quic 谷歌浏览器_HTTP / 3和QUIC如何加快您的Web浏览

HTTP/3与QUIC是互联网的新标准,旨在提供更快、更安全的网页浏览体验。HTTP/3利用QUIC协议,比HTTP/1和HTTP/2具有更低延迟和更强的错误抵抗力,同时内置TLS 1.3加密,提高安全性。目前,HTTP/3已应用于Chrome Canary,未来将推广到其他浏览器。Cloudflare等公司也在推动其广泛应用。
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quic 谷歌浏览器

A global map featuring network-style connections focused on North America.
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HTTP/3 is becoming more widespread. Cloudflare is now supporting HTTP/3, which is already part of Chrome Canary and will be added to Firefox Nightly soon. This new standard will make your web browsing faster and more secure.

HTTP / 3变得越来越普遍。 Cloudflare现在支持HTTP / 3,它已经是Chrome Canary的一部分,并将很快添加到Firefox Nightly。 这一新标准将使您的Web浏览更快,更安全。

为什么使用HTTP / 3和QUIC很重要 (Why HTTP/3 and QUIC Matter)

Here’s the short explanation: Web browsers, web servers, and other critical pieces of web infrastructure are getting support for a new standard named HTTP/3, which uses QUIC. This is a more modern version of HTTP, which web browsers use to communicate with web servers and send data back and forth.

这是简短的解释:Web浏览器,Web服务器和Web基础结构的其他关键部分正在获得对名为QUICK的新标准HTTP / 3的支持。 这是HTTP的更现代版本,Web浏览器用于与Web服务器进行通信并来回发送数据。

HTTP/3 has been rewritten to send data more quickly with better resistance to errors. It has built-in encryption, too. That means more speed and security. It’s not just data transfer speed, either: HTTP/3 should reduce latency as well, meaning websites will start loading more quickly after you click or tap a link.

HTTP / 3已被重写,可以更快地发送数据并更好地抵抗错误。 它还具有内置加密功能。 这意味着更高的速度和安全性。 这也不只是数据传输速度:HTTP / 3还应减少延迟,这意味着单击或点击链接后,网站将开始更快地加载。

The average person never needs to know about HTTP/3 and QUIC. People who run websites and develop web software have some work to do, but it’s all going to be transparent to the average person. One day, your web browser and the websites you use will start communicating over HTTP/3 instead, and the web will get better and better as more sites opt to use HTTP/3.

一般人永远不需要了解HTTP / 3和QUIC。 经营网站和开发网络软件的人们还有很多工作要做,但这对普通人来说都是透明的。 有一天,您的网络浏览器和您使用的网站将开始通过HTTP / 3通信,随着越来越多的网站选择使用HTTP / 3,网络将变得越来越好。

从HTTP / 1到HTTP / 2 (From HTTP/1 to HTTP/2)

HTTP shown in Google Chrome's address bar.

The original version of HTTP uses the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP.) First described in 1974, TCP was never designed with the speed and responsiveness of today’s web in mind.  Google tried to fix many of TCP’s problems with a new protocol named SPDY, which informed HTTP/2.

HTTP的原始版本使用传输控制协议(TCP)。1974年首次描述,TCP的设计从未考虑到当今网络的速度和响应能力。 Google尝试通过名为SPDY的新协议来解决TCP的许多问题,该协议通知了HTTP / 2。

HTTP/2 arrived in most major browsers by the end of 2015, adding features like data compression and pipelining of multiple requests over a single TCP connection to speed things up.

HTTP / 2于2015年底进入大多数主流浏览器,添加了诸如数据压缩和通过单个TCP连接对多个请求进行流水线化等功能,以加快处理速度。

As of September 2019, W3Techs estimates that HTTP/2 is now being used by 41% of websites.

截至2019年9月, W3Techs估计现在有41%的网站正在使用HTTP / 2。

什么是HTTP / 3和QUIC? (What Are HTTP/3 and QUIC?)

HTTP/3 is more of a rewrite of the HTTP protocol. Instead of using TCP, HTTP/3 uses Google’s QUIC protocol. HTTP/3 was initially known as HTTP-over-QUIC. HTTP/3 also includes TLS 1.3 encryption, so there’s no need for a separate HTTPS that bolts security onto the protocol, as there is today.

HTTP / 3更像是对HTTP协议的重写。 HTTP / 3不是使用TCP,而是使用Google的QUIC协议。 HTTP / 3最初被称为HTTP-QUIC。 HTTP / 3还包括TLS 1.3加密,因此不需要像今天一样将HTTP的安全性提高到单独的HTTPS。

QUIC originally stood for “Quick UDP Internet Connections.” This protocol is designed to be faster with lower latency than TCP. QUIC offers less overhead when establishing a connection and quicker data transfers over the connection. Unlike TCP, an error like a piece of data that gets lost along the way won’t cause the connection to stop and wait for the problem to be fixed. QUIC will keep transferring other data while the issue is being resolved.

