

Linux –桌面环境 (Linux – Desktop Environments)

The inventory of the previous chapter is described in a manifesto dated 1996 Matthias Ettrich grown in response to base the KDE and Miguel de Icaza founded the GNOME project to the next year, which reflect Mac OS and Windows in terms of usability and software standardization of behavior.

前一章的清单在1996年Matthias Ettrich的宣言中进行了描述,该宣言是为响应KDE而建立的,Miguel de Icaza于明年建立了GNOME项目,从可用性和软件行为标准化方面反映了Mac OS和Windows。 。

These two projects have become the backbone of Linux on the desktop. Each has indeed:

这两个项目已成为桌面Linux的骨干。 每个确实具有:

  • Programmers, a very productive programming environment as well as recommendations of interfaces (in English: guidelines) to produce faster applications easier to use;

  • Translators, infrastructure. These two environments and their myriad of software are translated into dozens of languages;

    转换器,基础架构。 这两种环境及其无数的软件被翻译成数十种语言。
  • Artists, work spaces to exercise their talents;

  • Specialists in ergonomics, the ability to make it more simple and coherent;

  • External applications, a reference environment in which integration;

  • And thus to the user, a complete environment, and a seamless, integrated suite of essential applications: file browser, web browser, media player, email client, address book, pdf reader, and manager images.


These two desktop environments have recently reached a certain maturity include the 2003 KDE, later to GNOME. Very active, both projects have nevertheless intends to improve dramatically for their next major releases, and efforts in this direction are concentrated within projects Appeal for KDE, and Topaz for GNOME.

这两个桌面环境最近已经达到一定的成熟度,包括2003 KDE,后来到GNOME。 这两个项目都很活跃,但是它们都打算在其下一个主要版本中进行重大改进,并且朝着这个方向的努力集中在KDE呼吁项目和GNOME的Topaz项目中。

Technically, they are both based on many common technologies, first and foremost the X11 windowing system. To avoid duplicate some efforts, an area of informal collaboration between these projects Freedesktop name has been established.

从技术上讲,它们都基于许多通用技术,首先是X11窗口系统。 为了避免重复的工作,已经在Freedesktop名称之间建立了非正式协作领域。

This approach in ergonomics (the latter being on the user type) and the conception of the role of a desktop environment they are different: the KDE pushes away the will of integration between applications, has numerous advanced features and plays the card setting while sure to have good choices default GNOME is more refined and focused on core tasks (taking the philosophy making Things just work). Everyone please, therefore, to a different audience.

这种人机工程学方法(后者在用户类型上)与台式机环境角色的概念不同:KDE消除了应用程序之间的集成意愿,具有众多高级功能并发挥了卡片设置的作用,同时确保有很多选择,默认情况下GNOME更加完善,并且专注于核心任务(采用使“事物”正常运行的理念)。 因此,每个人都请不同的听众。

We may also note the rise of a third desktop environment called Xfce, which aims to provide a complete environment based on GTK + like GNOME, but still lighter than the latter or KDE.

我们可能还会注意到第三个桌面环境Xfce的兴起,该环境旨在提供一个基于GTK +的完整环境,例如GNOME,但仍比后者或KDE轻。

提供软件 ( Offer software)

The free software community has produced a large number of software used in many areas.


指导软件示例: (Examples of software for guidance:)

  • The desktop with,

  • With Mozilla Firefox, Konqueror, Iceweasel, Epiphany, Gnuzilla, Mozilla Thunderbird, Pidgin, or BitTorrent,

    使用Mozilla Firefox,Konqueror,Iceweasel,Epiphany,Gnuzilla,Mozilla Thunderbird,Pidgin或BitTorrent,
  • Multimedia with Xine, MPlayer, VLC media player, XMMS, Totem or Amarok

  • Graphics, GIMP, Inkscape and Scribus

  • 3D with Blender.


Most Linux distributions offer a program (eg. Synaptic) to browse a list of thousands of free software pre-configured and tested specifically for distribution. These free programs are then downloaded and installed the click of a mouse, with an electronic signature system guarantees that no one has added any viruses or spyware. These programs are then updated automatically.

大多数Linux发行版都提供了一个程序(例如Synaptic)来浏览数千个针对发行版预先配置和测试的免费软件列表。 然后下载这些免费程序,并单击鼠标,并安装了电子签名系统,可确保没有人添加任何病毒或间谍软件。 然后,这些程序将自动更新。

Some important software owners also have a Linux version. This is the case of Opera, Macromedia Flash Player, Acrobat Reader, NeroLINUX or Skype for example. The concept of portability is the ability of a program to be used under different operating systems or architectures.

