minecraft_如何使用Minecraft Land Generator加快您的Minecraft体验



While you’re exploring your Minecraft world the game is devoting a huge amount of resources to creating it around you. Generating these pieces ahead of time significantly decreases the resource load on your CPU while playing the game which leads to smoother game play with less lag. Read on as we show you how to prepopulate your world map for speedier play.

在探索Minecraft世界时,该游戏将投入大量资源来围绕您的游戏进行创作。 提前生成这些片段会大大减少您在玩游戏时占用CPU的资源,从而使游戏过程更流畅,延迟更少。 请继续阅读,我们会向您展示如何预填充您的世界地图,以加快游戏速度。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

As we’ve discussed in other Minecraft tutorials, Minecraft is a surprisingly resource intensive game. It might look simplistic on the surface, thanks to the low-resolution textures and blocky shapes, but under the hood there is a huge amount of calculations and rendering going on to generate and represent the world map as well as handle all the entities and related physics.

正如我们在其他《我的世界》 教程中讨论的那样,《我的世界》是一款令人惊讶的资源密集型游戏。 由于低分辨率的纹理和块状形状,它在表面上看起来可能过于简单,但是在引擎盖下却进行了大量的计算和渲染,以生成和表示世界地图以及处理所有实体和相关对象物理。

This process is quite CPU intensive. When flying around in creative mode where chunks fill in rapidly to keep up even players on high end computers will see stuttering and lag; players on older computers will typically see their game grind to a complete halt and frame rates will drop into the single digits.

此过程占用大量CPU。 当以创意模式飞来飞去时,大块的东西会Swift填充以保持跟上,即使是高端计算机上的玩家也会看到结巴和滞后。 较旧计算机上的玩家通常会看到他们的游戏完全停止,并且帧速率下降到个位数。

This lag while the game renders and displays new chunks is a real immersion killer and, if it lags so bad it locks your game up, a fun killer as well. Fortunately there’s a way to circumvent the waiting game. While there will always be overhead for the various in-game processes, generating new chunks is actually a process we can farm out, if you will, so that the heavy lifting is done when we’re not playing the game. The trick hinges on a clever little program called Minecraft Land Generator, and there’s very little reason to not take advantage of it.

游戏渲染和显示新块时的这种滞后是真正的沉浸式杀手er,如果滞后太严重以至于将您的游戏锁定,它也是一个有趣的杀手。 幸运的是,有一种方法可以规避等待的游戏。 尽管各种游戏过程始终会有开销,但生成新块实际上是我们可以尝试的过程,如果愿意的话,这样就可以在我们不玩游戏时完成繁重的工作。 技巧取决于一个名为Minecraft Land Generator的聪明小程序,并且没有理由不使用它。

它是如何工作的? (How Does It Work?)

The principle behind Minecraft Land Generator is really simple when you dissect the process. Minecraft Land Generator is a helper application that, when paired with a world map and a compatible Minecraft server file, simulates the exploration of the map as if players were roaming it.

剖析Minecraft Land Generator的原理非常简单。 Minecraft Land Generator是一个辅助应用程序,与世界地图和兼容的Minecraft服务器文件配对后,就可以像玩家在漫游地图一样模拟对地图的浏览。

If you, the player, had to precisely and systematically canvas a 20,000 x 20,000 square grid in the game it would be terribly tedious and would take days worth of game play. On a newer computer, however, it takes Minecraft Land Generator an hour or two to complete the same task (and even on older computers you can simply leave it run overnight to achieve the same end). Further, once you do the initial run (be it an hour or twelve in length) the work is done and you don’t need to run it again unless you want to uniformly expand your world map again (say from 10,000 blocks on a side to 20,000 blocks on a side).

如果您(玩家)必须在游戏中精确,系统地绘制20,000 x 20,000正方形的网格,那将是非常繁琐的工作,并且需要花费数天的时间进行游戏。 但是,在较新的计算机上,Minecraft Land Generator需要一两个小时才能完成同一任务(即使在较旧的计算机上,您也可以将其整夜运行以达到相同的目的)。 此外,一旦完成初始运行(长度为一小时或十二小时),该工作就完成了,并且无需再次运行它,除非您想再次统一扩展您的世界地图(例如,从一侧的10,000个街区开始)到一侧的20,000块)。

Minecraft Land Generator works so well, we can only report one downside to using it: increased world file size. Although every Minecraft map is essentially complete from the moment of world creation (remember the world seed + generation algorithm is like the DNA for the map) the world doesn’t actually exist as real hard drive consuming data until the player visits each new chunk and spawns the chunk generation.

