amazon_如何使售价50美元的Amazon Fire平板电脑更像普通的Android(无需生根)




Amazon’s $50 Fire Tablet may be one of the best deals in tech—especially when it occasionally goes on sale for $35. It may feel limited, but with a few tweaks—no rooting necessary—you can turn it (and its larger, slightly more expensive brethren) into an almost-stock Android tablet perfect for reading, watching, and even light gaming.

售价50美元的亚马逊Fire Tablet可能是科技领域最优惠的交易之一,尤其是偶尔以35美元的价格出售时。 它可能会感觉很有限,但是经过一些微调(没有必要扎根),您可以将其(以及更大,价格稍高的弟兄们)变成几乎是库存的Android平板电脑,非常适合阅读,观看甚至轻量游戏。

Don’t get us wrong: Amazon’s 7″ tablet is hardly the best tablet on the market. Its display is pretty low resolution, it isn’t very powerful, and it only has 8GB of storage (though you can add a 64GB microSD card very cheaply). But for $50—$35 if you’re patient—it’s an absolutely killer deal, especially if you’re just using it for media consumption. In fact, it’s such a great deal, I feel guilty for having spent hundreds of dollars on an iPad when the Fire does most of what I need pretty well.

不要误会我们的意思:亚马逊的7英寸平板电脑几乎不是市场上最好的平板电脑。 它的显示分辨率很低,不是很强大,并且只有8GB的存储空间(尽管您可以非常便宜地添加64GB的microSD卡 )。 但是对于50美元(如果您有耐心的话35美元)来说,这绝对是一笔致命的交易,尤其是如果您只是将其用于媒体消费。 实际上,这真是太多了,当Fire很好地满足了我的大部分需求时,我花了数百美元在iPad上感到内I。

The biggest downside of the Fire tablet is Fire OS, Amazon’s modified version of Android. Amazon’s Appstore may have its advantages, but it doesn’t have near the selection of Google Play. And Fire OS is so loaded with ads and “special deals” notifications that most people would rather have something with true Android.

Fire平板电脑的最大缺点是Fire OS,即Amazon的Android修改版 。 亚马逊的Appstore可能有其优势 ,但与选择Google Play的优势并不遥远。 而且Fire OS充满了广告和“特殊交易”通知,以至于大多数人都希望真正的Android设备具备某些功能。

Not you, though. You are an intrepid tweaker, and you’re willing to hack your way to a stock-like Android experience on the Fire. And thankfully, it’s really easy to do—you don’t even need to root your device. This guide was written with the 7″ Fire Tablet in mind, but some will also work on the Fire HD 8 and other Amazon tablets.

不过不是你。 您是个勇敢的调整者,并且愿意在Fire上探索获得类似股票的Android体验的方式。 值得庆幸的是,它确实很容易实现-您甚至不需要植根设备。 本指南在编写时就牢记7英寸Fire平板电脑,但有些指南也可在Fire HD 8和其他Amazon平板电脑上使用。

安装Google Play商店以使用更多应用 (Install the Google Play Store for More Apps)


First things first: let’s get a real app store on this thing. Amazon’s Appstore is pretty weak, so if you want all the apps you’re used to on Android, you’ll need the full Google Play Store.

首先,我们来建立一个真正的应用商店。 亚马逊的Appstore非常薄弱,因此,如果您想使用Android上所有的常规应用,则需要完整的Google Play商店。

Check out our full guide for step-by-step instructions, but it’s quite simple: just download a few APK files, install them on your tablet, and you’re off to the races. You’ll have a full version of Google Play running on your Fire, complete with all the apps Amazon doesn’t have—including Chrome, Gmail and all your other favorite apps and games.

请查看我们的完整指南以获取分步说明,但这非常简单:只需下载一些APK文件,然后将其安装在平板电脑上,即可开始比赛。 您将在Fire上运行完整版的Google Play,并附带Amazon没有的所有应用程序,包括Chrome,Gmail以及您所有其他喜欢的应用程序和游戏。

获取更传统的主屏幕启动器 (Get a More Traditional Home Screen Launcher)


I actually like Amazon’s home screen, but if you prefer something more akin to stock Android—with the side-scrolling home screens, pop-up app drawer, and widgets—you can get that on your Fire Tablet with a little hack-y workaround.

