如何获取侧面加载的应用程序以显示在Fire Tablets的FreeTime配置文件中

Amazon’s Fire Tablets are an excellent choice for inexpensive kids’ tablets, and the FreeTime Profiles work really well to keep things sandboxed so little ones can’t run rampant throughout the OS. The only problem is that if you sideload apps on the Fire HD, they can’t be accessed from the kids’ profiles. Fortunately, there’s a workaround.

亚马逊的Fire Tablets是廉价儿童平板电脑的绝佳选择,而FreeTime Profiles确实可以很好地保持沙盒状态,因此很少有人不能在整个操作系统上猖ramp。 唯一的问题是,如果您在Fire HD上横向加载应用程序,则无法从儿童资料中访问它们。 幸运的是,有一种解决方法。

为什么这样做? (Why Do This?)

Now, you may be asking yourself why kids may need to access sideloaded apps—an understandable curiosity. Basically, while Fire Tablets are based off of Android, they’re not actually Android tablets in the sense you may have come to think of them. The biggest omission here is the lack of Google Play Services, the Play Store, and basically everything else Google—the things that make most Android tablets, well, Android.

现在,您可能会问自己,为什么孩子可能需要访问侧面加载的应用程序-这是可以理解的好奇心。 基本上,虽然Fire Tablets是基于Android的,但从您可能已经想到的角度来看,它们实际上并不是 Android Tablets。 这里最大的遗漏是缺少Google Play服务,Play商店以及基本上所有其他Google产品-大部分Android平板电脑都是Android。

Instead, they use the Amazon Appstore for app downloads, which is…not very good. It’s basically a watered down app store with apps that are often outdated compared to their Google Play counterparts—if the app you want is available at all.

相反,他们使用Amazon Appstore进行应用下载,这不是很好。 从根本上说,这是一家精简的应用程序商店,与您的Google Play同类产品相比,这些应用程序通常已经过时-如果您想要的应用程序完全可用。

The good news is that it’s really easy to get the Play Store and Google Play Services installed on a Fire Tablet, effectively turning it into a full-fledged Android tablet for not a lot of money. It’s cool.

好消息是, 将Play商店和Google Play服务安装在Fire Tablet上非常容易,无需花很多钱就能有效地将其转变为成熟的Android平板电脑。 这个很酷。

However, while the Google Play Store can get you other apps, it won’t allow you to put those apps into the FreeTime interface. To do that, you have to download the app’s APK installer and sideload it yourself.

但是,尽管Google Play商店可以为您提供其他应用程序,但它不允许您将这些应用程序放入FreeTime界面。 为此,您必须下载该应用的APK安装程序,然后自行加载。

You may still want the Play Store installed, since some apps—like YouTube—require Google Play Services. But instead of installing apps from the Play Store, you’ll want to use the method below, which allows them to be added to FreeTime.

您可能仍需要安装Play商店,因为某些应用(例如YouTube)需要Google Play服务。 但是,您不是要从Play商店安装应用,而是要使用以下方法,该方法允许将它们添加到FreeTime。

您需要做什么 (What You’ll Need to Do This)

Naturally, you’re going to need a couple of things to actually get sideloaded apps to show up in FreeTime profiles. Here’s a quick list:

自然,您需要做一些事情才能实际获取侧面加载的应用程序以显示在FreeTime配置文件中。 快速清单:

  • A microSD card

  • A File manager installed on both the parent and FreeTime profile—I recommend this one


  • The APK file of the app you’d like to sideload

  • GoToApp installed from the Appstore in the FreeTime profile


That pretty much covers that. If you’re looking for a place to download APKs, APK Mirror is the spot. This is a trusted collection of legitimate, free apps directly from Google Play that have been mirrored for uses just like this. You won’t find a single paid app on APK Mirror—this is a fully legitimate download site, not some shady pirate haven.

这几乎涵盖了这一点。 如果您正在寻找下载APK的地方,则可以使用APK Mirror 。 这是可信任的,直接来自Google Play的合法免费应用程序的集合,这些应用程序已镜像用于此类用途。 您将不会在APK Mirror上找到任何付费应用程序-这是一个完全合法的下载网站,而不是一些可疑的海盗天堂。

第一步:下载文件并传输到SD卡 (Step One: Download the File and Transfer it the SD Card)

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge and tools to get the job done, let’s do this thing.


First, open the Silk browser in the parent profile and jump over to APK Mirror.

首先,在父级配置文件中打开Silk浏览器,然后跳至APK Mirror

Search for the APK you’d like to download—I’m just going to use YouTube here since it has been the primary example so far. (Remember, you’ll need the Google Play Store and Google Play Services installed for YouTube to work—but you can’t download the actual YouTube app from the Play Store to get it on FreeTime. You’ll have to use APK Mirror.)

