


Slack logo.

Power up your team communications with the right keystroke combinations. You can use these to control the Slack interface, format messages, and quickly find the content you need. Become a Slack expert with these familiar, functional hotkeys for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

使用正确的按键组合增强团队沟通的能力。 您可以使用它们来控制Slack界面,格式化消息并快速找到所需的内容。 使用这些熟悉的Windows,Mac和Linux功能快捷键,成为Slack专家。

Windows和Linux上的Slack热键 (Hotkeys for Slack on Windows and Linux)

Slack’s keyboard shortcuts for Windows are the same as those for Linux. Here’s a helpful cheat sheet you keep nearby. A few of these are only available in the Windows desktop app, and not Slack’s web application, but most work on both.

Slack的Windows键盘快捷键与Linux相同。 这是一份有用的备忘单,您可以留在附近。 其中的一些仅在Windows桌面应用程序中可用,而在Slack的Web应用程序中不可用,但是大多数都可以在这两者上使用。

导航 (Navigation)

You can use the following hotkeys to navigate Slack on Windows or Linux:


  • Go to Conversation: Ctrl+K

    转到会话: Ctrl + K

  • Go to Direct Messages (DM): Ctrl+Shift+K

    转到直接消息(DM): Ctrl + Shift + K

  • Go to Channels: Ctrl+Shift+L

    转到频道: Ctrl + Shift + L

  • Go to Mentions: Ctrl+Shift+M (Desktop app only)

    转到提及: Ctrl + Shift + M(仅台式机应用程序)

  • Go to People: Ctrl+Shift+E

    转到人员: Ctrl + Shift + E

  • Go to Saved Items: Ctrl+Shift+S

    转到保存的项目: Ctrl + Shift + S

  • Go to next Section: F6

    转到下一部分: F6

  • Go to previous Section: Shift+F6

    转到上一部分 :Shift + F6

  • Go to next Unread: Alt+Shift+Down

    转到下一个未读: Alt + Shift + Down

  • Go to previous Unread: Alt+Shift+Up

    转到上一个未读: Alt + Shift +向上键

  • Go to next Channel/DM: Alt+Right

    转到下一个频道/ DM: Alt +向右键

  • Go to previous Channel/DM: Alt+Left

    转到上一个频道/ DM: Alt +向左

  • Go to next Workspace: Ctrl+Tab (Windows), Ctrl+] (Linux)

    转到下一个工作区: Ctrl + Tab(Windows),Ctrl +](Linux)

  • Go to previous Workspace: Ctrl+Shift+Tab (Windows), Ctrl+Shift+[ (Linux)

    转到上一个工作区: Ctrl + Shift + Tab(Windows),Ctrl + Shift + [(Linux)

  • Go to a specific Workspace: Ctrl+[number under workspace icon] (Desktop app only)

    转到特定的工作区: Ctrl + [工作区图标下的数字](仅适用于桌面应用程序)

  • Go to Channel Info: Ctrl+Shift+I

    转到频道信息: Ctrl + Shift + I

  • Go to New Message: Ctrl+N

    转到新消息: Ctrl + N

  • Go to Preferences: Ctrl+, (Desktop app only)

    转到首选项: Ctrl +,(仅限桌面应用程序)

  • Go to Threads: Ctrl+Shift+T (Desktop app only)

    转到线程: Ctrl + Shift + T(仅限桌面应用程序)

  • Toggle right pane: Ctrl+.

    切换右窗格: Ctrl +。

  • Toggle Full-Screen View: Ctrl+Shift+F

    切换全屏视图: Ctrl + Shift + F

  • Search current Channel/Conversation: Ctrl+F

    搜索当前频道/会话: Ctrl + F

  • Go to previous Search: Ctrl+G

    转到上一个搜索: Ctrl + G

全部未读 (All Unread)

The Slack desktop app has a window that displays all unread content in DMs and channels. If you want to deactivate this feature, click the name of the Workspace at the top left. Then, go to Preferences > Sidebar > Show All Unreads, and remove the checkmark next to this option.