Minecraft Land Generator运作良好,我们只能报告使用它的一个弊端:世界文件大小增加。 尽管每一个Minecraft地图从创建世界之初就基本上是完整的(记住世界种子+生成算法就像地图的DNA一样),但是直到玩家访问每个新的块并真正地将世界作为真正的硬盘驱动器消耗数据才存在。生成块生成。

As such a fresh map barely explored is around ~10MB or less in size to account for the first chunks and the support files but as the player explores it grows in size as the data for each chunk is written to the game file. By the time the map contains 5,000 x 5,000 blocks worth of chunks the game file will swell to around 600MB. Larger maps have larger file sizes (exponentially so); a 20,000 by 20,000 map has a game file that weighs in at a hefty 6GB.

这样一来,几乎未开发的新地图大小约为10MB或更小,足以说明最初的区块和支持文件,但是随着玩家的探索,随着每个区块的数据写入游戏文件,它的大小也在增长。 到地图包含5,000 x 5,000块的块时,游戏文件将膨胀到600MB左右。 较大的地图具有较大的文件大小(呈指数增长); 一张20,000 x 20,000的地图包含一个游戏文件,重达6GB。

That’s the only real trade off you’re making with Minecraft Land Generator. What you gain in increased load times and faster game play you pay for with disk space. Given how much chunk generation lags single player games (especially on lower end machines) and what a heavy processing burden it places on servers (where multiple players can be exploring in different directions and generating dozens of chunks a second) the tradeoff is more than worth it for most players and absolutely worth it if you’re running a server.

这是您使用Minecraft Land Generator进行的唯一真正的权衡。 您增加的加载时间和更快的游戏体验所获得的,是用磁盘空间支付的。 鉴于单块游戏的生成量滞后了多少(尤其是在低端计算机上),并且服务器上放置了沉重的处理负担(多个玩家可以朝不同的方向探索并每秒生成数十个单块),因此权衡是值得的对于大多数玩家来说,它是绝对值得的(如果您正在运行服务器)。

使用Minecraft Land Generator (Using Minecraft Land Generator)

Minecraft Land Generator (herein referred to as MLG for brevity) works absolutely flawlessly when you’ve properly configured it, but proper configuration can be a little bit tricky. Let’s walk through the installation process and configuration process to ensure you have a trouble free experience.

当您正确配置Minecraft Land Generator(为简便起见,在下文中称为MLG)时,它的工作原理绝对完美,但正确的配置可能会有些棘手。 让我们逐步完成安装过程和配置过程,以确保您获得无故障的体验。

下载Minecraft Land Generator (Downloading Minecraft Land Generator)

The source files are hosted on Github and if you’re unfamiliar with Github the way you access them isn’t particularly transparent. To grab the most recent copy of MLG navigate to the project’s zip archives here.

源文件托管在Github上,如果您不熟悉Github,访问它们的方式并不是特别透明。 要获取MLG的最新副本,请在此处导航到项目的zip存档

Select the link that reads MinecraftLandGenerator_X.X.X_Vanilla_Server.zip (as of this tutorial the file is version 1.7.5). Don’t be concerned that the file seems out of date (the 1.7.5 version is from October 2013 which, in Minecraft terms, is practically ancient); it auto updates and we’ll do doing that in just a moment.

选择读取MinecraftLandGenerator_X.X.X_Vanilla_Server.zip的链接(在本教程中,该文件的版本为1.7.5)。 不必担心文件似乎过时了(1.7.5版本是2013年10月的版本,按Minecraft的说法,实际上是较旧的版本); 它会自动更新,我们将在短时间内完成。

In the subpage for the zip file, select the “Raw” button, as seen in the screenshot above. Save the file.

