
So you’ve been going through Task Manager trying to figure out why so many services are running when you notice there’s two items for Windows Media Player in the list… but you don’t even use Media Player. What’s up with that?

因此,当您发现列表中有两个Windows Media Player项时,您一直在研究任务管理器以试图弄清为什么运行这么多服务的原因……但您甚至没有使用Media Player。 那是怎么回事?

It’s not like the processes take a lot of memory… I just get irritated when there’s a process that restarts for no good reason. You disable it, and then somehow it’s back. Annoying!

并不是说进程会占用大量内存……当某个进程无缘无故地重新启动时,我会很生气。 您禁用它,然后以某种方式返回。 烦人!


This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Task Manager, like svchost.exedwm.exe, ctfmon.exemDNSResponder.exe, conhost.exe, rundll32.exeAdobe_Updater.exe, and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

本文是我们正在进行的系列文章的一部分,解释了在任务管理器中发现的各种过程,例如svchost.exedwm.exectfmon.exemDNSResponder.execonhost.exerundll32.exeAdobe_Updater.exe以及许多其他过程 。 不知道这些服务是什么? 最好开始阅读!

What Is This Service Anyway?


Windows Media Player 11 can share media between different computers on the same network, and can even share media with the XBox 360 as well. For this to work, there’s a network sharing service that shares the library even if Media Player isn’t open. It’s really a great system if you use it.

Windows Media Player 11可以在同一网络上的不同计算机之间共享媒体,甚至还可以与XBox 360共享媒体。 为此,即使Media Player未打开,网络共享服务也可以共享库。 如果您使用它,那确实是一个很棒的系统。

Both of these processes are part of the Windows Media Player Sharing system, so if you use those features you should not disable it.

这两个过程都是Windows Media Player共享系统的一部分,因此,如果使用这些功能,则不应禁用它。

Disabling Media Sharing in Media Player

在Media Player中禁用媒体共享

The best way to remove these services is to just use the configuration panel… that way they don’t come back the next time Media Player gets opened, accidentally or otherwise.

删除这些服务的最佳方法是只使用配置面板…这样,下次Media Player意外打开或其他打开时,它们就不会再次出现。

Open up Windows Media Player, and then click on the little arrow under “Library” and choose the “Media Sharing” option from the menu.

打开Windows Media Player,然后单击“库”下的小箭头,然后从菜单中选择“媒体共享”选项。


If you are using a custom theme, or otherwise can’t get to that menu, you can also open the Options panel, choose the Library tab, and then click on “Configure Sharing”



Either one of the above will bring you to the Media Sharing dialog. Uncheck both of the boxes that you see here.

以上任何一种都会带您进入“媒体共享”对话框。 取消选中您在此处看到的两个框。

Note: If they are unchecked, you should check them, click apply, and then uncheck them and click OK… basically to reset the settings.

注意:如果未选中它们,则应选中它们,单击“应用”,然后取消选中它们,然后单击“确定” ...基本上可以重置设置。


Once you hit the OK button, you’ll be prompted with an extremely important dialog… do you want to turn sharing off for everybody? Yes!

按下[确定]按钮后,系统会提示您一个非常重要的对话框……您要关闭所有人共享吗? 是!


This will actually turn off the service, and remove the startup entry for wmpnscfg.exe. (Note that you’ll have to kill that process manually the first time, or log off and back on)

这实际上将关闭服务,并删除wmpnscfg.exe的启动项。 (请注意,您必须在第一时间手动终止该过程,或者注销然后重新登录)

At this point you should be able to use your computer without either of those two processes running. If you continue to have problems getting rid of them, you can read down further for more troubleshooting steps.

此时,您应该能够在不运行这两个进程中的任何一个的情况下使用计算机。 如果仍然有摆脱它们的问题,则可以进一步阅读以获取更多故障排除步骤。

Disabling Media Player Network Sharing Service in Services

在服务中禁用Media Player网络共享服务

You shouldn’t actually need to do this part, as using the configuration instructions above should work… but if you are having problems getting rid of it, here’s where you need to go.


Open up Services from Control Panel, or type services.msc into the start menu search/run box. Find the service in the list:

从控制面板中打开服务,或在开始菜单搜索/运行框中键入services.msc 。 在列表中找到服务:


Open it up by double-clicking on it, and then change the service to Disabled.



One note here… If you try to re-enable Media Sharing in Media Player, it will ignore the fact that it’s disabled. This is why you need to make the configuration change there as well.

这里的一个便条...如果您尝试在Media Player中重新启用媒体共享,它将忽略它已被禁用的事实。 这就是为什么您还需要在那里更改配置的原因。

Alternative Methods using Regedit


If you are still having issues, you can do some further checking to make sure that the two services won’t be re-enabled again. Open up regedit.exe through the start menu search or run box, and then browse down to the following key:

如果仍然有问题,可以进行进一步检查,以确保不会再次重新启用这两个服务。 通过开始菜单搜索或运行框打开regedit.exe,然后向下浏览至以下键:


HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ MediaPlayer \ Preferences \ HME


There should be a DWORD value on the right-hand side named DisableDiscovery which you can set to a value of 2 (setting it to 1 also worked for me). Just make sure that it’s not set to 0.

右侧应该有一个名为DisableDiscovery的DWORD值,您可以将其设置为2(将其设置为1也对我有用)。 只要确保它没有设置为0。

To make sure that the wmpnscfg.exe is turned off, you can browse down to the following key in the registry:



HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run


This is where Windows turns that application on… if there’s an item for it in this list, then delete it.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/what-are-wmpnscfgexe-and-wmpnetwkexe-and-why-are-they-running/





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