搜索您要下载的APK-我将在这里使用YouTube,因为到目前为止它是主要的示例。 (请记住,您需要为YouTube安装Google Play商店和Google Play服务才能正常工作-但您无法从Play商店下载实际的YouTube应用以在FreeTime上使用它。您必须使用APK Mirror。 )

Find the appropriate file and tap it. This will open download options for that particular app.

找到适当的文件,然后点击它。 这将打开该特定应用程序的下载选项。

In some cases, there will only be one APK available to download, making it easy. In others, like YouTube, there will be many. You’ll have to figure out which one is the correct option for your particular device. Fortunately, there’s a link on the page that will help with this.

在某些情况下,只有一个APK可下载,这很容易。 在其他国家,例如YouTube,将会有很多 。 您必须确定哪个是您特定设备的正确选项。 幸运的是,页面上有一个链接将对此有所帮助。

Once you’ve figured out which version you need, go ahead and grab the download.


Once the APK has been downloaded, go ahead and pop the microSD card into your Fire Tablet (if you haven’t already). When you insert the card, the system will tell you that this will become the default option for app installation and downloaded content moving forward—if you plan on leaving the card in the tablet, this is probably fine. Otherwise, you can disable these settings by tapping the “Settings” button in the dialog box.

下载APK后,继续将microSD卡弹出到Fire Tablet中(如果尚未安装)。 插入卡后,系统会告诉您这将成为应用安装和下载内容前进的默认选项-如果您计划将卡留在平板电脑中,则可能很好。 否则,您可以通过点击对话框中的“设置”按钮来禁用这些设置。

Back on the Fire’s home screen, fire up the File Manager you downloaded earlier.

返回Fire的主屏幕,启动您先前下载的File Manager。

NOTE: If possible, it’s easier and faster to just download the APK from a computer directly to the SD card of your device. But if you don’t want to involve a PC, here’s how to move the APK to the SD card using a file manager on your tablet.

注意:如果可能,将APK从计算机直接下载到设备的SD卡会更容易,更快。 但是,如果您不想使用PC,可以使用平板电脑上的文件管理器将APK移至SD卡。

Navigate to the Downloads folder, which is where the APK you downloaded earlier will be saved.


Find that file, then long-press it and choose “Copy.”


Press the “SDcard” button the right side of the navigation bar.

按下导航栏右侧的“ SDcard”按钮。

Tap the “Paste” button to move the APK file to this location.


第二步:启用“未知来源” (Step Two: Enable “Unknown Sources”)

If you’ve never sideloaded an app onto your Fire Tablet, you’ll need to let Android know it’s okay to install apps from locations outside of the official Appstore.

如果您从未将应用程序侧面加载到Fire Tablet上,则需要让Android知道可以从官方Appstore之外的位置安装应用程序。

To do this, jump into Settings from a parent profile. Pull down the notification shade and tap the “Settings” icon.

为此,请从父配置文件跳到“设置”。 下拉通知栏,然后点击“设置”图标。

Scroll down and tap on “Security.”


Enable “Apps from Unknown Sources.”


A warning will pop up—tap “OK” to approve.


Bam, done.


第三步:安装APK (Step Three: Install the APK)

Now, jump out of the parent profile and into the FreeTime profile where you want the app to be installed.


Tap on “Apps” and open the file manager, which should be installed on both accounts as noted above.


Navigate to the location on the SD card where you pasted the downloaded APK file. Tap it to install.

导航到SD卡上粘贴已下载的APK文件的位置。 点按即可安装。

Tap “Install” to install the app.


While that may seem like it should be all you need to do, there’s actually one more step: actually accessing the app.


第四步:使用GoToApp启动应用 (Step Four: Launch the App with GoToApp)

By default, sideloaded apps won’t show up in the FreeTime launcher, which is why you’ll need a third-party utility to make it happen. That’s where GoToApp comes into play.

默认情况下,旁加载的应用程序不会显示在FreeTime启动器中,这就是为什么您需要第三方实用程序才能实现的原因。 这就是GoToApp发挥作用的地方。

This is a very simple app that just shows all the currently-installed applications on the profile. It’s broken down into a few sections: Main, Game, Tools, Others, and All Apps.

这是一个非常简单的应用程序,仅显示配置文件上所有当前安装的应用程序。 它分为几个部分:“主要”,“游戏”,“工具”,“其他”和“所有应用”。

If you’d like to move the app to a different section, just tap the check box next to its name, then select “move.” If you’re on the All Apps page, this will read “Add to folder.”

如果您想将应用程序移至其他部分,只需点击其名称旁边的复选框,然后选择“移动”即可。 如果您在“所有应用”页面上,则显示为“添加到文件夹”。

Personally, I added YouTube to the top of the main folder, that way all my little guy has to do is launch GoToApp and YouTube is the first option. