facebook 原生广告_Facebook正在使用您的电话号码来定位广告,您无法阻止它

facebook 原生广告

facebook 原生广告

Tech publications are screaming today that giving Facebook your phone number for 2FA allows them to target you for ads. But this misses a bigger point: Facebook is using your phone number to target ads whether you give it to them willingly or not.

今天,科技出版物大声疾呼,只要给Facebook提供2FA的电话号码,它们便可以将您定位为广告。 但这错过了一个更大的问题:无论您是否愿意,Facebook都使用您的电话号码来定位广告。

In fact, the problem gets much worse. Researchers have been able to prove that Facebook allows personally identifiable information, like your phone number, to be used to target you based on shadow profiles of information that they build—profiles that you cannot see and have no control over.

实际上,问题变得更加严重。 研究人员已经能够证明Facebook允许基于个人身份信息(如您的电话号码)根据他们建立的信息的影子配置文件将您作为目标,这些信息是您无法看到且无法控制的配置文件。

So yes, if you give your phone number to Facebook to help secure your account, Facebook will also use it to target you for ads. But if you don’t give them your phone number, they will still use your phone number to target you for ads. And there’s nothing you can do (except delete Facebook).

因此,是的,如果您将电话号码提供给Facebook以帮助保护您的帐户,Facebook还将使用它来定位您的广告。 但是,如果您给他们您的电话号码,他们仍然会使用您的电话号码来定位您的广告。 而且您无能为力(删除Facebook除外)。

现在这是什么? (What’s This Now?)

Researchers at Northeastern and Princeton universities, working with Gizmodo reporters, just released a troubling report that proves that Facebook is giving advertisers access to use your “shadow contact” information for ad targeting.


What this means is that even if you don’t want Facebook to allow advertisers to target you by your phone number… Facebook is still finding a way to let advertisers target you by your phone number and other personal details. This is even true if you literally don’t give Facebook your phone number. If you gave Facebook a fake email account when you signed up, behind the scenes, they know what your real email account is.

这意味着即使您不希望Facebook允许广告商通过您的电话号码来定位您……Facebook仍在寻找一种方法,使广告商可以通过您的电话号码和其他个人信息来定位您。 如果您确实不给Facebook提供您的电话号码,那就更是如此。 如果您在注册时为Facebook提供了一个虚假的电子邮件帐户,那么在后台,他们就会知道您的真实电子邮件帐户是什么。

If you gave Facebook your phone number for Two-Factor Authentication, they are using that phone number to allow advertisers to target you. And even if you used app-based two-factor instead of SMS, they still most likely have your real phone number to target ads to you.

如果您向Facebook提供了用于双重身份验证的电话号码,则他们正在使用该电话号码来允许广告客户将您定位。 而且,即使您使用基于应用程序的两因素代替SMS,他们仍然很可能会使用您的真实电话号码将广告定位到您。

So you might think the details you gave Facebook are what they are using to target ads, but that’s not the full story. And there’s no way to prohibit Facebook from targeting your phone number even if you didn’t give it to them.

因此,您可能会认为您提供给Facebook的详细信息就是他们用来定位广告的内容,但这还不是全部。 而且即使您没有将Facebook的号码锁定为目标,也无法阻止它。

等等,定向广告甚至意味着什么? (Hold On, What Does Targeting Ads Even Mean?)

When an advertiser wants to buy an ad on Facebook—or anywhere else—they want to only pay to show that ad to the group of people most likely to actually click on that ad, because buying ads is really expensive. So Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc, all provide targeting options that let you try to find the ideal audience for your ads.

当广告商想要在Facebook或其他任何地方购买广告时,他们只想付费以向最有可能实际点击该广告的人群展示该广告,因为购买广告的确非常昂贵。 因此,Facebook,Google,Twitter等都提供了定位选项,可让您尝试找到广告的理想受众。

So if you’re Nintendo and you want to advertise your SNES Classic, you might use Facebook’s targeting options to only show the ad to people that are the right age to have played the original as children, and then further refine it by people who have shown an interest in SNES. If you were only doing a limited launch, maybe you restrict your ads to just the country, state, or city that you are launching in. Now your ad is shown only to people that are going to be excited about the SNES, and you got the best bang for your buck.

因此,如果您是任天堂并且想宣传SNES Classic,则可以使用Facebook的定位选项将广告仅向年龄合适的人播放,并将其作为儿童,然后由具有对SNES表现出兴趣。 如果您只进行有限的发布,则可以将广告限制在您要发布的国家/地区,州或城市。现在,仅向对SNES感兴趣的人展示广告最好的爆炸物。

The bigger platforms also provide a way to target customers that you might have gained offline. For instance, if you’re Nintendo, maybe you have a list of your customers that have ordered things from you. So you’ve got their email address, phone number, and other information. Platforms like Facebook (and others) let the advertiser upload a list of personally identifying information and use that to determine whether to show you ads. The thought process is that the advertiser already has your phone number and email address, and they could contact you directly if they chose, so it’s allowed for showing ads on Facebook.

更大的平台还提供了一种方法来定位可能已离线获得的客户。 例如,如果您是任天堂,也许您有一个从您那里订购商品的客户清单。 这样您就可以获得他们的电子邮件地址,电话号码和其他信息。 Facebook等平台(和其他平台)可让广告客户上传个人识别信息列表,并使用该列表确定是否向您展示广告。 考虑过程是,广告客户已经有了您的电话号码和电子邮件地址,并且他们可以根据需要直接与您联系,因此可以在Facebook上展示广告。

Bottom line: if your phone number is in a list at any company—-and based on the frequency of robocalls, you better believe it is—that company can use your phone number to make sure that their ads get in front of your face. Even if you didn’t give it to Facebook.