我实际上喜欢亚马逊的主屏幕,但是如果您更喜欢类似于Android的产品(带有侧滚动主屏幕,弹出式应用程序抽屉和小部件),则可以通过一些小技巧解决方案将其放在Fire Tablet上。

Just download your launcher of choice—we recommend Nova Launcher—and grab the LauncherHijack APK from this page. Once you’ve installed both, head to Settings > Accessibility and enable “Turn On Detect Home Button Press” in Settings > Accessibility. The next time you press the home button, you’ll be greeted with Android’s familiar home screen, ready for you to add and arrange your shortcuts. Once again, check out our full guide for the step-by-step instructions on the whole process.

只需下载您选择的启动器( 我们建议使用 Nova启动器)然后从此页面抓取LauncherHijack APK 。 两者都安装完后,请转到“设置”>“辅助功能”,然后在“设置”>“辅助功能”中启用“打开检测主页按钮按下”功能。 下次您按下主屏幕按钮时,将会看到Android熟悉的主屏幕,您可以随时添加和安排快捷方式。 再一次, 请查看我们的完整指南 ,以获取有关整个过程的分步说明。

The best part about Nova Launcher is that you can hide apps from the app drawer—which means you can hide those pre-bundled Amazon apps you never use.

关于Nova Launcher的最好之处在于,您可以从应用程序抽屉中隐藏应用程序 -这意味着您可以隐藏那些从未使用过的预先捆绑的Amazon应用程序。

驯服亚马逊的烦人通知 (Tame Amazon’s Annoying Notifications)

Tired of seeing constant notifications from Amazon’s “Special Offers” and other included apps? There’s a really simple fix, and it’s built right into Android. The next time you see a notification you don’t want, press and hold on it. Then, tap the “i” icon that appears.

厌倦了看到来自亚马逊“特惠”和其他随附应用程序的持续通知? 有一个非常简单的修复程序,它直接内置在Android中 。 下次看到您不想要的通知时,请按住它。 然后,点击出现的“ i”图标。


You’ll be taken to a screen with a few different options. Pick what you want—I usually just “Block” notifications from that app—and you won’t be annoyed by them ever again.

您将被带到具有几个不同选项的屏幕。 选择您想要的内容-我通常只是从该应用程序“阻止”通知-您不会再被它们烦恼。


In some cases—like the bundled Washington Post app—you can just uninstall the app completely, if you don’t use it. You can also check an app’s settings to see if it has options to turn off notifications. But Amazon’s Special Offers app does not offer either of these options, so blocking notifications from the Fire’s settings is really handy.

在某些情况下(例如捆绑的《华盛顿邮报》应用程序),如果不使用该应用程序,则可以完全将其卸载。 您还可以检查应用程序的设置,以查看其是否具有关闭通知的选项。 但是Amazon的Special Offer应用程序不提供这两个选项,因此阻止来自Fire设置的通知确实非常方便。

摆脱亚马逊的广告 (Get Rid of Amazon’s Ads)

You can get the Fire Tablet without “Special Offers”, but it’s cheaper if you get it with Amazon’s ads built in. Apart from the notifications discussed above, Amazon’s ads aren’t too intrusive—you’ll mostly see them on the lock screen, instead of your wallpaper. But if you later decide you don’t want those ads at all, you can get rid of them.

您可以在不带“特殊优惠”的情况下获得Fire Tablet,但是如果您内置了Amazon广告,则价格会便宜一些。除了上面讨论的通知之外,Amazon的广告也不太令人讨厌-您通常会在锁定屏幕上看到它们,而不是墙纸。 但是,如果您以后决定根本不想要这些广告,则可以摆脱它们。

Here’s the catch: you’ll have to pay for it.


