


Windows 10's new light desktop background logo.

Microsoft’s “Patch Tuesday” occurs on the second Tuesday of each month. This is the day when, like clockwork, Microsoft releases large update packages for Windows 10, Windows 7, Microsoft Office, and its other software.

微软的“星期二补丁”发生在每个月的第二个星期二。 这是一天,就像发条一样,Microsoft发布了适用于Windows 10,Windows 7,Microsoft Office及其其他软件的大型更新程序包。

微软星期二的补丁是什么? (What Is Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday?)

Sometimes called “Update Tuesday,” Patch Tuesday is an unofficial term for the day when Microsoft releases update packages for the Windows operating system and other Microsoft software applications, including Microsoft Office.

补丁星期二有时被称为“星期二更新”,是微软发布适用于Windows操作系统和其他Microsoft软件应用程序(包括Microsoft Office)的更新程序包的一天的非正式术语。

As Microsoft patches security vulnerabilities, it doesn’t release those patches immediately. Instead, the company gathers those fixes into a larger update, which is released on Patch Tuesday.

由于Microsoft修补了安全漏洞,因此不会立即发布这些修补程序。 取而代之的是,该公司将这些修补程序收集到一个更大的更新中,该更新在星期二的Patch中发布。

Microsoft does this to make the update process as predictable as possible for administrators. IT professionals know that patches will arrive on the second Tuesday of each month, and they can make plans to test or install them. It should be easier than continually applying smaller patches and more predictable than huge patches arriving on a random day of the month.

Microsoft这样做是为了使更新过程对于管理员而言尽可能可预测。 IT专业人员知道补丁将在每个月的第二个星期二到达,并且可以制定计划来测试或安装它们。 比连续应用较小的补丁程序要容易,并且比每月随机某天到达的大型补丁程序更容易预测。

星期二什么时候打补丁? (When Is Patch Tuesday?)

Patch Tuesday occurs on the second Tuesday of each month. More precisely, it occurs on the second Tuesday of each month in North America.

补丁星期二发生在每个月的第二个星期二。 更确切地说,它发生在北美每个月的第二个星期二。

Microsoft doesn’t have a guaranteed time these patches and Microsoft’s information bulletins about them will be released. These updates generally arrive around 10 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, but they may be released later in the day.

Microsoft没有保证的时间来发布这些补丁,并且Microsoft会发布有关它们的信息公告。 这些更新通常在太平洋标准时间上午10点左右到达,但可能会在当天晚些时候发布。

Windows 10 checks for updates about once per day. The average Windows PC should automatically download these updates via Windows Update by Wednesday afternoon if it’s powered on and connected to the internet. Of course, administrators may choose to delay and test these updates before deploying them to PCs in their organizations.

Windows 10大约每天检查一次更新。 如果Windows PC已打开电源并连接到Internet,则普通Windows PC应该在星期三下午通过Windows Update自动下载这些更新。 当然,管理员可以选择延迟并测试这些更新,然后再将其部署到组织中的PC上。

更新不只在星期二发布 (Updates Aren’t Only Released on Tuesdays)

As you might have noticed, Patch Tuesday isn’t the only date updates arrive. In some cases, Microsoft will issue “out-of-band” updates for particularly critical security flaws, especially ones that are being exploited in the wild.

您可能已经注意到,补丁星期二不是唯一到达更新的日期。 在某些情况下,Microsoft会针对特别关键的安全漏洞(尤其是在野外被利用的漏洞)发布“带外”更新。

However, if a security hole isn’t being exploited in the wild and it’s okay to wait a few weeks, Microsoft will wait for Patch Tuesday to issue that update.

但是,如果没有在野外利用安全漏洞,可以等待几周,Microsoft将等待Patch Tuesday发布此更新。

Even if you do get one or more smaller patches in a month, there’s always bigger update coming on Patch Tuesday. It contains all the updates that didn’t have to be rushed out.

即使您一个月内获得了一个或多个较小的补丁程序,在星期二的补丁程序中总会有更大的更新。 它包含所有不必赶出的更新。

星期二补丁针对“ B”更新 (Patch Tuesday Is For “B” Updates)

Windows Update showing an optional update.

In Microsoft’s update parlance, Patch Tuesday updates are called “B” updates because they’re released in the second week of each month.

按照Microsoft的更新说法,Patch Tuesday更新被称为“ B”更新,因为它们在每月的第二周发布。

Microsoft also issues optional update packages in the third or fourth weeks of the month. They’re known as the “C” and “D” updates. These include bug fixes and improvements for problems that aren’t security holes. After these updates are tested, their fixes make it into next month’s B update on Patch Tuesday.

Microsoft还在每月的第三或第四周发布可选的更新程序包。 它们被称为“ C”和“ D”更新 。 其中包括错误修复和针对非安全漏洞的问题的改进。 在测试完这些更新之后,它们的修复程序将成为下个月Patch Tuesday的B更新。

These C and D updates now appear as “optional updates” in Windows Update on Windows 10.

这些C和D更新现在在Windows 10的Windows Update中显示为“可选更新”。

星期二补丁不仅仅适合微软 (Patch Tuesday Isn’t Just For Microsoft)

Other companies have chosen to join Patch Tuesday to make things easier for system administrators to update their systems with security patches.


For example, Adobe also releases security updates for its software like the Adobe Flash Player browser plug-in and Acrobat Reader PDF viewer on Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday.

例如,Adobe还在Microsoft Patch Tuesday上发布了其软件的安全更新,例如Adobe Flash Player浏览器插件和Acrobat Reader PDF查看器。

星期二补丁不适合Windows 10的重大更新 (Patch Tuesday Isn’t For Windows 10’s Big Updates)

Microsoft now releases big updates to Windows 10 once every six months. For example, Windows 10’s last big update was the May 2019 Update, and it was preceded by the October 2018 Update.

微软现在每六个月发布一次Windows 10的重大更新。 例如,Windows 10的最后一个重大更新是2019年5月更新 ,在此之前是2018年10月更新

These updates aren’t released on Patch Tuesday. They’re released on whatever day Microsoft decides to release them.

这些更新不会在星期二的补丁中发布。 它们会在Microsoft决定发布它们的任何一天发布。

Even after the official release of each major update, the rollout process is slow. Big updates like these may not be automatically installed on your PC until months later, as Microsoft now uses AI to determine when it’s confident the update is safe to install for your combination of hardware and software. You can still choose to skip the wait and install them immediately, but Microsoft says you have better odds of a good experience if you decide to wait.

即使在每个重大更新正式发布之后,其推出过程仍然很慢。 像这样的大型更新可能要几个月后才能自动安装在您的PC上,因为Microsoft现在使用AI来确定何时可以确定可以安全地为硬件和软件组合安装更新。 您仍然可以选择跳过等待并立即安装它们,但是Microsoft表示,如果您决定等待,则可能会有更好的体验。

That’s very unlike Patch Tuesday updates, which don’t contain new features. They contain important security updates and already-tested bug fixes. By default, they’re automatically installed for all Windows users as soon as possible.

这与星期二的补丁更新非常不同,后者不包含新功能。 它们包含重要的安全更新和已测试的错误修复。 默认情况下,将自动为所有Windows用户自动安装它们。

You can view information about Windows 10 updates on Microsoft’s Windows 10 Update History page.

您可以在Microsoft的Windows 10更新历史页上查看有关Windows 10更新的信息。



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