什么是Web 2.0

什么是Web 2.0? (What Is Web 2.0?)

Web 2.0 is a term used to refer generically to a state of evolution of the Internet (and specifically the World Wide Web), compared to the previous condition. It tends to indicate how Web 2.0, the set of all those online applications that allow a strong level of user-interaction site (blogs, forums, chat systems such as Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Gmail, WordPress, etc.)

与以前的条件相比,Web 2.0是一个泛指Internet(特别是万维网)发展状态的术语。 它趋向于指示Web 2.0是如何使所有这些在线应用程序的集合,这些应用程序允许强大级别的用户交互网站(博客,论坛,聊天系统,如Wikipedia,YouTube,Facebook,MySpace,Twitter,Gmail,WordPress等)。 )

The phrase highlights the differences from the so-called Web 1.0, widespread until the early nineties, and composed primarily of static websites, with no possibility of user interaction except for normal navigation between pages, use of email and the use of search engines.

这句话强调了与所谓的Web 1.0的区别,Web 1.0一直流行到90年代初,主要由静态网站组成,除了页面之间的正常导航,电子邮件的使用和搜索引擎的使用之外,几乎没有用户交互的可能性。

For Web 2.0 applications often use special programming technologies such as AJAX (Gmail uses this technique extensively) or Adobe Flex.

对于Web 2.0应用程序,通常使用特殊的编程技术,例如AJAX(Gmail广泛使用此技术)或Adobe Flex。

An example would be the social commerce E-commerce developments in interactive way that allows greater participation by our customers through blog, forum, feedback systems etc.


Skeptics contend that the term Web 2.0 has no real significance, as this depends entirely on what the proponents agree that should mean to try to convince the media and investors who are creating something new and better, instead of continue to develop existing technologies.

怀疑论者认为,Web 2.0一词没有真正的意义,因为这完全取决于支持者所同意的含义,即说服媒体和投资者创造新的更好的东西,而不是继续开发现有技术。

Some have started, as by Seth Godin, to use the term “New Web” (New Web) because we remain very skeptical about using the label “Web 2.0” (or even 3.0 and later) when used to and generally to define uniquely a complex and continuous innovation of digital communication paradigms on the web. Although the term “New Web” does not quickly become customary among netizens, this probably will not become obsolete as is happening for the label “Web 2.0” for e.g., “3.0”, “3.5” “4.0 “and so on. Such labels are meant to “photograph” in a non-unique one time.

就像塞斯·戈丁(Seth Godin)一样,有些人开始使用“新网站”(New Web)一词,因为我们仍然习惯于使用“ Web 2.0”(甚至3.0及更高版本)这个标签来表示怀疑,因为它通常用于唯一地定义网络上数字通信范式的复杂而不断的创新。 尽管“新网站”一词并没有很快成为网民的习惯,但它可能不会像过时的“ Web 2.0”(例如“ 3.0”,“ 3.5”,“ 4.0”等)那样过时。 此类标签旨在一次非唯一地“拍照”。

历史分析 (Historical analysis)

Originally the Web was conceived as a way to display static hypertext documents (created with the use of HTML), this approach can be defined as Web 1.0.

最初,Web被认为是一种显示静态超文本文档的方法(使用HTML创建),该方法可以定义为Web 1.0。

Then, through integration with database and using content management systems (CMS), the Internet has evolved with dynamic sites (such as forums or blogs), this dynamic web is some call Web 1.5.

然后,通过与数据库集成并使用内容管理系统(CMS),Internet随动态站点(例如论坛或博客)发展而来,这种动态Web称为Web 1.5。

Through the use of scripting languages like JavaScript, dynamic elements and style sheets (CSS) for artwork, you can create real “web applications” that differ from the old concept of simple hypertext link and to resemble traditional computer applications.

通过将脚本语言(如JavaScript,动态元素和样式表(CSS))用于艺术品,您可以创建与简单的超文本链接的旧概念不同的,类似于传统计算机应用程序的真实“ Web应用程序”。

From a technological point of view, Web 2.0 is equivalent to Web 1.0, as the network infrastructure continues to be provided by TCP / IP and HTTP, and hypertext is still the basic concept of the relationship between content. The difference, more than anything else, lies in the approach by which users are turning to the Web, which basically goes from simple consultation (albeit supported by efficient tools for recruitment and aggregation) can contribute to feeding and populating the Web with their content.

从技术角度看,Web 2.0等同于Web 1.0,因为网络基础结构继续由TCP / IP和HTTP提供,并且超文本仍然是内容之间关系的基本概念。 最重要的是,区别在于用户转向Web的方法,该方法基本上来自简单的咨询(尽管有有效的招聘和汇总工具支持)可以促进向Web填充内容。

与Web 1.0的差异和比较 (Differences and comparisons with the Web 1.0)

Web 2.0 is basically a philosophical approach to the network that characterizes the social dimension of sharing authorship than the mere use: although in terms of technological tools of the network may appear unchanged (like forums, chats and blogs, that “pre-existed” back in Web 1.0) is precisely how to use the network to open new scenarios based on coexistence in the user the opportunity to benefit and create / edit multimedia content.

Web 2.0基本上是网络的一种哲学方法,它具有共享作者权的社会意义,而不是单纯的使用:尽管就网络的技术工具而言,它们可能看起来没有变化(例如论坛,聊天和博客,但已经“存在”了)在Web 1.0中)恰恰就是如何利用网络打开新的场景,并基于在用户中共存的机会受益并创建/编辑多媒体内容。

Although potentially light in the same network paradigm, which feeds on the concept of shared resources, represents the realization of expectations of the creators of the Web, that only thanks to technological developments today are a tangible reality. The ability to access low-cost services that can enable editing for the user-developed, is an important step towards genuine interaction and sharing in which the user’s role is central.