QUIC最初代表“快速UDP Internet连接”。 该协议被设计为比TCP更快,延迟更短。 建立连接时,QUIC的开销较小,并且通过连接的数据传输更快。 与TCP不同,像一条数据这样的错误会丢失,不会导致连接停止并等待问题解决。 解决问题时,QUIC将继续传输其他数据。

In fact, QUIC was added to Google Chrome back in 2013. Chrome uses it when communicating with Google services and some other websites like Facebook, and it’s available to Android applications. But QUIC isn’t a standard integrated into other web browsers. With HTTP/3 the technology is coming in a standard way to other browsers, too.

实际上,QUIC早在2013年就已添加到Google Chrome中。Chrome在与Google服务和其他一些网站(如Facebook)进行通信时会使用它,并且Android应用程序也可以使用它。 但是QUIC并不是集成到其他Web浏览器中的标准。 借助HTTP / 3,该技术也以标准方式应用于其他浏览器。

In summary: HTTP/3 is a newer, better, faster protocol. It’s a more modern solution that should deliver improved security and speed to the web.

总结:HTTP / 3是一个更新,更好,更快的协议。 这是一种更现代的解决方案,应该可以提高Web的安全性和速度。

他们正在您附近的网络浏览器上 (They’re Coming to a Web Browser Near You)

HTTP/3 was added to the bleeding-edge Canary version of Google Chrome in September 2019, hidden behind a command-line flag. Launching Chrome Canary with the --enable-quic --quic-version=h3-23  command-line arguments will enable HTTP/3.

HTTP / 3已于2019年9月添加到尖端的Canary版本的Google Chrome浏览器中,隐藏在命令行标志后面。 使用--enable-quic --quic-version=h3-23命令行参数启动Chrome Canary,将启用HTTP / 3。

Mozilla announced it’s working on adding HTTP/3 to an experimental version of Firefox Nightly this fall. The new Chromium-based version of Microsoft Edge will inherit Google’s HTTP/3 work for Chrome, as will other Chromium-based browsers like Opera. We would expect Apple to jump on board with HTTP/3 in Safari at some point, too.

Mozilla宣布它将在今年秋天将HTTP / 3添加到Firefox Nightly的实验版本中。 新的基于Chromium的Microsoft Edge版本将继承Google在Chrome上的HTTP / 3工作,其他基于Chromium的浏览器(如Opera)也将如此。 我们希望苹果在某个时候也能在Safari中使用HTTP / 3。

Cloudflare has even announced that it’s making HTTP/3 adoption easier for sites that use its content delivery network. Cloudflare customers will soon be able just to flip a switch and enable “HTTP/3 (with QUIC)” for their sites. That should hopefully help boost HTTP/3 adoption by making it easier for websites to enable once browsers get HTTP/3 stable and enabled for everyone.

Cloudflare甚至宣布 ,它将使使用其内容交付网络的站点更容易采用HTTP / 3。 Cloudflare客户很快将能够翻转开关并为其站点启用“ HTTP / 3(带有QUIC)”。 一旦浏览器使HTTP / 3稳定并为所有人启用后,网站将更容易启用,从而有望帮助提高HTTP / 3的采用率。

HTTP/3 is coming to other software, too—for example, the Nginx web server is working on HTTP/3 support for Nginx version 1.17.

HTTP / 3也将用于其他软件-例如,Nginx Web服务器正在对Nginx 1.17版进行HTTP / 3支持。

We’re in the early stages of implementation. Cloudflare says it will “continue working alongside other organizations, including Google and Mozilla, to finalize the QUIC and HTTP/3 standards and encourage broad adoption.” In other words, not only is the software not final yet—the standard itself may see some changes. There’s a lot of work to be done before this is enabled by default in modern browsers and automatically used.

我们处于实施的初期阶段。 Cloudflare表示,它将“继续与包括Google和Mozilla在内的其他组织合作,以最终确定QUIC和HTTP / 3标准并鼓励广泛采用。” 换句话说,不仅软件还不是最终版本-标准本身可能会发生一些变化。 在现代浏览器中默认启用并自动使用此功能之前,还有很多工作要做。

更多技术细节 (More Technical Details)

Want to know more? Check out Cloudflare’s in-depth look at HTTP/3 or dig through the draft HTTP/3 standard for the real tech specs.

想知道更多? 查看Cloudflare对HTTP / 3的深入了解,或深入了解HTTP / 3标准草案以了解实际技术规范。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/442047/how-http3-and-quic-will-speed-up-your-web-browsing/

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