



Photoshop is not always the most user friendly of programs. Sometimes it has frustrating issues, and the solution is not always clear. Here’s a list of 10 annoying problems you might have with Photoshop, and simple solutions to fix them.

Photoshop并不总是最友好的程序。 有时,它会遇到令人沮丧的问题,解决方案并不总是很清楚。 这里列出了您可能会在Photoshop中遇到的10个烦人的问题,以及一些简单的解决方案。

They’ll range from simple to complex, some dealing with why the program won’t let you use your cursor tools, or why your cursor has changed shape. Read on to see the list, and what you can learn to make your graphics editing experience more pleasant and productive.

它们的范围从简单到复杂,其中一些涉及程序为何不允许您使用光标工具,或者为什么光标已改变形状。 请继续阅读以查看列表,以及可以学习的内容,以使图形编辑体验更加愉快和高效。

您的光标消失或改变形状 (Your Cursor Disappears or Changes Shape)


The Problem: After working with some type or some other tool, only to return to the brush to find that your cursor has changed shape, and is difficult to see. What the heck has happened?

问题:使用某种类型的工具或其他工具后,只能返回到画笔以发现光标已更改形状,并且很难看到。 到底发生了什么事?


The Solution: If your cursor looks like the ones directly above, you’ve probably switched to “precise cursors.” A simple press of the Caps Lock key will return them to normal. You can also change them under your preferences, shortcut key Ctrl + K.

解决方案:如果您的光标看起来像正上方的光标,则可能已切换为“精确光标”。 只需按一下Caps Lock键,它们就会恢复正常。 您还可以根据自己的喜好,快捷键Ctrl + K更改它们。

您的面板不断消失 (Your Panels Keep Disappearing)


The Problem: Uncertain what you’ve done, all your panels have vanished from your screen. The menu is still available, but what has caused them all to go away?

问题:不确定您做了什么,所有面板都从屏幕上消失了。 菜单仍然可用,但是是什么导致它们全部消失呢?


The Solution: Normally, all panels are hidden by a quick press of the Tab key, often by accident. A single press hides all active panels, and a second one brings them back as they were, no need to reactivate them under the Window menu.

解决方案 :通常,通常是偶然地通过快速按下Tab键来隐藏所有面板。 一次按下即可隐藏所有活动面板,第二次按下即可将其恢复原状,而无需在“窗口”菜单下重新激活它们。

您的画笔工具(或其他)已停止工作 (Your Brush Tool (Or Others) Have Stopped Working)


The Problem: You’re trying to paint, erase, clone stamp, heal brush, etc, and Photoshop simply won’t make a mark on your canvas or let you use your tools like normal.



The Solution: This can be one of several problems. Go to Select > Deselect if you have an area selected with the marquee tool that you might have forgotten or can’t see. From there, Navigate to your channels panel, and check that you’re not working in a quick mask channel, or any other extraneous channel. If you are, click the combined RGB channel (pictured above, center) or the combined CMYK channel, if you happen to be working in CMYK. You should also be able to see if you are in a mask channel, another potential pitfall.

解决方案 :这可能是几个问题之一。 如果您使用选框工具选择了可能忘记或看不到的区域,请转到选择>取消选择。 从那里导航到您的频道面板,并检查您是否不在快速遮罩频道或任何其他无关频道中工作。 如果是的话,如果碰巧正在CMYK中工作,请单击组合的RGB通道(如上图所示,中间)或组合的CMYK通道。 您还应该能够查看自己是否处于遮罩通道中,这是另一个潜在的陷阱。

If you are working in Quickmask mode (pictured above right) you can press shortcut key Q to return to normal, or simply click the icon in your toolbox.


切换程序时剪贴板导出错误 (Clipboard Export Error When Switching Programs)


The Problem: Photoshop hangs up every time you try to switch programs, and often gives you a strange error about the clipboard.



The Solution: Press shortcut key Ctrl + K to bring up your preferences and under General, you’ll find “Export Clipboard.” This will stop you from copy-pasting image data from Photoshop, but not into Photoshop.

解决方案 :按快捷键Ctrl + K弹出您的首选项,在“ 常规 ”下,您将找到“导出剪贴板”。 这会阻止你的复制粘贴图像数据 Photoshop,但没有 Photoshop。

文档和新文件始终在选项卡中打开 (Documents and New Files Always Open In Tabs)


The Problem: You’ve migrated to a new version of Photoshop, except you are forced to use the tabs feature whenever you open a document or create a new one.

问题 :您已迁移到新版本的Photoshop,但每次打开文档或创建新文档时都必须使用选项卡功能。


The Solution: Visit Preferences by pressing shortcut key Ctrl + K. Navigate to “Interface,” where tabs can be disabled for newly opened documents, illustrated above. To put an image into a tab, simply drag it to the snap area at the top of the program, directly under the topmost options panel and menu.

解决方案 :按快捷键Ctrl + K访问“首选项” 导航到“接口”,其中可以禁用新打开的文档的选项卡,如上图所示。 要将图像放入选项卡,只需将其拖到程序顶部,最顶部的选项面板和菜单正下方的捕捉区域。

与Photoshop无关的重要图像文件 (Important Image Files Aren’t Associated With Photoshop)


The Problem: You double click a file you expect to open with Photoshop, and a program that has installed and taken over that file association.



The Solution: Right Click the file in Windows Explorer, or any file of a similar type. Find “Open With,” then pick “Choose default program.”

