mac inside下载_Mac为什么没有“ Intel Inside”标签?

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There’s an Intel sticker on basically every PC, generally impossible to remove without leaving some nasty residue. Macs also use Intel processors, so why don’t they have stickers?

基本上每台PC上都贴有Intel标签,通常在不留一些讨厌残渣的情况下无法去除。 Mac也使用Intel处理器,那么为什么没有贴纸呢?

Because stickers are ugly.


That’s reason enough for most Mac users, but to really work this out we need to ask why Dell, Asus and other PC makers put up with these stickers in the first place. And it’s the same reason PCs come bundled with software trials you don’t want: money. Intel pays OEMs to super glue those stickers in place so that people will know the Intel chip is in there.

对于大多数Mac用户来说,这是足够的理由,但是要真正解决这个问题,我们需要询问为什么戴尔,华硕和其他PC制造商首先采用这些标签。 这也是PC捆绑有您不想要的软件试用版的原因:金钱。 英特尔付钱给OEM厂商,以便将其粘贴在上面,以便人们知道英特尔芯片在里面。

Apple is seemingly happy to charge a bit more for their laptops if it means there’s no sticker cluttering things up, but companies making cheaper computers generally can’t afford to turn down the money.


So that’s the short answer: Intel pays PC makers to put that sticker there, and Apple is fine with not taking the cash. But this doesn’t answer why Intel pays companies to put those stickers there in the first place.

因此,这是一个简短的答案:英特尔付钱给PC制造商,以贴上这个标签,而苹果不收取现金是可以的。 但这不能回答为什么英特尔要付钱给公司把这些标签放在第一位的原因。

为什么英特尔付钱给PC制造商在计算机上贴标签 (Why Intel Pays PC Makers to Put Stickers on Computers)

Think of it this way: how often do you think about what brand of RAM your laptop has? What about the motherboard? If you’re like most people, the answer is “not at all.” And in the early ’90s, processors were the same way: people didn’t really think about them all that much, at least not in terms of brand preference. The “Intel Inside” campaign changed all that.

这样想:您多久考虑一次笔记本电脑拥有哪个品牌的RAM? 那主板呢? 如果您像大多数人一样,答案是“一点也不”。 在90年代初期,加工商的使用方式是一样的:人们并没有真正考虑它们,至少在品牌偏好方面没有。 “ Intel Inside”活动改变了这一切。

TV ads “informed” consumers about the amazing power of Intel processors, and specifically told people to look for computers with the “Intel Inside” sticker. To make sure the stickers were there, Intel handed out discounts and even cash. PC makers, who have always faced small margins, happily took that deal, and to this day most new computers come with Intel stickers.

电视广告“告知”消费者英特尔处理器的强大功能,并特别要求人们寻找带有“英特尔内部”标签的计算机。 为了确保贴纸在那里,英特尔发放了折扣,甚至现金。 一直面临微薄利润的PC制造商很乐意接受这笔交易,而今天,大多数新计算机都带有Intel标签。

Those stickers helped make Intel the leading processor maker for three decades. They’re the main reason the average consumer is even familiar with the Intel brand. The campaign was so effective, in fact, that Apple spent money in the late ’90s attacking it.

这些标签使英特尔成为领先的处理器制造商已有三十年了。 这是普通消费者甚至熟悉英特尔品牌的主要原因。 实际上,这项运动非常有效,以至于苹果在90年代后期就花了钱来攻击它。

从模拟英特尔到使用他们的芯片 (From Mocking Intel to Using Their Chips)

Macs only started using Intel in 2006; before that, Apple’s computers used the PowerPC chip as part of a deal with IBM and Motorola. Apple constantly argued these processors were faster than Intel’s, and in the late ’90s they aired TV ads arguing just that. A memorable one put an Intel chip on the back of a snail.

Mac于2006年才开始使用Intel。 在此之前,苹果计算机使用PowerPC芯片作为与IBM和摩托罗拉达成交易的一部分。 苹果一直在争辩说这些处理器要比英特尔的处理器快,并且在90年代后期,他们播放电视广告就证明了这一点。 一个令人难忘的人将Intel芯片放在蜗牛的背面。

According to Ken Segall, who worked on the ads with Apple, it didn’t matter whether these ads actually convinced anyone PowerPC chips were faster. The idea was to get the argument out there, and potentially even provoke a reaction.

根据与苹果公司合作制作广告的Ken Segall所说,这些广告是否真的说服了任何PowerPC芯片都更快并不重要。 这样做的目的是将争论推开,甚至可能引起反响。

Needless to say, Intel was not amused by any of this. An Intel web page went up, refuting Apple’s numbers with different benchmark results. Lawsuits were threatened. Steve dreamed that Intel would take the bait. He imagined images of our Intel snail splashed across the world’s business publications.

不用说,英特尔对此并不感到高兴。 英特尔网页上升,以不同的基准测试结果反驳了苹果的数字。 诉讼受到威胁。 史蒂夫(Steve)梦到英特尔会上当。 他想象着我们英特尔蜗牛的图像散布在世界各地的商业出版物上。

The lawsuit never happened, but Intel wasn’t exactly thrilled with the ads, or Apple in general. At least, not until 2006.

这场官司从未发生过,但是英特尔并没有对广告或苹果公司感到兴奋。 至少直到2006年。

职位:贴纸是“多余的” (Jobs: Stickers are “Redundant”)

In 2006 Apple announced its transition to Intel-based chips. They even made an unbearably pretentious ad to announce this, calling every PC “dull little boxes performing dull little tasks.”

苹果在2006年宣布过渡到基于Intel的芯片。 他们甚至发布了一个难以忍受的自负广告,称每台PC“执行沉闷的小任务的沉闷小盒子”。

The change made people wonder: will Apple be putting stickers on Macs? Steve Jobs was asked about this, and said no.

这一变化使人们感到奇怪:苹果会在Mac上贴上贴纸吗? 史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)被问到这一点,并拒绝。

We’re very proud to ship Intel products in Macs. I mean, they are screamers. And combined with our operating system, we’ve really tuned them well together, so we’re really proud of that. It’s just that everyone knows we’re using Intel processors, and so I think putting a lot of stickers on the box is just redundant. We’d rather tell them about the product inside the box, and they know it’s got an Intel processor.

我们为在Mac中发布英特尔产品感到非常自豪。 我的意思是,他们是尖叫者。 结合我们的操作系统,我们已经对它们进行了很好的调整,因此我们为此感到自豪。 只是每个人都知道我们正在使用英特尔处理器,所以我认为在包装盒上贴很多标签只是多余的。 我们宁愿告诉他们有关包装盒中产品的信息,他们知道它装有Intel处理器。

That’s been the party line ever since: Apple is happy to work with Intel, but doesn’t see the need to overtly point the chips out. At least one MacBook Pro box we have here at Geek HQ, from 2011, includes an Intel Inside badge on the side of the box, but the 2016 MacBook Pro’s box has no Intel logo on it whatsoever. And no Mac has ever shipped with a sticker attached the computer itself. It’s not likely that will ever change.

自那以来,这一直是聚会的话题:苹果很高兴与英特尔合作,但认为没有必要公开指出这些芯片。 从2011年开始,我们在Geek HQ上至少有一个MacBook Pro盒子,盒子的侧面装有Intel Inside徽章,但是2016 MacBook Pro的盒子上没有任何Intel徽标。 而且,从未有Mac附带计算机本身附带的标签。 不可能永远改变。

Photo credit: Hamza Butt

照片来源: Hamza Butt


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