在zip文件的子页面中,选择“原始”按钮,如上面的屏幕截图所示。 保存文件。

安装和更新Minecraft Land Generator (Installing and Updating Minecraft Land Generator)

After downloading the zip file, extract the contents. We keep all our Minecraft editing tools in our Minecraft archives under \Minecraft\Editing Tools\ but you can place the extracted “MinecraftLandGenerator” tool anywhere you wish as the application and support files are completely self contained.

下载zip文件后,解压缩内容。 我们将所有Minecraft编辑工具都保存在Minecraft存档中的\ Minecraft \ Editing Tools \下,但是您可以将提取的“ MinecraftLandGenerator”工具放置在所需的任何位置,因为应用程序和支持文件完全独立。

Open the folder and look for the appropriate setup file for your operating system.


MLG includes setup files for Windows, Mac, and Linux, named clearly “MLG_Initial_Setup_OS.EXT” wherein the operating system and the appropriate extension for that operating system are clearly labeled. Windows users should run the MLG_Initial_Setup_Windows.cmd, and so on. Wait for the script to finish running. After running the initial setup file, your MLG folder will be significantly more populated and MLG will be up to date (1.7.6 as of this tutorial).

MLG包含适用于Windows,Mac和Linux的安装文件,名称明确为“ MLG_Initial_Setup_ OS”EXT ”,其中明确标记了操作系统和该操作系统的适当扩展名。 Windows用户应运行MLG_Initial_Setup_Windows.cmd,依此类推。 等待脚本完成运行。 运行初始安装文件后,您的MLG文件夹将被填充得多,并且MLG将是最新的(本教程中为1.7.6)。

There is one bit of manual updating required, however. MLG can’t distribute the actual Minecraft server file (but it can download it from the Minecraft servers during the update process). While it does include a mechanism for downloading the most current server.jar file the mechanism is broken (because Mojang changed how they named their archive files and minecraft_server.jar no longer universally points at the most current release). As such the updater always downloads Minecraft Server 1.5.2 which is more than a tad out of date.

但是,需要手动进行一点更新。 MLG无法分发实际的Minecraft服务器文件(但可以在更新过程中从Minecraft服务器下载该文件)。 尽管它确实包含一种用于下载最新的server.jar文件的机制,但该机制已被破坏(因为Mojang更改了他们命名其存档文件的方式,而minecraft_server.jar不再普遍指向最新版本)。 因此,更新程序总是下载Minecraft Server 1.5.2,这已经过时了。

You can download the most current Minecraft server file (minecraft_server.1.8.1.jar as of this tutorial) from the official Minecraft server here. You can download older versions of the server.jar from Mojang by using this well organized table courtesy of MCVersions.net. Why download older versions?

您可以在此处官方Minecraft服务器下载最新的Minecraft服务器文件(本教程中为minecraft_server.1.8.1.jar)。 您可以使用MCVersions.net提供的组织良好的表格从Mojang下载旧版本的server.jar。 为什么要下载旧版本?

Downloading the correct version of the server is the most critical step. The version number of the server.jar file must match the version of Minecraft you play the world map on. If you want to expand a map from Minecraft 1.6.4, for example, you cannot use the Minecraft 1.8.1 server to run MLG as the chunk generation algorithm and game content has changed so much between 1.6.4 and 1.8.* that even if MLG doesn’t outright crash it will generate very ugly errors and artifacts on your map.

下载正确版本的服务器是最关键的步骤 server.jar文件的版本号必须与您在其上播放世界地图的Minecraft的版本匹配。 例如,如果要从Minecraft 1.6.4扩展地图,则不能使用Minecraft 1.8.1服务器来运行MLG,因为块生成算法和游戏内容在1.6.4和1.8。*之间变化很大。如果MLG没有完全崩溃,它将在地图上生成非常难看的错误和伪像。

Again, for emphasis, you must use a Minecraft server version that matches your game version.

再次强调, 您必须使用与您的游戏版本匹配的Minecraft服务器版本。

This rule applies across the board. If you’re using a modified server.jar with game mods installed, for example, that is the server.jar file you need to give to MLG. Regardless of the circumstances (vanilla server, modded server, brand new server, old server) the server.jar file needs to match the map exactly.

