Linux指南| 第2部分

Linux –法律方面–许可条款 (Linux – Legal Aspects – Licensing Terms)

Initially, Torvalds has distributed Linux under a license which forbade any commercial exploitation. This was soon changed by the GNU General Public License (GPL) since version 0.12. This license allows the distribution and sale of possibly changed versions of Linux or not, but requires that all copies are distributed under the same license, accompanied by the complete corresponding source code.

最初,Torvalds根据许可证发行了Linux,禁止任何商业利用。 自0.12版以来,GNU通用公共许可证(GPL)很快对此进行了更改。 该许可证允许发行和出售可能不发行的Linux版本,但要求所有副本均在同一许可证下发行,并附带完整的相应源代码。

Torvalds has described licensing under the GPL as “the best thing I ever did.”


Linux – GNU通用公共许可证版本3 (Linux – GNU General Public License Version # 3)

Currently, Linux is licensed only under version 2 of the GPL, and, unlike many other software under the GPL, with no option to use a later version, and there is more controversy about how easy it could be modified to use Later versions of the GPL, such as version 3, and even if this is desirable. Specifically Indicated Torvalds himself upon the release of version 2.4.0 That his own code is only under version 2. However, the terms of the GPL state that if no version is specified, then any version may be used, as shown by Alan Cox, few Linux developers specify a particular version of the GPL. In July 2006, a survey of 29 key developers of Linux indicated that 28 preferred GPLv2 to the then current draft of GPLv3. Torvalds commented, “I think a number of outsiders… believed that I personally was the only odd man out because I was so publicly not a fan of GPLv3.”

当前,Linux仅在GPL版本2下获得许可,并且与GPL下的许多其他软件不同,它没有选择使用更高版本的权利,并且关于如何修改它以使用新版本的容易程度存在更多争议。 GPL,例如版本3,即使这是理想的。 在版本2.4.0发行时明确指示Torvalds本人,他自己的代码仅在版本2下。但是,GPL的条款规定,如果未指定版本,则可以使用任何版本,如Alan Cox所示,很少有Linux开发人员指定GPL的特定版本。 在2006年7月,对29个Linux关键开发人员的调查表明,有28个人首选GPLv2,而不是当时的GPLv3草案。 Torvalds评论说:“我认为许多局外人……相信我个人是唯一一个奇怪的人,因为我公开地不是GPLv3的粉丝。”

Linux –可加载的内核模块和固件 (Linux – Loadable kernel modules and firmware)

It is argued that modules from the core (in English: LKMs) should be considered derivative work under U.S. copyright law, and therefore falls under the GPL. Torvalds stated his belief that modules that use a limited subset, and public interfaces of the core may sometimes not be derived works, and thus allowing some binary modules and other modules that are not licensed under the GPL. Many Linux contributors disagree with this interpretation, however, even Torvalds agrees that many modules are clearly derived works, and sure enough, he writes that “the core modules ARE derivative ‘by default.” In contrast, Torvalds also said that “a gray area in particular is something like a driver that was originally written for another operating system (e.g., clearly is not a derivative work of Linux in origin). THIS is a gray area, and _esta_ is the area that I believe that some modules can not be considered as derivative works, simply because they were not designed for Linux and not dependent on any specific operating goals. ” proprietary graphics drivers in particular, are widely discussed. Finally, it is likely that such issues can only be resolved by a court.

有人认为,根据美国版权法,核心模块(英文:LKM)应视为衍生作品,因此属于GPL。 Torvalds表示他相信使用有限子集的模块以及核心的公共接口有时可能无法派生,因此允许某些二进制模块和其他未经GPL许可的模块。 许多Linux贡献者不同意这种解释,但是,甚至Torvalds也同意许多模块是明确派生的作品,并且可以肯定的是,他写道“核心模块默认是派生的”。 相比之下,Torvalds还说:“特别是灰色区域类似于最初为另一个操作系统编写的驱动程序(例如,显然不是Linux的衍生产品)。 我认为这是一个灰色区域,而_esta_是我认为不能将某些模块视为衍生产品的区域,这仅仅是因为它们不是为Linux设计的,并且不依赖于任何特定的操作目标。 特别是专有图形驱动程序已被广泛讨论。 最后,此类问题很可能只能由法院解决。