Slack桌面应用程序具有一个窗口,该窗口显示DM和通道中的所有未读内容 。 如果要停用此功能,请单击左上方的工作区名称。 然后,转到“偏好设置”>“边栏”>“显示所有未读内容”,然后删除该选项旁边的对勾标记。

You can use the following hotkeys to open and navigate this menu:


  • Toggle All Unread view: Ctrl+Shift+A

    切换所有未读视图: Ctrl + Shift + A

  • Mark message as Unread: Alt+Left Click

    将邮件标记为未读: Alt +左​​键单击

  • Move between messages: Up or Down arrows


  • Open or collapse Channels: Left or Right arrows


标记消息 (Marking Messages)

You can use the following hotkeys to mark messages:


  • Mark all messages in current Channel/DM Read: Esc

    将当前Channel / DM中的所有消息标记为已读 :Esc

  • Mark all messages Read: Shift+Esc

    将所有邮件标记为已读 :Shift + Esc

  • Set message as oldest Unread: Alt+Left Click (Windows), Ctrl+Alt+Left Click (Linux)

    将消息设置为最早的未读消息 :Alt +左​​键单击(Windows),Ctrl + Alt +左​​键单击(Linux)

讯息动作 (Message Action)

The following hotkeys apply only when you have a message selected:


  • Edit message: E

    编辑消息: E

  • Add emoji: R

    添加表情符号: R

  • Open thread: T or Right arrow

    开口螺纹: T或向右箭头

  • Pin or Unpin message: P

    固定或取消固定消息: P

  • Share: S

    分享: S

  • Save or Unsave message: A

    保存或取消保存消息: A

  • Mark Unread: U

    标记为未读: U

  • Delete message: Delete


格式化消息 (Formatting Messages)

You can use the following hotkeys to format messages:


  • Edit last message: Ctrl+Up

    编辑最后一条消息: Ctrl +向上键

  • Select text to beginning of current line: Shift+Up

    选择文本到当前行的开头: Shift +向上键

  • Select text to end of current line: Shift+Down

    选择文本到当前行的末尾: Shift + Down

  • Insert return: Shift+Enter

    插入返回: Shift + Enter

  • Add emoji: Ctrl+Shift+\

    添加表情符号: Ctrl + Shift + \

  • Bold: Ctrl+B

    粗体: Ctrl + B

  • Italicize: Ctrl+I

    斜体: Ctrl + I

  • Strike-through: Ctrl+Shift+X

    删除线: Ctrl + Shift + X

  • Quote selected text: Ctrl+Shift+9

    引用所选文本: Ctrl + Shift + 9

  • Code selected text: Ctrl+Shift+C

    代码选择的文本: Ctrl + Shift + C

  • Code block selected text: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C

    代码块所选文本: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C

  • Create numbered list: Ctrl+Shift+7

    创建编号列表: Ctrl + Shift + 7

  • Create bulleted list: Ctrl+Shift+8

    创建项目符号列表: Ctrl + Shift + 8

  • Apply formatting to markdown text: Ctrl+Shift+F

    将格式应用于降价 文本: Ctrl + Shift + F

  • Undo message formatting: Ctrl+Z

    撤消邮件格式: Ctrl + Z

档案 (Files)

You can use the following hotkeys with files:


  • Upload file: Ctrl+U

    上传文件: Ctrl + U

  • Create snippet: Ctrl+Shift+Enter

    创建代码段: Ctrl + Shift + Enter

通话中 (During a Call)

You can use the following hotkeys when you’re on a call:


  • Toggle Mute: M

    切换静音: M

  • Toggle Video: V

    切换视频: V

  • Open Invites: + or A

    打开邀请: +或A

  • View and select an emoji: E+ (select 1-9)

    查看并选择表情符号: E +(选择1-9)

Mac上的Slack热键 (Hotkeys for Slack on Mac)

You can refer to this cheat sheet of hotkeys when you’re on your Mac. However, note that a few are only available on the Mac desktop app, and not on the website.

