ipad safari_如何阻止Safari在iPhone和iPad上启动应用程序

ipad safari

ipad safari

Apple iOS and iPadOS Safari Icon

Safari for iPhone and iPad will automatically open many web links in apps. For example, if you tap a LinkedIn, Reddit, or YouTube link on a web page, you’ll be taken to the associated app. Here’s how to stay in Safari.

适用于iPhone和iPad的Safari将自动在应用程序中打开许多Web链接。 例如,如果您点击网页上的LinkedIn,Reddit或YouTube链接,您将被带到相关的应用程序。 留在Safari中的方法如下。

选项1:卸载应用 (Option 1: Uninstall the App)

Here’s why Safari does this: App developers can choose to register their apps with URLs. For example, if you install the LinkedIn app, it will register itself with linkedin.com addresses. Whenever you tap a linkedin.com link in Safari with LinkedIn installed, Safari will take you to the LinkedIn app. Apple doesn’t offer a way to disable this for individual apps.

Safari这样做的原因如下:应用程序开发人员可以选择使用URL注册其应用程序。 例如,如果您安装了LinkedIn应用程序,它将在linkedin.com地址中注册自己。 每当您在Safari中点击安装了LinkedIn的linkedin.com链接时,Safari就会带您进入LinkedIn应用程序。 Apple没有提供针对单个应用程序禁用此功能的方法。

If you really don’t like using a service’s app and prefer its website, you can uninstall the app from your iPhone or iPad. Safari won’t open the app if it’s not installed.

如果您确实不喜欢使用服务的应用程序,而是喜欢其网站,则可以从iPhone或iPad卸载该应用程序。 如果未安装,Safari将不会打开该应用程序。

Uninstalling apps on the iPhone's home screen.

选项2:长按链接 (Option 2: Long-Press on a Link)

To avoid opening an app when opening an individual link, you can long-press it in Safari. A preview of the web page will appear. Tap “Open” to open the link in Safari in the current tab or “Open in New Tab” to open the link in Safari in a background tab.

为避免在打开单个链接时打开应用程序,可以在Safari中长按该应用程序。 将显示网页预览。 点击“打开”以在当前选项卡中的Safari中打开链接,或点击“在新选项卡中的打开”以在背景选项卡中打开Safari中的链接。

This will bypass opening the link in the associated app, but you’ll have to use the context menu each time. If you find yourself doing this all the time, uninstalling the service’s app may save you some time.

这将绕过在关联的应用程序中打开链接,但是您每次都必须使用上下文菜单。 如果您发现自己一直在这样做,则卸载该服务的应用程序可以为您节省一些时间。

The context menu that appears when long-pressing a link in Safari.

选项3:在私人浏览模式下使用Safari (Option 3: Use Safari in Private Browsing Mode)

In Private Browsing mode, Safari’s behavior changes to protect your privacy. Safari will never open a private browsing link in its associated app before asking you first. This helps protect your privacy—after all, you may be signed into the app and it may reveal personal information.

在“私人浏览”模式下,Safari的行为会更改以保护您的隐私。 Safari永远不会在先询问您之前在其关联的应用程序中打开私人浏览链接。 这有助于保护您的隐私-毕竟,您可能会登录到该应用程序中,并且可能会泄露个人信息。

When in Private Browsing mode, you’ll receive an “Open in [App]?” prompt after tapping a link if that link would normally open in an app. Tap “Cancel” and Safari will open the link in a normal Private Browsing tab.

在“ 私人浏览”模式下 ,您会收到“在[App]中打开? 如果通常会在应用程序中打开该链接,则在点击该链接后出现提示。 点击“取消”,Safari将在正常的“私人浏览”选项卡中打开链接。

However, there is still that extra step after enabling Private Browsing mode—you have to tap “Cancel” rather than just instantly opening the link.


The prompt Safari shows before opening an app in Private Browsing mode.

选项4:通过引导访问锁定Safari (Option 4: Lock Safari With Guided Access)

Guided Access mode is a feature on your iPhone or iPad that lets you “lock” your iPhone to a specific app. For example, you might enable this if you want a child to use a specific app on your device (like a game or video player) without accessing anything else (like your email or online banking.)

引导访问模式是iPhone或iPad上的一项功能,可让您将iPhone“锁定”到特定的应用程序。 例如,如果希望孩子使用设备上的特定应用程序(例如游戏或视频播放器)而不访问其他任何内容(例如电子邮件或网上银行),则可以启用此功能。

This feature can stop Safari from opening apps, too: With Guided Access enabled, you can’t leave Safari until you disable Guided Access mode. Safari won’t even try to open links in other apps.

此功能也可以阻止Safari打开应用程序:启用“引导访问”后,直到禁用“引导访问”模式,您才能离开Safari。 Safari甚至不会尝试打开其他应用程序中的链接。

To set up Guided Access mode, head to Settings > Accessibility > Guided Access. (You can use the search box to search for the Guided Access page in settings, too.) Activate “Guided Access” here.

要设置引导访问模式,请转到设置>辅助功能>引导访问。 (您也可以使用搜索框在设置搜索“引导访问”页面。)在此处激活“引导访问”。

Enabling Guided Access mode on the iPhone's Settings screen.

Next, switch to Safari and triple-click the side button, as explained on the Guided Access settings screen. Tap “Start” to enable Guided Access mode. You’ll be prompted to enter a PIN the first time you do this. You’ll need this PIN to leave Guided Access mode.

接下来,切换到Safari并双击侧面按钮,如“引导访问”设置屏幕上所述。 点击“开始”以启用引导访问模式。 首次执行此操作时,系统会提示您输入PIN。 您需要此PIN才能退出引导访问模式。

You can now browse and Safari won’t offer to open any apps. To leave Safari, you’ll have to exit Guided Access mode by triple-clicking the side button once again and entering your PIN. You can tap “Passcode Settings” on the Settings screen where you enabled Guided Access to enable other authentication methods like Touch ID and Face ID.

您现在可以浏览,而Safari则不会打开任何应用程序。 要退出Safari,您必须通过再次双击侧面按钮并输入PIN退出引导访问模式。 您可以在启用了“引导访问”的“设置”屏幕上点击“密码设置”,以启用其他身份验证方法,例如Touch ID和Face ID。

None of these methods are perfect. You’ll either have to uninstall the associated app or do some extra tapping around to avoid opening its links in Safari.

这些方法都不是完美的。 您要么必须卸载关联的应用程序,要么进行一些额外的点击操作,以避免在Safari中打开其链接。

Ideally, Apple would offer a Settings screen that lets you control which apps can take over links just as you can control other app features like location access and notification permissions.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/682177/how-to-stop-safari-from-launching-apps-on-iphone-and-ipad/

ipad safari





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