One point of controversy over the licensing, is that Linux makes use of “smearing binary” firmware to support hardware devices. These files are distributed under a wide variety of licenses, many restrictive, and its fundamental exact source is unknown. Richard Stallman argues that these blots make Linux partially non-free software, and deploy Linux may be a violation of the GPL, which requires “complete corresponding source code” is available. In response, the FSFLA started to project, Linux-libre, to create a Completely Free kernel without proprietary objects, WHICH IS used by some distributions Completely Free.

关于许可的争议之一是,Linux利用“涂抹二进制”固件来支持硬件设备。 这些文件在各种各样的许可证下分发,有很多限制性,其基本确切来源尚不清楚。 理查德·斯托曼(Richard Stallman)认为,这些漏洞使Linux成为部分非自由软件,并且部署Linux可能违反了GPL,这要求“完整的相应源代码”可用。 作为回应,FSFLA开始设计Linux-libre,以创建一个没有专有对象的完全免费内核,某些发行版使用了完全免费。

Linux商标 (Linux Trademark)

Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and certain other countries. This is the result of an incident in which William Della Croce, Jr., who was not involved in the Linux project, registered the name and then asked for royalties for its use. Several supporters of the Linux part of a legal counsel and filed a lawsuit against Della Croce, who agreed in 1998 to designate the record to Torvalds.

Linux是Linus Torvalds在美国和某些其他国家的商标。 这是一次事件的结果,在此事件中,未参与Linux项目的小威廉·德拉·克鲁斯(William Della Croce,Jr.)注册了该名称,然后要求其使用权使用费。 Linux的几个支持者是一名法律顾问,并对Della Croce提起诉讼,后者于1998年同意将唱片指定给Torvalds。

Linux – SCO诉讼 (Linux – SCO Litigation)

In March 2003, the SCO Group (SCO) filed a lawsuit against IBM claiming that IBM had infringed copyrights that SCO says it has about the source code of Unix, by contributing portions of that code to Linux. Additionally, SCO sent letters to several companies warning that their use of Linux without a license from SCO may be a violation of copyright law, and told the press that they would sue individual users of Linux. IBM has pledged to defend its consumer Linux on their behalf. This process has generated controversy by SCO against Novell, DaimlerChrysler (partially dismissed in July 2004), and AutoZone, and retaliatory processed by Red Hat and others against SCO.

2003年3月,SCO Group(SCO)对IBM提起诉讼,称IBM通过将部分代码贡献给Linux侵犯了SCO声称拥有的有关Unix源代码的版权。 此外,SCO向几家公司致信,警告他们未经SCO许可使用Linux可能会违反版权法,并告诉媒体,他们将起诉Linux的个人用户。 IBM已承诺为他们的消费者Linux辩护。 SCO对Novell,DaimlerChrysler(部分于2004年7月解散)和AutoZone产生了争议,Red Hat和其他公司针对SCO进行了报复。

In early 2007 the SCO met the specific details of the object infringed. Despite earlier assertions that the SCO was the rightful owner of one million lines of code, it specifies 326 lines of code, most of whom were ineligible for copyright. In September 2007, the court in the Novell case ruled that SCO did not own the truth of the Unix copyrights to begin with, although the Court of Appeals for the Tenth U.S. Circuit ruled in September 2009 that the question of who was the owner of itself copyright was for the jury to decide. The case was decided on March 30, 2010, favoring Novell.

2007年初,上海合作组织了解了侵权对象的具体细节。 尽管早先宣称SCO是一百万行代码的合法所有者,但它仍指定了326行代码,其中大多数没有资格获得版权。 2007年9月,Novell案的法院裁定SCO首先不拥有Unix版权的真相,尽管美国第十巡回上诉法院于2009年9月裁定谁是其所有者的问题版权由陪审团决定。 该案于2010年3月30日判决,对Novell有利。

Linux规格 (Linux Specifications)

Linux supports multitasking in advance (in both user mode and kernel mode), virtual memory, shared libraries, demand loading, executable copy-on-write shared memory management, the set of Internet protocols, and execution in line.