此规则全面适用。 例如,如果您使用安装了游戏模块的修改后的server.jar 则需要将其提供给MLG。 无论何种情况(香草服务器,改装服务器,全新服务器,旧服务器),server.jar文件都需要与地图完全匹配。

Once you have downloaded the proper server.jar file (in the case of single player maps where you weren’t using a server) or you’ve copied the server.jar file (in the case of running a home server), remove the existing minecraft_server.jar file from the root of the MLG folder and replace it with the proper server file (renaming it to minecraft_server.jar if necessary).


In all our tests of MLG the only problems that ever arose were a direct result of the failure to pair the map we were working on with a matching server.jar file.


正在运行Minecraft陆地发电机 (Running Minecraft Land Generator)

Once you’ve completed the setup process in the previous step (with an emphasis on always, always, using the correct server.jar for your map) everything else is smooth sailing. In fact, you only have two simple choices to make. The first choice is whether or not you want to generate a brand new map or expand an existing map. The second choice is how big of an area you want to generate (keeping in mind that the size of the generated map scales rapidly; 5000 x 5000 blocks is ~600MB while 20,000 x 20,000 blocks is ~6GB).

一旦完成了上一步的设置过程(并着重于Always,Always, 始终使用正确的map.server.jar),其他一切都会顺利进行。 实际上,您只有两个简单的选择。 首选是您要生成全新的地图还是扩展现有的地图。 第二个选择是要生成的区域大小(请记住,生成的地图的大小会Swift缩放; 5000 x 5000块约为600MB,而20,000 x 20,000块约为6GB)。

生成全新的地图 (Generating a Brand New Map)

Although most people will be interested in expanding an existing map that they’ve already begun exploring and like, we’re going to cover generating a brand new map first because it requires the least set up and is still a worthy use of MLG (especially for users looking to generate and entire server map in one swoop).


The server.jar will use the server.properties file located in the MLG folder when it generates the world. The server.properties file uses the default Minecraft settings and, unless you have a specific need to modify something, there is no need to change any of the settings inside. If you want a better understanding of the server.properties file, check out this Minecraft wiki entry. If you’re already running a server (especially a modded server with custom server.properties entries) copy your existing server.properties file along with your existing server.jar file.

server.jar生成世界时,将使用MLG文件夹中的server.properties文件。 server.properties文件使用默认的Minecraft设置,除非您有特殊需要进行修改,否则无需更改其中的任何设置。 如果您想更好地了解server.properties文件,请查看此Minecraft Wiki条目 。 如果您已经在运行服务器(尤其是带有自定义server.properties条目的模块化服务器),请复制现有的server.properties文件以及现有的server.jar文件。

To generate a brand new world using your current server.jar file, simply run the Run_MLG_Windows.cmd (or equivalent file for your operating system). You’ll be prompted to enter the dimensions of the map like so.

要使用当前的server.jar文件创建一个崭新的世界,只需运行Run_MLG_Windows.cmd(或操作系统的等效文件)。 系统将提示您输入地图的尺寸​​,如下所示。

For the sake of demonstration we’re going to eschew using equal length sides for our map and instead use rectangular dimensions (practically speaking you’ll likely want a square map). We’re starting the map generation process with the input X: 8,000 Z: 5,000.

为了演示起见,我们将避免在地图上使用等长的边,而应使用矩形尺寸(实际上,您可能需要正方形地图)。 我们以输入X:8,000 Z:5,000开始地图生成过程。

Using the very super cool tool Mapcrafter that generates a Google Maps style version of your Minecraft map (see this tutorial if you’re interested it playing with it), we can see how our map looks within even loading the game.

使用非常酷的工具Mapcrafter生成您的Minecraft地图的Google Maps风格版本(如果您感兴趣, 请参阅本教程 ),即使加载游戏,我们也可以看到地图的外观。

When the process is complete, copy the generated /world/ folder and all files therein to either your Minecraft /saves/ folder or the appropriate location your server. Run the game or server as you normally would and enjoy your pregenerated map.