尽管以共享资源的概念为基础的同一网络范式中的潜在含义代表了Web创建者的期望的实现,但是只有今天的技术发展才是有形的现实。 访问低成本服务的能力可以为用户开发的内容进行编辑,这是迈向真正交互和共享的重要一步,在此过程中,用户的角色至关重要。

In describing the characteristics of Web 2.0 is often proceeds by comparison with the Web 1.0, indicating as in step version of the basic elements have evolved or been replaced by new. This is a way of representing the popular Web 2.0 and not strictly technical, but quite effective to recognize the evolution of the Internet.

在描述Web 2.0的特性时,通常会通过与Web 1.0进行比较来进行说明,这表明基本元素的逐步版本已经演化或被新的元素所替代。 这是一种表示流行的Web 2.0的方式,并不是严格意义上的技术,而是一种非常有效的方法来识别Internet的发展。

从个人网站到博客 (From personal websites to blogs)

If the first building a personal website requires mastery of elements of HTML and programming, now with blogs is anyone can publish their content, providing them also attractive graphics, without possessing any special technical skills.


If the first web community were overwhelmingly made up of specialists, today the situation is completely reversed. In her masters blogs are writers, journalists, artists or otherwise “sensitive souls” with preparation for information is not particularly high.

如果第一个网络社区绝大多数由专家组成,那么今天的情况就完全相反了。 在她的大师博客中,作家,新闻工作者,艺术家或其他准备信息的“敏感灵魂”并不是特别高。

Wiki的内容管理系统 (Content management systems for the wiki)

Technology Wiki (Wikipedia is its most famous application) is the culmination of content management as it implements all the paradigms. If you previously required more computer applications to manage the lifecycle of information (intuition to fruition), today the same technology to better support the process. It receives the same information environment in which it was born.

技术Wiki(Wikipedia是其最著名的应用程序)是内容管理的顶点,因为它实现了所有范例。 如果您以前需要更多的计算机应用程序来管理信息的生命周期(从直觉到实现),那么今天使用相同的技术可以更好地支持流程。 它接收与它出生时相同的信息环境。

从粘性联合组织 (From the stickiness syndication)

The techniques used until recently to take more time, visitors to a website (stickiness, literally the ‘stickiness’ of a site, the ability to keep glued to it users) are giving way to other concepts contact with the user. Through syndication technologies (RSS, Atom, Tagging) who creates content ensures that they can be enjoyed not only the site but also through different channels.

直到最近,花费更多时间的技术,网站的访问者(粘性,字面意义上的“粘性”,保持与用户保持联系的能力)逐渐被其他与用户联系的概念所取代。 通过联合发布技术(RSS,Atom,标记),创建内容的人可以确保不仅可以在网站上,而且可以通过不同的渠道来欣赏它们。

An example of these new channels is feeds, that list items with a title (e.g., news of a newspaper, a newsgroup thread) allowing the following link to information content. These may be updated and consulted frequently with special programs or through the browser and then allow you to always be aware of new content posted on several sites without having to visit them directly.

这些新频道的一个示例是feed,其中列出了带有标题的项目(例如,报纸新闻,新闻组主题),允许以下链接到信息内容。 这些内容可能会通过特殊程序或通过浏览器进行更新和经常查看,然后使您始终知道发布在多个站点上的新内容,而不必直接访问它们。

内容创建工具 (Tools for content creation)

The possibility of creating and sharing content on the Web, typical of Web 2.0, is given by a set of tools online that let you use the web as if it were a normal application. In practice, the second generation Web is a Web where you can find those services that were previously offered by packages to be installed on individual computers.

可以通过一系列在线工具来创建和共享Web上的内容,这是Web 2.0的典型功能,使您可以像正常应用程序一样使用Web。 实际上,第二代Web是一个Web,您可以在其中找到那些以前由要安装在单个计算机上的软件包提供的服务。

Examples of Web 2.0 are FCKeditor Writely, real word processors and converters, or NumSum, a kind of spreadsheet. Google also recently launched its suite of editors, called Google Docs & Spreadsheets, and Microsoft is releasing an online version of Office suite.

Web 2.0的示例包括FCKeditor Writely,真实文字处理器和转换器或NumSum(一种电子表格)。 谷歌最近还推出了名为Google Docs&Spreadsheets的编辑器套件,而Microsoft则发布了Office套件的在线版本。

Besides the creation of shared online content, Web 2.0 is characterized by immediate publication and its content classification and indexing in search engines so that information is immediately available to benefit the community, quickly realizing the life cycle of content management. To publish content are king on the Web (today) the blog provider such as Blogger, WordPress and Splinder, but also trading platforms like Microsoft Sharepoint Services 3.0 version that accentuates its collaboration features becoming the server side of Office 12.

除了创建共享的在线内容外,Web 2.0的特点还包括在搜索引擎中立即发布及其内容分类和索引,以便立即获得使社区受益的信息,从而快速实现内容管理的生命周期。 如今,发布内容是Web上的王者(今天),是Blogger,WordPress和Splinder之类的博客提供程序,也是诸如Microsoft Sharepoint Services 3.0版本之类的交易平台,该平台强调了其协作功能,成为Office 12的服务器端。

Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到

Web 2.0 is a term used to refer generically to a state of evolution of the Internet (and specifically the World Wide Web), compared to the previous condition.
与以前的条件相比,Web 2.0是一个泛指Internet(特别是万维网)发展状态的术语。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-is-web-2-0/

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