Linux架构 (Linux Architecture)

Linux is a monolithic kernel. device drivers and kernel extensions run in kernel space (ring 0 on many CPU architectures), with full access to the hardware, although some exceptions are implemented in user space. The graphics system that most people use with Linux will not run in the nucleus, in contrast to that found in Microsoft Windows.

Linux是单片内核。 设备驱动程序和内核扩展在内核空间(在许多CPU架构上为0)上运行,并且可以完全访问硬件,尽管在用户空间中实现了一些例外。 与Microsoft Windows相比,大多数人在Linux上使用的图形系统不会在内核中运行。

Preemptive Kernel-mode allows device drivers to be anticipated under certain conditions. This feature was added to handle hardware interrupts correctly and improve support for symmetric multiprocessing (in English: SMP). Preemptive also improves latency, increasing responsiveness and making Linux more suitable for real time applications.

抢先内核模式使设备驱动程序在某些情况下可以预期。 添加此功能是为了正确处理硬件中断并改善对对称多处理的支持(英语:SMP)。 Preemptive还可以改善延迟,增加响应速度,并使Linux更适合于实时应用程序。

内核恐慌 (Kernel panic)

On Linux, a “panic” is an unrecoverable system error detected by the nucleus in contrast to similar errors found by code in user space. It is possible for kernel code to indicate such a condition by calling the panic function located in the file header file sys / system.h. However, most panics are the result of an untreated processor exception in kernel code, such as references to an invalid address in memory. Typically these are indicators of a malfunction somewhere in the call chain leading to panic. They can also mean a hardware failure, like a cell RAM failure or errors in arithmetic functions on the processor caused by defective processor, damaged / overheated, or a slight error.

在Linux上,与用户空间中的代码发现的类似错误相比,“恐慌”是由内核检测到的不可恢复的系统错误。 内核代码可以通过调用位于文件头文件sys / system.h中的panic函数来指示这种情况。 但是,大多数恐慌是内核代码中未处理的处理器异常(例如对内存中无效地址的引用)导致的。 通常,这些是呼叫链中某些地方导致故障的指示器。 它们还可能意味着硬件故障,例如单元RAM故障或由于处理器故障,损坏/过热或轻微错误而导致的处理器算术功能错误。

内核糟糕 (Kernel Oops)

A bug report in the nucleus called kerneloops is received automatically by the software kerneloops or by extending the kernel oops ABRT. gathers these statistics and publishes reports on its website.

软件kerneloops或通过扩展内核oop ABRT会自动接收称为kerneloops的内核中的错误报告。 Kerneloops.org收集这些统计数据并在其网站上发布报告。

Tanenbaum-Torvalds辩论 (Tanenbaum-Torvalds Debate)

The fact that Linux is a monolithic kernel rather than a microkernel was the topic of debate between Andrew Tanenbaum-Torvalds S. Tanenbaum and Linus Torvalds. The debate began in 1992, and on Linux kernel architectures in general discussion group on Usenet comp.os.minix. Tanenbaum argued that micronuclei are superior to monolithic kernels, and therefore Linux was obsolete. Unlike traditional monolithic kernels, device drivers are easily configured as loadable modules, and are loaded or unloaded while running the system. This subject was revisited in May 9, 2006, and on May 12, 2006 Tanenbaum wrote a statement.

Linux是单块内核而不是微内核的事实是Andrew Tanenbaum-Torvalds S. Tanenbaum和Linus Torvalds之间争论的话题。 辩论始于1992年,有关Usenet comp.os.minix上的Linux内核体系结构的一般性讨论。 Tanenbaum认为微核优于单片内核,因此Linux已过时。 与传统的单片内核不同,设备驱动程序可轻松配置为可加载模块,并在运行系统时加载或卸载。 该主题在2006年5月9日进行了重新讨论,2006年5月12日,Tanenbaum发表了一份声明。








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