该过程完成后,将生成的/ world /文件夹及其中的所有文件复制到Minecraft / saves /文件夹或服务器的适当位置。 像往常一样运行游戏或服务器,并享受预先生成的地图。

扩展现有地图 (Extending an Existing Map)

If you have an existing map, MLG does a fantastic job both expanding and filling the map in. If you’ve explored in a meandering pattern out to around 5,000 blocks from the spawn point, for example, and you want to expand the map to 10,000 x 10,000 blocks, MLG will not only extend the border of the map but fill in any holes within the already explored territory so that the generated map is continuous from border to border with no gaps. Here is an example map, a small world we’ve begun to explore courtesy of, like in the last section, of Mapcrafter.

如果您已有地图,则MLG会在扩展填充地图方面做得非常出色。例如,如果您以曲折的方式探索了从生成点到大约5,000块的地图,并且您想将地图扩展到10,000 x 10,000块,MLG不仅会扩展地图的边界,而且会填充已经探索的区域内的任何Kong洞,从而使生成的地图从边界到边界连续无间隙。 这是一个示例地图,就像上一节中一样,我们已经开始探索Mapcrafter提供的一个小世界。

In order to extend/fill an existing map you need to copy the contents of your world save file over into the MLG directory. For example, let’s say the map you wish to extend is called Super Awesome World and is located in your minecraft /saves/ folder in the directory /Super Awesome World/.

为了扩展/填充现有地图,您需要将世界保存文件的内容复制到MLG目录中。 例如,假设您要扩展的地图称为“超赞世界”,位于您的minecraft / saves /文件夹中的/ Super Awesome World /目录中。

Copy that entire directory, /Super Awesome World/ and all its contents to your MLG directory and then rename the folder to /world/.

将整个目录/ Super Awesome World /及其所有内容复制到您的MLG目录,然后将该文件夹重命名为/ world /。

Run the run the Run_MLG_Windows.cmd (or equivalent file for your operating system) just as we did in the previous section. The only noticeable difference between the two methods, from the perspective of the application output, is that when you run the command with no existing world like we did in the previous section it will announce that there is no valid world and that one is being generated; when you run the script with an existing and valid /world/ directory it will load that instead and immediately begin expanding the world.

像上一节中一样运行Run_MLG_Windows.cmd(或操作系统的等效文件)。 从应用程序输出的角度来看,这两种方法之间唯一显着的区别是,当您像上一节中那样在没有现有世界的情况下运行命令时,它将宣布没有有效世界并且正在生成一个世界; 当您使用现有的有效/ world /目录运行脚本时,它将加载该脚本,并立即开始扩展世界。

Let’s expand the very small world, seen above, into a decently sized 5,000 x 5,000 block world. Once the process is complete we can fire up Mapcrafter again and take a look. We’ve kept the scale/zoom level the same for both images so you can see just how many new chunks were generated and how MLG filled in the gaps.

让我们将如上所示的很小的世界扩展到一个大小为5,000 x 5,000的块状世界。 该过程完成后,我们可以再次启动Mapcrafter并进行查看。 我们将两个图像的缩放/缩放级别保持不变,因此您可以看到生成了多少新块以及MLG如何填补了空白。

Beautiful. Seamless edge-to-edge chunk generation without so much as a block gap anywhere on the map.

美丽。 无缝的边到边块生成,在地图上的任何地方都没有块间隙。

Now when we play, waiting for the game engine to churn through generating new chunks will be the least of our worries. Speaking of speeding up Minecraft, while today’s tutorial on pregenerating your map with Minecraft Land Generator will help lighten the load, there are a wide variety of tweaks you can employ from adjusting your video settings to installing performance boosting mods to make Minecraft run on even aging computers.

现在,当我们玩游戏时,等待游戏引擎通过生成新块进行搅动将是我们最少的担心。 说到加快Minecraft的速度,今天有关使用Minecraft Land Generator预先生成地图的教程将有助于减轻负载,但您可以进行多种调整,从调整视频设置到安装性能提升模块,以使Minecraft甚至在老化时运行电脑。

Have a pressing question about Minecraft or a tutorial you’d like us to write? Shoot us an email at ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to answer them.

对Minecraft或您要我们编写的教程有一个紧迫的问题吗? 请通过ask@howtogeek.com向我们发送电子邮件,我们将尽力答复他们。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/208565/how-to-speed-up-your-minecraft-experience-with-minecraft-land-generator/






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