在Mac上,您可以参考此快捷键备忘单。 但是,请注意,只有Mac桌面应用程序才有一些可用,网站上没有。

导航 (Navigation)

You can use the following hotkeys to navigate Slack on a Mac:


  • Go to Conversation: Cmd+K

    转到对话: Cmd + K

  • Go to Direct Messages (DM): Cmd+Shift+K

    转到直接消息(DM): Cmd + Shift + K

  • Go to Channels: Cmd+Shift+L

    转到频道: Cmd + Shift + L

  • Go to Mentions: Cmd+Shift+M (Desktop app only)

    转到说明: Cmd + Shift + M(仅台式机应用程序)

  • Go to People: Cmd+Shift+E

    转到人员: Cmd + Shift + E

  • Go to Saved Items: Cmd+Shift+S

    转到保存的项目: Cmd + Shift + S

  • Go to next section: F6

    转到下一部分: F6

  • Go to previous section: Shift+F6

    转到上一部分: Shift + F6

  • Go to next unread: Option+Shift+Down

    转到下一个未读: Option + Shift + Down

  • Go to previous unread: Option+Shift+Up

    转到上一个未读: Option + Shift +向上键

  • Go to next Channel/DM: Cmd+[

    转到下一个频道/ DM: Cmd + [

  • Go to previous Channel/DM: Cmd+]

    转到上一个频道/ DM: Cmd +]

  • Go to next Workspace: Cmd+Shift+]

    转到下一个工作区: Cmd + Shift +]

  • Go to previous Workspace: Cmd+Shift+[

    转到上一个工作区: Cmd + Shift + [

  • Go to a specific Workspace: Cmd+[number under workspace icon] (Desktop app only)

    转到特定的工作区: Cmd + [工作区图标下的数字](仅适用于桌面应用程序)

  • Go to Channel Info: Cmd+Shift+I

    转到频道信息: Cmd + Shift + I

  • Go to New Message: Cmd+N

    转到新消息 :Cmd + N

  • Go to Preferences: Cmd+, (Desktop app only)

    转到首选项: Cmd +,(仅限桌面应用程序)

  • Go to Threads: Cmd+Shift+T (Desktop app only)

    转到线程: Cmd + Shift + T(仅台式机应用程序)

  • Toggle right pane: Cmd+.

    切换右窗格: Cmd +。

  • Toggle Full-Screen View: Ctrl+Shift+F

    切换全屏视图: Ctrl + Shift + F

  • Search current Channel/Conversation: Cmd+F

    搜索当前频道/会话: Cmd + F

  • Go to previous Search: Cmd+G

    转到上一个搜索: Cmd + G

全部未读 (All Unread)

In Slack, you can view all your unread messages in one convenient window. To deactivate this window, select the workspace name at the top left. Then, click Preferences > Sidebar > Show All Unreads. Make sure the checkbox next to this option is unchecked.

在Slack中,您可以在一个方便的窗口中查看所有未读邮件 。 要禁用此窗口,请选择左上方的工作区名称。 然后,单击首选项>边栏>显示所有未读内容。 确保未选中此选项旁边的复选框。

You can use these hotkeys to quickly navigate this menu:


  • Toggle All Unread view: Cmd+Shift+A

    切换所有未读视图: Cmd + Shift + A

  • Mark message Unread: Option+Left Click

    将邮件标记为未读: Option +向左键

  • Move between messages: Up or Down arrow


  • Open or collapse Channels: Left or Right arrow


标记消息 (Marking Messages)

You can use the following hotkeys to mark messages:


  • Mark all messages in current Channel/DM Read: Esc

    将当前Channel / DM中的所有消息标记为已读: Esc

  • Mark all messages Read: Shift+Esc

    将所有邮件标记为已读: Shift + Esc

  • Set message as Oldest Unread: Option+Click

    将邮件设置为“最旧的未读邮件: Option + Click”

