make files available on the Internet or even inside the local network.

Linux上使用最广泛的FTP服务器Proftpd在几乎所有发行版中都可用。 FTP的操作比Samba或SSH简单得多,因此它被用作使文件在Internet或本地网络中可用的简单方法。

An important limitation of the FTP protocol is that all the data is transmitted in an unencrypted form, as plain text, including the logins and passwords. That is, someone who can sniff the connection, using a program such as Ethereal a network protocol analyzer, I see everything that is being transmitted. For applications where you require security in the transmission of files, we recommend using SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol), an SSH module that allows you to transfer the files in an encrypted form. Nevertheless, if you just want to create a repository with some files to download or maintain a public server just like “Ibiblio”, then FTP is more interesting, because it is simpler to use.

FTP协议的一个重要限制是所有数据都以未加密形式(包括登录名和密码)以纯文本格式传输。 也就是说,可以使用诸如Ethereal之类的协议的网络协议分析器嗅探连接的人,可以看到正在传输的所有信息。 对于在文件传输中需要安全性的应用程序,我们建议使用SFTP(安全文件传输协议),这是一个SSH模块,允许您以加密形式传输文件。 但是,如果您只想创建一个包含一些文件的存储库以下载或维护“ Ibiblio”之类的公共服务器,则FTP更有趣,因为它使用起来更简单。

The server accepts remote connections by using the logins of users registered on the machine. Remember that in order to add new users, you have to use use the command “adduser” or any administration utility included in distribution, as the system-config-users, the users -admin or kuser.

服务器使用在计算机上注册的用户的登录名接受远程连接。 请记住,为了添加新用户,您必须使用命令“ adduser”或分发中包含的任何管理实用程序作为system-config-users用户,-admin或kuser用户。

It is not a difficult task to install Proftpd, simply search for the package “proftpd” in the distribution used, as in :

安装Proftpd并非易事,只需在使用的发行版中搜索“ proftpd”包即可,如下所示:

# Apt-get install proftpd Yum install proftpd or: # Urpmi proftpd

#Apt-get安装proftpd Yum安装proftpd或:#Urpmi proftpd

Whereas, on Debian, when installing the package Proftpd are usually made a few questions. The first is whether to leave the FTP server in an Active mode, Standalone mode or inetd.

而在Debian上,安装软件包Proftpd时通常会引起一些问题。 第一个是使FTP服务器处于活动模式,独立模式还是inetd。

The standalone mode is much safer and faster while “inetd” causes it to become active only when accessed, saving about 400 KB of RAM (which make little difference nowadays). The standalone mode is the recommended option.

独立模式更安全,更快捷,而“ inetd”仅在被访问时才使其变为活动状态,从而节省了约400 KB的RAM(如今已无济于事)。 建议使用独立模式。

You will also have option to enable anonymous access on the server, which allows anonymous access (read only) in the folder “/home/ftp”, where you can provide some files for public access. In this case, users log on the server using the “anonymous” account and an e-mail address as password. If you prefer to disable the anonymous access on the server, only users with valid login on the machine can access the FTP.

您还可以选择在服务器上启用匿名访问,这允许在文件夹“ / home / ftp”中进行匿名访问(只读),您可以在其中提供一些文件以供公共访问。 在这种情况下,用户使用“匿名”帐户和电子邮件地址作为密码登录服务器。 如果您希望在服务器上禁用匿名访问,则只有在计算机上具有有效登录名的用户才能访问FTP。

Once the installation of FTP is done completely, the server is active by default, is automatically started during boot and can be manually controlled by service “proftpd” as in “/etc/init.d/proftpd start”.

一旦完成FTP的安装,服务器默认为活动状态,在启动过程中会自动启动,并且可以由服务“ proftpd”手动控制,如“ /etc/init.d/proftpd start”中所示。

Manual configuration of the FTP server is perform via the file “/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf”. A file set can be used on CentOS Mandriva, or vice versa, depending on the Linux distributions you are using will always be the same.

通过文件“ /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf”执行FTP服务器的手动配置。 可以在CentOS Mandriva上使用文件集,反之亦然,取决于您使用的Linux发行版始终是相同的。



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