
Tweet without Twitter replies enabled
Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

Although social media is typically used to build communities, you occasionally might want to share something on Twitter without receiving replies. Thankfully, you can choose who can reply to your tweets using the Twitter iPhone, iPad, and Android apps, as well as Twitter’s desktop website.

尽管通常使用社交媒体来构建社区,但是您有时可能希望在Twitter上共享某些内容而没有收到回复。 幸运的是,您可以选择谁可以使用Twitter iPhone,iPad和Android应用程序以及Twitter的桌面网站来回复您的推文。

选择谁可以在iPhone,iPad和Android上回复推文 (Choose Who Can Reply to Tweets on iPhone, iPad, and Android)

By default, Twitter allows everyone to reply to your tweets (if your account is public) or just your followers (if your account is private). The option to limit who can reply is set on a per-tweet basis while you’re composing a message.

默认情况下,Twitter允许所有人回复您的推文(如果您的帐户是公开的)或仅关注者(如果您的帐户是私有的)。 在撰写邮件时,会根据每条推文设置限制谁可以回复的选项。

To get started, open the Twitter app on your iPhone, iPad, or Android.


Open the Twitter app on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device

Next, tap the Compose Tweet button found in the bottom-right corner of the app.


Tap the blue Compose Tweet button in the bottom-right corner of the app

You can either type out a tweet now or wait until later. Either way, select the “Everyone Can Reply” link to adjust who can reply to this tweet.

您可以立即输入推文,也可以等到以后。 无论哪种方式,请选择“所有人都可以回复”链接以调整谁可以回复此推文。

Select the "Everyone Can Reply" link

Choose the “People You Follow” or “Only People You Mention” option. The first will limit replies to everyone your Twitter account follows, and the second will keep responses limited to anyone you “@” mention in your tweet.

选择“您关注的人”或“您提及的人”选项。 第一个将限制对您的Twitter帐户关注的所有人的回复,第二个将限制仅限于您在推文中“ @”提及的任何人。

Choose "People You Follow" or "Only People You Mention" from the pop-up menu

If you don’t mention anyone in your tweet and you select the “Only People You Mention” option, no one will be able to respond to your message (other than yourself).


Compose a message you want to share on Twitter if you haven’t yet, and then tap the “Tweet” button.

撰写您想在Twitter上共享的消息,然后点击“ Tweet”按钮。

Compose a message and then tap the "Tweet" button

And that’s it—your tweet has been shared, and replies will be limited to whoever you choose. You can select any tweet and see who is allowed to respond.

就是这样-您的推文已被共享,并且答复将仅限于您选择的任何人。 您可以选择任何推文,并查看允许谁响应。

When selected, the tweet will show your reply setting

Unfortunately, Twitter doesn’t allow you to change who can respond to a tweet after the fact. Once you hit the “Tweet” button, your choice will set in stone.

不幸的是,Twitter不允许您更改在事发后可以回应推文的人。 按下“ Tweet”按钮后,您的选择将一成不变。

选择谁可以在网上回复推文 (Choose Who Can Reply to Tweets on the Web)

The process for limiting responses to your tweets using Twitter’s website is almost identical to tweeting from a mobile app.


Begin by visiting Twitter’s desktop website on your computer using the browser of your choice. From the home page, click into the compose box found at the top of the windows.

首先使用您选择的浏览器在计算机上访问Twitter的桌面网站 。 在主页上,单击进入位于窗口顶部的撰写框。

Click the tweet box found at the top of the page

You can also select the blue “Tweet” button found in the left-hand pane if you don’t see the compose box.

如果您没有看到撰写框,您也可以选择在左侧窗格中找到的蓝色“ Tweet”按钮。

Next, write out a message you would like to tweet and then click the “Everyone Can Reply” link.


Compose a tweet and then click on the "Everyone Can Reply" link

Choose the “People You Follow” or the “Only People You Mention” option, depending on what best fits your needs.


Choose "People You Follow" or "Only People You Mention" from the drop-down menu

All you have to do now is click the “Tweet” button. Your tweet will now be shared with all of your followers.

您现在所要做的就是单击“ Tweet”按钮。 现在,您的推文将与所有关注者共享。

When you're ready, click the "Tweet" button

As mentioned before, you won’t be able to change who can reply to your tweet after the fact. You will have to delete the message and share it again to make any changes.

如前所述,事实发生后,您将无法更改可以回复您的推文的人。 您将必须删除该消息并再次共享以进行任何更改。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/685219/how-to-limit-who-can-reply-to-your-tweets/





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