pop3 邮件列表_什么是邮件列表| 第2部分

pop3 邮件列表

邮件列表–邮件功能 (Mailing List – Features of the messages)

In many systems, mailing lists, you can configure filters that block messages that do not comply with certain characteristics: size (discard or blocks messages that exceed a certain size), number of recipients (discard or blocks messages that have many recipients, to prevent the spread of private e-mail).


You can also modify the messages acting on attachments such as eliminating all attachments, or only certain MIME types.


封存 (Archive)

If the service includes automatic archiving of messages, you can decide if the archive is publicly accessible only to members or private administrator.


成员名单 (List of members)

You can decide whether the list of subscribers to the list should be public (which is rarely done for reasons of privacy), accessible only to members or private administrator.


摘要模式 (Digest mode)

Normally, messages are sent immediately to list all members. Some members, however, may decide instead to receive multiple messages together. This is called a digest mode. The Digest is an e-mail that contains a set of messages to the list, and can be achieved with mime or simply copying the text of several messages, and is created when certain conditions, such as the number of messages to send or the time from which they are stationary.

通常,将立即发送消息以列出所有成员。 但是,某些成员可能决定改为一起接收多条消息。 这称为摘要模式。 摘要是一封电子邮件,其中包含一组到列表的消息,可以通过mime或简单地复制几封消息的文本来实现,并且是在某些条件(例如要发送的消息数或时间)下创建的从它们静止不动。

Rules of conduct


Each mailing list is subject to special rules or behavior (see etiquette) to which every member must follow. Generally the messages are obliged to treat a particular topic, which can be generic. Many mailing lists are moderated, in which case messages sent by subscribers are checked by a moderator before being relayed to other members.

每个邮件列表均受每个成员必须遵循的特殊规则或行为(请参见礼节)的约束。 通常,消息必须处理特定的主题,该主题可以是通用的。 许多邮件列表都是经过审核的,在这种情况下,订户发送的邮件在转发给其他成员之前由主持人检查。

邮件列表和注销 (Mailing Lists And logout)

In general, a user must subscribe to a mailing list to receive the news spread there, or even send messages to the participants of the list to be allowed. For the application itself are very different processes used – from an entry by hand to free-form application to fully automated process with confirmed opt-in. Whether a user can log on at all, is determined by the administrator of the list by configuring the server.

通常,用户必须订阅邮件列表才能接收在那里传播的新闻,甚至向该列表的参与者发送消息以被允许。 对于应用程序本身,使用的过程非常不同-从手工输入到自由格式的应用程序,到具有确认加入的全自动过程。 用户是否可以登录,由列表的管理员通过配置服务器来确定。

Like the sign is also on logout (or unsubscribe) a variety of methods: Often, the subscriber of a mailing list can automatically unsubscribe when logging a message which is described in the how to unsubscribe. Some lists also automatically write this information in the header of the e-mail or any contribution that is distributed via the list. In most cases, the mailer send the subscriber an e-mail with an unsubscribe command to a specific address, in some cases it may also subscribe via a Web interface. Under no circumstances should a subscriber to write e-mails with a request to unsubscribe to the list itself, as this other subscribers will be harassed unnecessarily. Unfortunately, there are also lists of which can be the subscriber’s address is no or very difficult to remove.

就像在注销(或退订)时也使用该标志一样,有多种方法:通常,邮件列表的订户在记录一条消息时会自动退订,这在如何退订中进行了描述。 一些列表还会自动将此信息写在电子邮件的标题或通过列表分发的任何贡献中。 在大多数情况下,邮件程序向订阅者发送带有取消订阅命令的电子邮件到特定地址,在某些情况下,它还可以通过Web界面进行订阅。 一个订户在任何情况下都不应写一封要求取消订阅该列表本身的电子邮件,因为这将不必要地骚扰其他订户。 不幸的是,也有一些列表,可能是订户的地址没有或很难删除。

邮件列表–读写权限 (Mailing Lists – Read and write permissions)

Whether a registered user to read, write, or both, may be the list administrator by configuring the server determined. Thus, for example, find lists that anyone can read (via a web interface), but only write to the registered user may also. Some mailing lists are managed by a facilitator, reviewed the incoming mails before they are forwarded to all participants. The moderator can thus sort out such as Articles that are purely promotional in nature (UCE), are-topic or breach of netiquette. In a variant, only messages from unregistered users are checked by the moderator, while registered users can write directly to the list.

可以通过配置服务器确定列表管理员是读取,写入还是同时使用这两个注册用户。 因此,例如,查找任何人都可以阅读的列表(通过Web界面),但也只能写给注册用户。 一些邮件列表由主持人管理,在将收到的邮件转发给所有参与者之前先对其进行审核。 因此,主持人可以整理出诸如纯粹是促销性质(UCE),话题性或违反网络礼节的文章。 在一个变体中,主持人仅检查来自未注册用户的消息,而已注册用户可以直接写入列表。

邮件列表主题 (Mailing List Topics)

Mailing lists now exist on nearly every commercial web site, whether it as a provider of services, products, newspaper Information / News is intended or is this just a normal website. The offer is varied and tailored to the respective set priorities for the individual provider / institution / company etc.. The range of interests and their different focuses are almost limitless. You are almost as numerous and varied as the offerings of the Internet and websites. Most of these mailing lists are used to inform about news or promote various offers.

现在,几乎每个商业网站都存在邮件列表,无论它是作为服务,产品,报纸信息/新闻的提供者,还是纯粹的普通网站。 要约是多种多样的,并针对各个提供者/机构/公司等各自设置的优先级而定制。利益范围及其不同重点几乎是无限的。 您几乎与Internet和网站的产品一样多变。 这些邮件列表大部分用于通知新闻或宣传各种优惠。

邮件列表–滥用和保护 (Mailing Lists – Abuse and protection)

Mailing lists are sometimes abused by malicious third parties about the e-mail address of the recipient – without the consent of the recipient – in different lists so that it now regularly receives unsolicited e-mails from this list (using the List-linking).


The problem can be avoided simply by the operator of the list by one-Confirmed opt-in procedure for notification prescribes. The recipient receives only one per mail list, to which he would have to respond in order to be registered in future in the distribution of the list, which can simply omit it. Unwittingly registered beneficiary need not, therefore, log out.

清单的操作者可以通过通知确认单的一个确认选择程序来简单地避免此问题。 收件人在每个邮件列表中仅收到一个,他必须响应才能在以后的列表分发中进行注册(可以将其省略)。 因此,无意中注册的受益人无需注销。

Significantly more expensive for the recipient it is if the list operator on an opt-in waived. In this case, the recipient must unsubscribe yourself from any list or unsubscribe from the list of administrators can be what some unscrupulous operators not, or can only with great effort. In both cases, this is a very tedious and time-consuming business in particular is – especially since there is a risk that the address of the involuntary recipient is entered again in this or other mailing list. In extreme cases, this can be largely useless in this way an e-mail address because of the undesirably high mail volumes.

如果选择放弃使用列表运算符,则对于接收者而言,代价将更为昂贵。 在这种情况下,接收者必须从任何列表中退订自己或从管理员列表中退订,这可能是一些不道德的操作员所不能做到的,或者只能付出很大的努力。 在这两种情况下,这都是非常繁琐且耗时的业务,尤其是因为存在非自愿收件人的地址再次输入此邮件列表或其他邮件列表的风险。 在极端情况下,由于不希望有的大量邮件,这种方式在很大程度上无法使用电子邮件地址。

Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-is-a-mailing-list-part-2/

pop3 邮件列表





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