Once upon a time, there was a simple way to block Amazon’s ads, but Amazon wised up and closed that loophole. So, if you want to truly block Amazon’s ads on the latest version of Fire OS, you’ll need to pony up the $15 to get rid of them Amazon’s way.

从前,有一种简单的方法来阻止亚马逊的广告,但是亚马逊明智地解决了这一漏洞。 因此,如果您想在最新版本的Fire OS上真正屏蔽Amazon的广告,则需要花15美元以摆脱Amazon的使用方式。

To do so, open a web browser and head to Amazon’s Manage Your Content and Devices page. Click the “Your Devices” tab, click the “…” button next to your device in the list, and under “Special Offers / Offers and Ads”, click “Edit”.

为此,请打开Web浏览器并转到Amazon的“ 管理您的内容和设备”页面。 单击“您的设备”选项卡,在列表中单击设备旁边的“…”按钮,然后在“特殊优惠/优惠和广告”下,单击“编辑”。

From there, you can unsubscribe from ads on that device for $15.


关闭您不想要的亚马逊特定功能 (Turn Off Amazon-Specific Features You Don’t Want)

Apart from ads, the Fire also has a few Amazon-specific features that send annoying notifications and, in some cases, even eat up your bandwidth. So let’s go hunting.

除广告外,Fire还具有一些特定于亚马逊的功能,这些功能会发送烦人的通知,在某些情况下甚至会占用您的带宽。 所以,我们去狩猎。


Head to Settings > Apps & Games > Amazon Application Settings. Here, you can see all of Amazon’s extra Fire features they’ve added to Android. You can dig through these settings yourself, but I recommend tweaking the following:

转到设置>应用程序和游戏>亚马逊应用程序设置。 在这里,您可以查看它们已添加到Android的所有Amazon额外Fire功能。 您可以自己浏览这些设置,但我建议进行以下调整:

  • Go to Home Screen Settings and disable Home Recommendations, Show New Items on the Home Page, and whatever other settings you want here. This will de-clutter the home screen a bit (that is, if you didn’t already switch to Nova Launcher.) The Change Home Page Navigation feature is a bit more stock Android-esque, too.

    转到主屏幕设置,然后禁用“主页建议”,“在主页上显示新项目”以及此处需要的其他任何设置。 这会使主屏幕有些混乱(也就是说,如果您尚未切换到Nova Launcher。)“更改主页导航”功能也有点像Android一样。
  • Go to Reader Settings > Push Notifications Sent to This Device and turn off whatever notifications you don’t want to see.

  • Go to Special Offers Settings and, if you haven’t paid to get rid of ads, you can turn off Personalized Recommendations if you find targeted ads creepy.

  • Go to Amazon Video Settings and turn off “On Deck”, which automatically downloads movies and shows that Amazon “recommends” without your permission. This will also stop it from sending you notifications about those movies and shows.

    转到Amazon Video Settings(Amazon视频设置)并关闭“ On Deck”(在甲板上),该功能会自动下载电影并显示未经您的许可Amazon“推荐”。 这也将阻止它向您发送有关这些电影和节目的通知。

Those are the big ones, but feel free to root around these settings. Under Apps & Games, for example, you can also turn off “Collect App Usage Data” if you don’t want Amazon tracking how often and how long you use certain apps.

那些是大问题,但可以随意在这些设置中扎根。 例如,在“应用程序和游戏”下,如果您不希望亚马逊跟踪某些应用程序的使用频率和使用时间,也可以关闭“收集应用程序使用情况数据”。

With all of these tweaks, that $50 tablet feels like it’s worth far more. Even if you pay $15 to get rid of ads and $20 for a 64GB microSD card, you’re still getting a full-fledged tablet—seriously, an actually usable Android tablet-–for well under $100. No matter what your budget is, that’s a pretty unbeatable deal.

经过所有这些调整,这款价值50美元的平板电脑似乎物有所值。 即使您花1​​5美元摆脱广告,花20美元购买64GB的microSD卡,您仍然可以得到功能全面的平板电脑( 实际上是一款真正可用的Android平板电脑), 价格不到100美元。 无论您的预算是多少,这都是一笔无与伦比的交易。







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