

Cloud storage and computing are no longer a new concept. Cloud is one of the most recognized term in the industry. During the initial stages, it was offered as a service, which earned a recognition with Web 2.0 startups further taking a toll towards outsourcing the storage administration activity. With the evolution of the technology to level today where cloud can be offered in two types : The public cloud hosting and the private cloud services. Here we would try and understand the difference between public cloud and private cloud. Also at the end of the information provided here, users would be able to understand the difference based on various factors such as pattern of usability, security, performance insignificance with the costs.

云存储和计算不再是一个新概念。 云是业界最知名的术语之一。 在最初阶段,它是作为一项服务提供的,在Web 2.0初创公司中得到了认可,进一步损害了存储管理活动的外包。 随着技术的发展到今天,可以提供两种类型的云:公共云托管和私有云服务。 在这里,我们将尝试了解公共云和私有云之间的区别。 同样在此处提供的信息的末尾,用户将能够基于各种因素(例如可用性,安全性,性能的微不足道以及成本)来了解差异。

了解公共和私人之间的区别。 (Knowing the difference between Public and Private.)

It is pretty easy to differentiate between the private cloud and the public cloud. The location of Clouds deployment should be the primary question. Cloud offering as a service over the Internet is the Public Cloud Hosting solution. Whereas, a private cloud is the deployment within the Firewall and whose management is taken care by the user enterprise. The location of deployment is the prime differentiating factor between the two.

区分私有云和公共云非常容易。 云部署的位置应该是主要问题。 通过Internet提供的云即服务是公共云托管解决方案。 私有云是防火墙内的部署,用户企业会对其进行管理。 部署位置是两者之间的主要区别因素。

Usually, the Public cloud is charged on the month to month basis. Users have to pay for the usage per Gb in combination of bandwidth transfer fees. It is based on an on demand storage scalability and aren’t required to buy a storage hardware. The cloud services offered by a company bears the responsibility of managing the infrastructure and pool of resources into capacity which any user can make a claim.

通常,公共云按月计费。 用户必须结合带宽传输费用为每Gb的使用量付费。 它基于随需应变的存储可扩展性,不需要购买存储硬件。 公司提供的云服务负责将基础架构和资源池管理为任何用户都可以主张的容量。

But the Private cloud is created using software’s operating on a hardware provided by the customer. The storage isn’t ideally shared between anyone except the organization and is entirely controlled and retained by the enterprise. Scalability being the biggest advantage of cloud, users can make additions of servers to the existing architecture. Also, this architecture is fully-managed by the users. Due to the capability of self management, the architecture even if expanded, adds further to its performance and capacity.

但是私有云是使用在客户提供的硬件上运行的软件创建的。 理想情况下,除了组织之外,任何人都无法共享存储,并且完全由企业控制和保留。 可扩展性是云的最大优势,用户可以在现有架构中添加服务器。 而且,该架构由用户完全管理。 由于具有自我管理的能力,即使扩展该体系结构,也可以进一步提高其性能和容量。

Deciding factors for Public Cloud Vs. Private Cloud dilemma:

与公有云相比的决定性因素。 私有云困境:

Elementary Expense


It is falsely believed that the Private Cloud architecture require a very large investment in the early stages. Whereas, the truth is, private clouds can be built at an affordable budget, also, deploying the architecture is pretty easy. The users can download the software and the private cloud can be operational within an hour.

人们错误地认为私有云架构在早期需要大量的投资。 事实是,私有云可以以可承受的预算构建,而且,部署该体系结构也很容易。 用户可以下载软件,并且私有云可以在一小时内运行。


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Public Cloud Hosting are offered at an affordable price of £33 GBP. Since users are not required to buy hardware nor software, the elementary expenditure is trivial assuming that the user applications can do the talking about the needed protocols.

公共云托管的价格 33英镑英镑。 由于不需要用户购买硬件或软件,因此假设用户应用程序可以讨论所需的协议,那么基本支出是微不足道的。


数据量 (Volume of Data)

As stated earlier, the Cloud storage is primarily reputed for its extensive scalability features but most companies start out small. Private cloud can initiate from few TB’s also offering simple scalability out of capacity by simply adding additional nodes or disks.

如前所述,云存储主要以其广泛的可伸缩性功能而闻名,但大多数公司起步时都比较小。 私有云可以从几个TB启动,也可以通过简单地添加其他节点或磁盘来提供简单的可扩展性。

Whereas, the Public clouds start even smaller. Public clouds makes it simple to back-up a single laptop or deploying an application of some GBs. With the expansion, users can lease more capacity and the cost scales linearly.

而公有云的起点更小。 公共云使备份单个笔记本电脑或部署一些GB的应用程序变得简单。 随着扩展,用户可以租用更多容量,并且成本呈线性增长。

资料储存时间 (Duration of Data Storage)

The duration of time for storing user date onto the cloud could mainly affect the Cloud selection. The longer the data stays onto the public cloud the more is the increase in the costs. That means, if you store content that keeps changing on a regular basis, then Public Cloud solutions are the perfect suit for you.

将用户日期存储到云上的时间长度可能主要影响云的选择。 数据停留在公共云上的时间越长,成本的增加就越大。 这意味着,如果您存储定期更改的内容,那么公共云解决方案将非常适合您。

Private clouds are licensed like enterprise. The duration of time for data storage would not affect the cost, hence making it an ideal solution for archives or content repository applications.