解决方案:右键单击Windows资源管理器中的文件或任何类似类型的文件。 找到“打开方式”,然后选择“选择默认程序”。


From there, you can associate the file (and subsequent filetype) with Photoshop, and instruct Windows to always use that program for that type of file.


无法控制自动“智能报价” (No Control Over Automatic “Smart Quotes”)


The Problem: You prefer, for various reasons, to use the “Straight Quotes” versus the curly “Smart Quotes,” but have no control over how to make them.

问题 :由于种种原因,您倾向于使用“直引号”而不是卷曲的“智能引号”,但无法控制它们的制作方式。


The Solution: Little known fact, “Straight Quotes” are actually not quotes at all, but a notation of feet and inches. Most programs autocorrect “Smart Quotes” in place of them, but this can create a lot of issues. The easiest way is to sidestep using smart quotes is to turn them off. Use shortcut key Ctrl + K to open Preferences and navigate to “Type.” You’ll find an option there to turn off Smart Quote autocorrect.

解决方案 :鲜为人知的事实是,“直引号”实际上根本不是引号,而是英尺和英寸的符号。 大多数程序会代替它们自动更正“智能引号”,但这会产生很多问题。 最简单的方法是避开使用智能引号将其关闭。 使用快捷键Ctrl + K打开“偏好设置”并导航到“类型”。 您会在此处找到关闭自动报价自动更正的选项。

缩放后,您将不断调整Windows的大小 (You Are Constantly Resizing Your Windows After Zoom)


The Problem: You end up zooming in and out of your image. When you zoom in, your window remains the same small size as when you were zoomed out, and you have to constantly resize it.

问题 :您最终放大和缩小图像。 放大时,窗口的大小与缩小时的大小相同,并且必须不断调整其大小。


The Solution: Preferences has an option to curb that problem, as well. Bring them up with shortcut key Ctrl + K and look under the “General” tab. You’ll see the option for “Zoom Resizes Windows,” which will automatically resize your windows when you zoom into an image file.

解决方案 :首选项也可以解决该问题。 使用快捷键Ctrl + K调出它们,然后在“常规”标签下查看。 您会看到“缩放窗口大小”选项,当您放大图像文件时,它将自动调整窗口大小。

暂存盘已满? (The Scratch Disk Is Full?)


The Problem: Photoshop runs worse than ever, and that system drive is looking really full. When you go to perform big actions and filters, it gives you an error—something about scratch disks?

问题 :Photoshop运行得比以往任何时候都要糟糕,而且系统驱动器看起来真的很满。 当您执行大型操作和筛选时,它会给您带来错误-有关暂存盘的信息?


The Solution: Press a simple shortcut key Ctrl + K to open preferences, then navigate to “Performance.” You have options on Scratch Disks to enable, and can add any of your free drives for Photoshop to use as extra scratch disks.

解决方案 :按简单的快捷键Ctrl + K打开首选项,然后导航到“性能”。 您可以在暂存盘上启用多个选项,并且可以添加任何免费驱动器供Photoshop用作额外的暂存盘。

It also can’t hurt to clear up space with a Disk Cleanup. Go to your Start Menu, and find “Disk Cleanup” to help clear up some space on your system disk.

通过磁盘清理来清理空间也无济于事。 转到“开始”菜单,然后找到“磁盘清理”以帮助清理系统磁盘上的某些空间。

Photoshop在动力不足的机器上运行缓慢 (Photoshop Runs Slow on Underpowered Machines)


The Problem: Waiting forever for those filters to run? Perhaps just basic commands are taking forever? Photoshop runs like a dog on your computer—is there anything you can do?

问题:永远等待这些过滤器运行? 也许只是基本命令会永远存在? Photoshop像狗一样在计算机上运行,​​您能做些什么?


The Solution: The obvious answer is to upgrade your machine, in particular to add RAM. However, a new PC or components are not always an option for PC users. So simply navigate to your Preferences with shortcut key Ctrl + K. Under “Performance” you’ll find a submenu that allows you to give Photoshop more resources, up to 100% of the available RAM. The more the better, although take note of the “Ideal Range”, unless you don’t plan on running any other programs along with Photoshop.

解决方案:显而易见的答案是升级计算机,特别是添加RAM 。 但是,新PC或组件并非始终可供PC用户选择。 因此,只需使用快捷键Ctrl + K导航至“首选项”。在“性能”下,您将找到一个子菜单,该菜单可让您为Photoshop提供更多资源,最多可用内存的100%。 越多越好,尽管要注意“理想范围”,除非您不打算与Photoshop一起运行任何其他程序。

And when all else fails, it can’t hurt to turn it on and off again.


Have questions or comments concerning Graphics, Photos, Filetypes, or Photoshop? Send your questions to ericgoodnight@howtogeek.com, and they may be featured in a future How-To Geek Graphics article.

对图形,照片,文件类型或Photoshop有疑问或意见吗? 将您的问题发送到ericgoodnight@howtogeek.com ,它们可能会在以后的How-To Geek Graphics文章中介绍。

Image Credits: Frustration by Sybren A. Stüvel, available under Creative Commons. RAM by 37prime, available under Creative Commons.

图片 来源:Sybren A.Stüvel的挫败感 ,可在“ 创作共用”下找到 RAM由 37prime提供 ,可在 Creative Commons下获得

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/56742/10-common-photoshop-frustrations-and-how-to-fix-them-in-five-minutes/


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