一些重要的软件所有者也有Linux版本。 例如Opera,Macromedia Flash Player,Acrobat Reader,NeroLINUX或Skype。 可移植性的概念是程序在不同的操作系统或体系结构下使用的能力。

Finally it is possible to use software made for Microsoft Windows on a Linux box with a Windows API implementation for Linux like WINE. Commercial offerings based on WINE as CrossOver Office can use almost without problems of software like Microsoft Office and Adobe Photoshop from the Windows world.

最终,可以在Linux机器上使用为Microsoft Windows制作的软件,以及用于Linux的Windows API实现,例如WINE。 基于WINE作为CrossOver Office的商业产品几乎可以使用Windows世界中的Microsoft Office和Adobe Photoshop之类的软件而不会出现问题。

赌博 (Gaming)

There are many games available for Linux, free or paid, free or proprietary. The offer includes both small office games (cards, minesweeper, chess, and golf) as recent commercial games (Enemy Territory: Quake Wars).

有许多免费或付费,免费或专有的Linux游戏。 优惠包括小型办公游戏(纸牌,扫雷,国际象棋和高尔夫)以及最近的商业游戏(《敌方领土:雷神之战》)。

Some games are designed to run natively on Linux (Quake 3 for example), and some may be run through programs that implements the Windows API under Linux. There are several implementations, including some specifically for the game and allowing to run several games designed for Windows environments as Cedega and WINE (i.e., World of Warcraft). The last resort for players using Linux is simply to use Windows parallel on the same computer with the multiboot or virtualization.

有些游戏设计为在Linux上本机运行(例如Quake 3),有些则可以通过在Linux下实现Windows API的程序运行。 有几种实现方式,包括一些专门针对游戏的实现方式,并允许运行一些针对Windows环境设计的游戏,例如Cedega和WINE(即《魔兽世界》)。 对于使用Linux的播放器,最后的选择就是简单地在具有多引导或虚拟化功能的同一台计算机上并行使用Windows。

Shell编程 (Shell Programming)

The programs most popular text-mode accessible from the command line includes vim, emacs, sed, apt, etc. Some of them may also be used via a GUI. Moreover, the programs running in console mode is relatively high. The reasons are many:

可从命令行访问的最流行的文本模式程序包括vim,emacs,sed,apt等。其中一些也可通过GUI使用。 此外,以控制台模式运行的程序相对较高。 原因有很多:

  • History (originally Linux was devoid of graphical environment);

  • Efficiency (programs that do not use the graphical environment require less resources);

  • Speed (open a console to type an operation is often much shorter than going through the various menus for a window manager or desktop environment);

  • Better control;


Using these programs can be difficult for a person not accustomed to working in text mode, people from the Windows example. On the other hand, they are relatively popular among advanced users of UNIX systems.

对于不习惯以文本模式工作的人(例如Windows的人),使用这些程序可能会很困难。 另一方面,它们在UNIX系统的高级用户中相对受欢迎。

免费图书馆 (Free Library)

The software that uses a free library can run on Linux and on all platforms where the library is located. These libraries can add a graphic overlay text applications existing as is the case of Vim, but they are mainly used to develop software available to non-computer and having the features allowed by the GUI, like drag and drop, manipulations with the mouse, etc..

使用免费库的软件可以在Linux和该库所在的所有平台上运行。 这些库可以添加像Vim一样存在的图形覆盖文本应用程序,但是它们主要用于开发非计算机可用的软件,并具有GUI允许的功能,例如拖放,鼠标操作等。 ..

Other applications such as Blender or Google Earth is a special case because they use the OpenGL library for the basic implementation and management of programs using 3D (but also 2D).

Blender或Google Earth等其他应用程序是一个特例,因为它们将OpenGL库用于使用3D(但也包括2D)的程序的基本实现和管理。

仿真 (Emulation)

Several emulation software available for simulating the operation of competing operating systems or gaming environments


计算机仿真 (Emulation of computer)

Programs and Steem ARAnyM emulate much of the applications written for Atari, including Atari ST and Atari TT, UAE (Amiga Emulator Unix) used to emulate the Commodore Amiga, basilisk 68,000 older Macs from Apple.

程序和Steem ARAnyM模仿了许多为Atari编写的应用程序,包括Atari ST和Atari TT,阿联酋(Amiga Emulator Unix)用来模仿Commodore Amiga,消除了来自Apple的68,000台旧Mac。

Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到



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