私有云像企业一样被许可。 数据存储的持续时间不会影响成本,因此使其成为归档或内容存储库应用程序的理想解决方案。

绩效期望 (Performance Expectations)

The deployment of private clouds is within the firewall and is accessible via an Ethernet Local Area Network.


Private clouds are deployed inside the firewall and accessed over the Ethernet LAN at wire speed. Read access in the 100 MB/s range per node is pretty usual. Every addition of nodes offers an performance improvement to this type of cloud. Replication of files to multiple nodes, each capable of serving independent requests.

私有云部署在防火墙内部,并以线速通过以太网LAN进行访问。 每个节点100 MB / s范围内的读取访问是很常见的。 每次添加节点都会为这种类型的云提高性能。 将文件复制到多个节点,每个节点都能够处理独立的请求。

There is a limitation to Public cloud accessibility since it is accessed via an Internet. And where the internet is involved bandwidth limitations come into picture. Choosing the appropriate bandwidth resources can solve this problem though.

公共云的可访问性受到限制,因为它是通过Internet访问的。 在涉及互联网的地方,带宽限制就成为现实。 选择适当的带宽资源可以解决此问题。

访问方式和位置 (Access Patterns and Locations)

Public cloud offerings ideally encompass the replication of data to many geo-locations, usually for an additional charge. If you have a users from all over the world and can benefit from locality of data, the public cloud can at-times be an alternate for a content distribution network.

理想情况下,公共云产品通常包含将数据复制到许多地理位置的操作,通常需要额外付费。 如果您有来自世界各地的用户,并且可以从数据的本地性中受益,则公共云有时可能是内容分发网络的替代者。

The deployment of Private clouds is in a single location for Local Area Network. The remotely located users would essentially require to get connected to the Wide Area Network and work with Internet type latencies. Bigger private cloud deployments can include various locations and start to approach the public cloud distribution, although making users to make greater initial investments.

私有云的部署位于局域网的单个位置。 远程用户基本上需要连接到广域网并使用Internet类型的延迟。 更大的私有云部署可以覆盖各个位置,并开始接近公共云的分布,尽管这会使用户做出更大的初始投资。

安全性和数据隔离 (Security and Data Isolation)

We can find multiple published opinions and dedicated websites which describe the security of public cloud offerings. But the primarily concern is the control-ability of your data. Public clouds are exactly that, public. Isolation of data is only as strong as the virtualization technologies used to build the cloud and the provider’s firewall.

我们可以找到描述公共云产品安全性的多个发表的意见和专门的网站。 但是最主要的问题是数据的可控制性。 公共云正是, 公开 。 数据隔离仅与用于构建云和提供商的防火墙的虚拟化技术一样强大。

The ownership, deployment and management of Private clouds is done by in-house administrators. Isolation of data depends on your requirements and security is based on internal processes.

私有云的所有权,部署和管理由内部管理员完成。 数据的隔离取决于您的要求,安全性基于内部流程。

机密性和数据破坏 (Confidentiality and Destruction of Data)

Alike security, confidentiality of data is a factor which needs consideration while choosing cloud storage solutions. The law is defined based on control of the data. Users must go through the terms and conditions laden by the Cloud hosting providers.

与安全性一样,数据的机密性也是选择云存储解决方案时需要考虑的因素。 根据数据控制来定义法律。 用户必须遵守Cloud托管 提供商提供的条款和条件。

Since private clouds are maintained and controlled by you, you have complete control over deletion of the data stored on the cloud.


SLA的服务水平协议 (SLA’s-Service Level Agreements)

Private Cloud all-together have a different mechanism for data availability and service of access. Most leverage multiple copies of files on multiple nodes and treat each node as a failure domain. Individual server malfunctions does not get the cloud down nor result in data loss, therefore most SLA agreements are fulfilled. Get assured with a clear understanding of the architecture and its capabilities when selecting and deploying a private cloud.

私有云共同为数据可用性和访问服务提供了不同的机制。 大多数服务器在多个节点上利用文件的多个副本,并将每个节点视为故障域。 单个服务器故障不会使云瘫痪,也不会导致数据丢失,因此大多数SLA协议都已实现。 选择和部署私有云时,请确保对架构及其功能有清晰的了解。

Public cloud SLA’s are published by the providers and its their sole responsibility. Remediation is ideally a cash payment and while they will help get your data recovered from their last backup files.

公共云SLA由提供商发布,并由其独自负责。 补救是理想的现金支付方式,尽管它们将帮助您从上次备份文件中恢复您的数据。

内部技术人员 (In-House Technical Crew)

With Public cloud solutions, your are not required buy a hardware nor an in-house team of administrators. Data center infrastructure and related costs are borne by the Cloud providers. This enables you to concentrate on your businesses core competencies.

借助公共云解决方案,您无需购买硬件或内部管理员团队。 数据中心基础架构和相关成本由云提供商承担。 这使您可以专注于业务的核心竞争力。

Since the deployment of Private Cloud is inside the firewall, you would need a crew of system administrators of your own to manage the cloud.


How to choose between a Private Cloud hosting solution and Public Cloud Hosting offering?


That’s no big deal actually. You only need to have a basic understanding of your data and usage. Referring the information above, one can easily choose the best type of Cloud Hosting types for your business.

实际上,那没什么大不了的。 您只需要对数据和使用情况有基本的了解。 参考上面的信息,您可以轻松地为您的业务选择最佳的Cloud Hosting类型。

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翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-is-the-difference-between-public-clouds-and-a-private-cloud/






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