如何将您的Kwikset SmartKey锁重新锁定到上一个密钥

Re-keying locks can sometimes be a pain, since you usually need to get a locksmith to do it for you. However, with Kwikset’s SmartKey technology, you can re-key a lock in under a minute. Here’s how to do it.

有时有时需要重新锁锁,因为您通常需要找锁匠为您完成锁。 但是,使用Kwikset的SmartKey技术,您可以在一分钟内重新输入锁。 这是操作方法。

For this guide, we’ll be using a Kwikset Kevo smart lock, but many newer Kwikset locks come with this same SmartKey technology. If you’re not sure about your own lock, take a close look at it and see if there’s a tiny oval hole next to the keyhole. If so, then it’s a SmartKey lock.

在本指南中,我们将使用Kwikset Kevo智能锁,但是许多更新的Kwikset锁也具有相同的SmartKey技术。 如果您不确定自己的锁,请仔细检查一下,看看锁Kong旁边是否有一个椭圆形的小Kong。 如果是这样,那就是SmartKey锁。

Before you get started, though, you’ll need a few things:


  • The current key that goes with the lock.

  • A Kwikset SmartKey tool (One should’ve came with your lock, but if not, you can buy one on Amazon).

    Kwikset SmartKey工具(您的锁应该已经带上了,如果没有,您可以在Amazon上购买 )。

  • The new (or rather, old) key that you want to use instead. This must be a Kwikset key, as Kwikset and Schlage keys are totally different from one another (and won’t work in each other’s locks). So if the rest of your house uses Schlage keys…you’ll need a separate key for the Kevo, unfortunately.

    您要使用的新(或更旧)密钥。 这必须是一个Kwikset密钥,因为Kwikset和Schlage密钥彼此完全不同(并且不会在彼此的锁中起作用)。 因此,如果房子的其余部分使用Schlage钥匙,那么不幸的是,您将需要Kevo的单独钥匙。

Start by inserting the original key into the lock and turning it clockwise 90 degrees.


With the key still in the lock, take the SmartKey tool and insert it into the small hole next to the keyhole. Push it in firmly and you might hear or feel a tiny click. After that, remove the SmartKey tool.

在钥匙仍处于锁定状态的情况下,拿起SmartKey工具并将其插入钥匙Kong旁边的小Kong中。 用力将其推入,您可能会听到或听到轻微的喀哒声。 之后,删除SmartKey工具。

Next, without rotating the key lock, remove the key and then insert the new key. Make sure that it’s all the way in the lock.

接下来,无需旋转钥匙锁,取出钥匙,然后插入新钥匙。 确保它一直处于锁定状态。

From there, simply rotate the key 90 degrees counterclockwise. You’ll hear a definite click. At this point, the key and lock should be straight up and down.

从那里,只需将钥匙逆时针旋转90度即可。 您会听到明确的点击声。 此时,钥匙和锁应垂直向上和向下。

Now, to make sure that the lock has successfully been re-keyed, keep the key in the lock and rotate it back 90 degrees clockwise. Then try to remove the key. If the key doesn’t come out, then the re-keying was successful.

现在,要确保已成功将钥匙重新锁上,请将钥匙保持在锁中,然后将其顺时针旋转90度。 然后尝试删除密钥。 如果密钥不出来,则重新键入成功。

After that you can rotate it back and remove the key. Make sure that the key can actually lock and unlock the door. Once you’ve confirmed that, you’re good to go!

之后,您可以将其旋转回去并拔下钥匙。 确保钥匙可以实际锁定和解锁门。 一旦确认,就可以开始了!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/322871/how-to-re-key-your-kwikset-smartkey-lock-to-your-previous-key/





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