微软预览word_Microsoft Word文档太大了吗?



The Microsoft Word Logo.

The more you write, the bigger your file—but just how big can a Microsoft Word document be? The answer is, it depends. Text, video, and image content make all the difference when it comes to Word document size.

您写的越多,文件就越大—但是Microsoft Word文档可以有多大? 答案是,这取决于。 文字,视频和图像内容对Word文档的大小有很大的影响。

The maximum file size of a Word document also depends on the file format. Newer versions of Word use the DOCX format, while older versions use DOC.

Word文档的最大文件大小还取决于文件格式。 Word的较新版本使用DOCX格式 ,而较旧的版本使用DOC。

Microsoft Word文档的最大文件大小 (The Maximum File Size for Microsoft Word Documents)

The maximum file size for Microsoft Word documents that only contain text is 32 MB. This is true for documents created in Microsoft Word 2007 and later.

仅包含文本的Microsoft Word文档的最大文件大小为32 MB。 对于在Microsoft Word 2007和更高版本中创建的文档,这是正确的。

A large Microsoft Word file (32 MB) in Windows File Explorer.

That’s a lot of room for text, but not much for videos or images.


If you add images or video to your document, the maximum file size increases to a much more manageable 512 MB—at least, in theory. This is the absolute maximum size, but we advise caution if your Word files begin to approach this size.

如果将图像或视频添加到文档,则最大文件大小将增加到更易于管理的512 MB,至少在理论上是这样。 这是绝对最大大小,但是如果您的Word文件开始接近此大小,我们建议您谨慎使用。

Word documents that are half a gigabyte are going to be extremely difficult to work in, especially if the bulk of the file contains images or videos. However, a lot depends on your system resources, and whether your computer is capable of working with files that large.

半GB的Word文档将非常难以使用,特别是如果文件的大部分包含图像或视频时。 但是,很大程度上取决于您的系统资源,以及您的计算机是否能够处理如此大的文件。

It also depends on Word itself. While the program is typically stable for general use, you might find it significantly less so if you try to work in or save a file of a substantially larger size than usual.

它还取决于Word本身。 虽然该程序通常可以稳定地用于一般用途,但是您可能会发现它的数量明显减少,因此如果您尝试处理或保存比平常大得多的文件。

The same is true when you open a file larger than what would otherwise be routine.


如何检查文件大小 (How to Check the File Size)

If you want to check the size of your Microsoft Word document, you can do so in Word or Windows File Explorer.

如果要检查Microsoft Word文档的大小,可以在Word或Windows File Explorer中进行检查。

To quickly check the file size in Word, click File > Info. This menu includes various pieces of information about your document, including authors, the current word count, and file history.

要快速检查Word中的文件大小,请单击文件>信息。 此菜单包括有关文档的各种信息,包括作者,当前字数和文件历史记录。

On the right side of the menu, you see a section called “Properties.” This includes document statistics, starting with the document’s file size at the top.

在菜单的右侧,您会看到一个名为“属性”的部分。 这包括文档统计信息,从顶部的文档文件大小开始。

The "Size" of a Word document (32.1 MB) in the Properties menu.

You can also open the folder that contains your Word document in File Explorer, and then click View > Details.


Click "View," and then click "Details."

In the “Details” view, you’ll find the file size of your Word document under the “Size” column.


The "Size" column in Windows File Explorer, showing the file size of a Microsoft Word document.

如何减少Word文档的文件大小 (How to Reduce the File Size of Word Documents)

There are a few ways you can reduce the size of your Word document. This might be useful if your file has become difficult to work with, and especially if Word crashes while you’re in it.

有几种方法可以减小Word文档的大小 。 如果您的文件变得难以使用,这尤其有用,尤其是当Word在您进入文件时崩溃时。

If you convert older documents to the newer DOCX format, you should also see improvements in the size. DOCX files automatically compress any additional content, like images.

如果将较旧的文档转换为较新的DOCX格式,则还应该看到其尺寸有所改善。 DOCX文件会自动压缩任何其他内容,例如图像。

To convert a document, open it in Word, and then click File > Info > Convert.


Click "File" and "Info," and then click "Convert" in Word.

How you insert images into your Word document can also impact the file size. If you paste images into your document directly, Word converts them to the BMP format, which is significantly larger than other file formats, like JPEG.

将图像插入Word文档的方式也会影响文件大小。 如果将图像直接粘贴到文档中,Word会将其转换为BMP格式,该格式比其他文件格式(例如JPEG)大得多。

If there are uncompressed files in your Word document, you can compress them all at once. To do this, click File > Save As > More Options.

如果您的Word文档中有未压缩的文件,则可以一次将它们全部压缩。 为此,请单击文件>另存为>更多选项。

Click "File," "Save As," and then click "More Options."

In the “Save As” dialog box, click Tools > Compress Pictures.


Click Tools, and then select Compress Pictures.

From here, choose the picture quality you want to use for any images in your Word document.


For the smallest possible file size (but the worst possible quality), select “E-mail (96 PPI),” click “OK,” and then click “Save.”

对于最小的文件大小(但质量可能最差),选择“电子邮件(96 PPI)”,单击“确定”,然后单击“保存”。

Select "E-mail (96 PPI)," and then click "OK."

This automatically compresses all of the images. You can select one of the other options, but doing so will result in a larger Word document.

这将自动压缩所有图像。 您可以选择其他选项之一,但是这样做会导致Word文档更大。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/448726/how-big-is-too-big-for-a-microsoft-word-document/






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