底线:如果您的电话号码在任何公司的列表中-并基于自动拨打电话的频率,您最好相信它是-该公司可以使用您的电话号码来确保其广告展示在您的面前。 即使您没有将其提供给Facebook。

There’s a couple of big notes here that we need to be crystal clear about because there’s a lot of misinformation going around:


  • Facebook doesn’t let you target a single person with an ad. They will not approve any ads that target too small a group of people.

    Facebook不允许您将广告定位到一个人。 他们不会批准针对人群太小的广告。
  • In order for advertisers to target you with ads based on your phone number or other personal information, they must already have your phone number or personal information.

  • Facebook is not selling your information to anybody, at all. It’s in their best interests to make sure that they are the only company with a complete profile of information about you.

    Facebook 根本向任何人出售您的信息 。 确保他们是唯一拥有完整有关您的信息的公司符合他们的最大利益。

  • You can largely opt out of targeted ads around the web—even Facebook lets you limit ads to just targeting information that Facebook tracks.


What we’re really talking about here is that we’re seeing ads for things that we’re more interested in, and a lot of people don’t have any problem with that at all. But we should have control over this, and Facebook is not letting us control whether our contact information is being used for targeting.

我们在这里真正谈论的是,我们看到的是我们更感兴趣的产品的广告,很多人对此完全没有问题 。 但是我们应该对此有控制权,而Facebook不允许我们控制是否将联系信息用于目标定位。

Facebook如何获取我的电话号码和其他信息? (How Is Facebook Getting My Phone Number and Other Information?)

In order to provide their advertisers the most granular possible targeting options, Facebook and everybody else collects data from every single place they can possibly collect data from. That includes everything you’ve ever looked at, liked, clicked on, thought about clicking on, shared on Facebook, or anywhere else.

为了向广告商提供最细致的定位选项,Facebook和其他所有人从可能收集数据的每个地方收集数据。 其中包括您曾经看过,喜欢过,点击过,考虑过点击过,在Facebook上或其他任何地方共享过的所有内容。

They are tracking whether Facebook is in the foreground or background on your computer. They are looking at Wi-Fi networks, call logs, bluetooth beacons, and more. For a long time they were collecting all of your call and SMS data if you used the Android app, and if you’re using Android you can actually replace the SMS app with Facebook Messenger, which would obviously give them access to your phone number.

他们正在跟踪Facebook是位于计算机的前台还是后台。 他们正在研究Wi-Fi网络,通话记录,蓝牙信标等等。 长期以来如果您使用的是Android应用程序, 他们将收集您的所有呼叫和SMS数据;如果您使用的是Android,则实际上可以用Facebook Messenger替换SMS应用程序,这显然将使他们能够访问您的电话号码。

But it doesn’t stop there. Facebook is buying data from credit bureaus, third-party data warehouses, your offline purchases, and collecting address books from your friends. How do we know all of this? Facebook lays it all out in their Data Policy that nobody reads, and in their Ad Preferences page (where you can disable showing ads based on partner data but not your contact information) They aren’t even trying to hide it.

但这并不止于此。 Facebook正在从征信机构,第三方数据仓库,您的离线购买中购买数据,并从您的朋友那里收集通讯录。 我们怎么知道所有这些? Facebook在其“ 数据政策”中没有人阅读的内容以及“ 广告偏好设置”页面 (您可以在其中禁用基于合作伙伴数据而不是您的联系信息的广告展示)中列出了全部内容,他们甚至没有试图隐藏它。

Facebook has your phone number whether you added it on Facebook or not. And there’s nothing you can do about it, because they don’t give you any controls over your shadow profile.

无论您是否在Facebook上添加,Facebook都有您的电话号码。 而且您无能为力,因为它们不能为您提供对阴影轮廓的任何控制。

更糟糕的消息:每个人都在这样做 (The Much Worse News: Everybody is Doing This)

This is where it gets worse. The ads that you see trailing you around the internet on every site (including this one sometimes) are all built from crazy data profiles from every huge company sharing data on what you might have ever thought about buying at any point in your life.

这是情况变得更糟的地方。 您在每个站点(有时包括该站点)上浏览互联网时所看到的广告都是根据每家大型公司的疯狂数据配置文件构建的,这些数据共享了您可能在人生中任何时候都想购买的数据。

Everybody is collecting and sharing information. The credit bureaus are selling your information to everybody they can within the confines of what is legal—-which is pretty broad. Target’s computer system famously knew that a teenager was pregnant before her parents did.

每个人都在收集和共享信息。 征信机构会在合法范围内将您的信息出售给每个人,而这是非常广泛的。 Target的计算机系统著名地知道,一个少年比父母早怀孕了。

This isn’t just Facebook, this is Google, Twitter, Amazon, and every other massive corporation you’ve ever had any interaction with. If you don’t like this, you can opt out of targeted ads, delete Facebook, and try to limit what you’re doing online. But no matter what, your data will still be sold by somebody, even offline, until very tight GDPR-style regulation shows up.

这不仅是Facebook,还包括Google,Twitter,Amazon,以及您与之互动过的所有其他大型公司。 如果您不喜欢这样做,则可以选择退出有针对性的广告 ,删除Facebook,并尝试限制您在网上所做的事情。 但是无论如何,您的数据仍会被他人出售,甚至是脱机出售,直到出现非常严格的GDPR样式的法规为止

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/367766/facebook-is-using-your-phone-number-to-target-ads-and-you-can’t-stop-it/

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