讯息动作 (Message Actions)

You can only use these hotkeys when a message is selected:


  • Edit message: E

    编辑消息: E

  • Add emoji: R

    添加表情符号: R

  • Open thread: T or Right arrow

    开口螺纹: T或向右箭头

  • Pin or Unpin message: P

    固定或取消固定消息: P

  • Share: S

    分享: S

  • Save or Unsave message: A

    保存或取消保存消息: A

  • Mark Unread: U

    标记为未读: U

  • Delete message: Delete


格式化消息 (Formatting Messages)

You can use the following hotkeys to format messages:


  • Edit last message: Cmd+Up

    编辑最后一条消息: Cmd + Up

  • Select text to beginning of current Line: Shift+Up

    选择文本到当前行的开头: Shift +向上键

  • Select text to end of current line: Shift+Down

    选择文本到当前行的末尾: Shift + Down

  • Insert return: Shift+Enter

    插入返回: Shift + Enter

  • Add emoji: Cmd+Shift+\

    添加表情符号: Cmd + Shift + \

  • Bold: Cmd+B

    粗体: Cmd + B

  • Italicize: Cmd+I

    斜体: Cmd + I

  • Strike-through: Cmd+Shift+X

    删除线: Cmd + Shift + X

  • Quote selected text: Cmd+Shift+9

    引用所选文本: Cmd + Shift + 9

  • Code selected text: Cmd+Shift+C

    代码选择的文本: Cmd + Shift + C

  • Code block selected text: Cmd+Alt+Shift+C

    代码块选择的文本: Cmd + Alt + Shift + C

  • Create numbered list: Cmd+Shift+7

    创建编号列表: Cmd + Shift + 7

  • Create bulleted list: Cmd+Shift+8

    创建项目符号列表: Cmd + Shift + 8

  • Apply formatting to markdown text: Cmd+Shift+F

    将格式应用于降价促销 Cmd + Shift + F

  • Undo message formatting: Cmd+Z

    撤消邮件格式: Cmd + Z

档案 (Files)

You can use the following hotkeys with files:


  • Upload file: Cmd+U

    上传文件: Cmd + U

  • Create snippet: Cmd+Shift+Enter

    创建代码段: Cmd + Shift + Enter

通话中 (During a Call)

You can use the following hotkeys when you’re on a call:


  • Toggle Mute: M

    切换静音: M

  • Toggle Video: V

    切换视频: V

  • Open Invites: + or A

    打开邀请: +或A

  • View and select an Emoji: E+ (select 1-9)

    查看并选择表情符号: E +(选择1-9)

对Slack的不可自定义热键进行故障排除 (Troubleshooting Slack’s Noncustomizable Hotkeys)

Although Slack doesn’t currently allow you to customize hotkeys, it does plan to add this feature in the future. If you’re having issues with any hotkeys, try changing the keyboard layout. To do so, click the name of the workspace at the top left, and then select “Preferences.”

尽管Slack当前不允许您自定义热键,但它确实计划在将来添加此功能。 如果您有任何热键问题,请尝试更改键盘布局。 为此,请单击左上方的工作区名称,然后选择“首选项”。

Click "Preferences."

Under the “Language and Region” tab, click the “Keyboard Layout” drop-down menu to select a different option.


This option will only appear if Slack is having difficulty detecting your keyboard. If you’re still having issues, make sure the correct language is selected in the “Language and Region” tab.

仅当Slack无法检测键盘时,此选​​项才会出现。 如果仍有问题,请确保在“语言和地区”标签中选择了正确的语言。

Fortunately, most of these hotkeys align with the common combinations used across most apps and operating systems. Just be careful of muscle memory playing tricks on you if you switch from a Windows or Linux machine to Mac.

幸运的是,这些热键中的大多数与大多数应用程序和操作系统中使用的通用组合保持一致。 如果您从Windows或Linux机器切换到Mac,请小心肌肉记忆的技巧。







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