patreon 赞助取消_什么是Patreon,它如何工作?

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Many online content creators use Patreon to supplement their income. How does it work, and should you support your favorite internet content creator on the site? Find out here.

许多在线内容创建者使用Patreon来增加收入。 它是如何工作的,您是否应该在该网站上支持您最喜欢的Internet内容创建者? 在这里找到。

Patreon和创作者支持 (Patreon and Creator Support)

From musicians to video-makers to podcasters, the web has given many creative people a platform to share their work. However, as more people transition to having fully online careers, ad revenues from websites like YouTube may not be enough to create the content they make. That is why many online creators are joining crowdfunding sites like Patreon.

从音乐家到视频制作者再到播客 ,网络为许多富有创造力的人提供了共享作品的平台。 但是,随着越来越多的人开始拥有完全的在线职业,来自YouTube之类的网站的广告收入可能不足以创造他们制作的内容。 这就是为什么许多在线创作者加入Patreon等众筹网站的原因。

Patreon is a service that allows you to provide monthly financial support to your favorite content creator. In exchange, supporters, or “patrons,” may receive certain perks, such as exclusive uploads, early access to new work, ad-free content, and the ability to give suggestions. Many creators on Youtube also include the names of their patrons at the end of their videos.

Patreon是一项服务,可让您每月向喜爱的内容创建者提供财务支持。 作为交换,支持者或“赞助人”可能会获得某些特权,例如,独家上传,早期使用新作品,无广告内容以及提出建议的能力。 YouTube上的许多创作者还在视频末尾添加了赞助者的名字。

The site also has social media integration, so you can quickly find out if any creators that you follow on YouTube or Twitter have a Patreon.


Instead of charging a monthly fee, creators may also charge per completed work, such as for every video or podcast episode. This is common among creators that do not upload monthly.

除了每月收取费用外,创作者还可以按完成的作品收取费用,例如每个视频或Podcast插曲。 这在不每月上传一次的创作者中很常见。

会员等级 (Membership Tiers)

Patreon Tiers and Memberships

Most Patreon creators have multiple tiers that supporters can join, with each tier corresponding to a certain monetary amount. These tiers are set by the creators, and can range anywhere from $1 a month to $100 a month. The larger a patron’s ongoing contribution is, the more perks they receive. Some of the highest tier rewards include physical merchandise, their name displayed prominently in the video, and the ability to communicate with the maker directly.

大多数Patreon创建者都有支持者可以加入的多个层次,每个层次对应于一定的金额。 这些等级由创建者设置,范围从每月1美元到每月100美元不等。 顾客持续的贡献越大,他们获得的津贴就越多。 一些最高级别的奖励包括实物商品,其名称在视频中突出显示以及能够与制造商直接沟通。

Some tiers may have a maximum number of “slots” that can be filled. Creators use this to manage rewards for higher tiers, especially if there are rewards that involve creating custom work for the most significant contributors.

某些层可能具有最多可填充的“插槽”数量。 创作者使用它来管理对更高层次的奖励,尤其是当奖励涉及为最重要的贡献者创建定制作品时。

Alternatively, some Patreon members do not use tiers at all. Instead, they provide the same perks to all supporters as part of a “pay-what-you-want” scheme.

或者,某些Patreon成员根本不使用层。 相反,作为“按需付费”计划的一部分,它们向所有支持者提供相同的福利。

Patreon members typically display monetary goals on their page, with specific targets corresponding to special content or increased posting frequency. You can also see how many people are currently supporting a creator.

Patreon成员通常在其页面上显示货币目标,而特定目标对应于特殊内容或增加的发布频率。 您还可以查看当前有多少人支持创作者。

Patreon的功能和优点 (Patreon Features and Benefits)

The primary way that Patreon members communicate with their supporters is via a feed on their page. Creators can post text, images, videos, and polls to their page, and can use it as a direct line to their patrons. They can also block off certain posts to specific tiers. For example, if $5 patrons get early access to new videos, posts with new videos will only be shown to those contributing at least $5.

Patreon成员与支持者交流的主要方式是通过其页面上的feed。 创建者可以在其页面上张贴文本,图像,视频和民意调查,并可以将其用作指向其顾客的直接线路。 他们还可以阻止某些帖子进入特定级别。 例如,如果$ 5的顾客可以尽早使用新视频,则只有贡献了$ 5的用户才能看到包含新视频的帖子。

For podcasters, Patreon has custom RSS feed support. When a patron joins, they obtain a custom feed link that they can add to their podcasting app of choice. This custom feed link is specially made for the subscriber, and the episodes that are in the feed may be different between different types of subscribers.

对于播客,Patreon具有自定义RSS feed支持。 当顾客加入时,他们会获得一个自定义的供稿链接,可以将其添加到所选的播客应用中。 此自定义提要链接是专门为订户创建的,并且提要中的情节在不同类型的订户之间可能有所不同。

Patreon also has integration with the popular group chatting app Discord. A common perk of being a supporter is having access to an exclusive Discord server or channel where you can chat with the creators and with other fans.

Patreon还与流行的群组聊天应用Discord集成在一起。 成为支持者的常见特权是可以访问专有的Discord服务器或频道,您可以在其中与创作者和其他粉丝聊天。

Patreon如何改变内容创作 (How Patreon Is Changing Content Creation)

For many creators, the rise of Patreon has been a boon. Traditionally, online creatives have made most of their income with advertising. This includes both the advertising space they sell on sites like Youtube or blogs, as well as direct sponsorships from companies. However, advertising revenues have been dropping recently. In 2019, a change in Youtube guidelines triggered what was dubbed the “Adpocalypse,” which resulted in significant reductions in income.

对于许多创作者来说,Patreon的兴起是一个福音。 传统上,在线广告素材的大部分收入都来自广告。 这包括他们在Youtube或博客上出售的广告空间,以及公司的直接赞助。 但是,广告收入最近一直在下降。 在2019年, Youtube指南更改触发了被称为“末日启示录”的活动,从而导致收入大幅减少。

Patreon allows creators to be funded directly by their biggest fans and maintain a monthly income. Many smaller creators have been able to focus on their online work full-time with the support of their patrons.

Patreon允许创作者直接由其最大的粉丝资助,并维持每月收入。 在赞助者的支持下,许多较小的创作者能够全职专注于在线工作。

For fans, the site is a good way of funding the work of your favorite creators, while also getting rewards in return. If you highly enjoy someone’s content, then joining their Patreon is an excellent way of showing your support.

对于粉丝来说,该网站是资助您最喜欢的创作者的作品的一种好方法,同时还能获得回报。 如果您非常喜欢某人的内容,那么加入他们的Patreon是表示支持的绝佳方法。


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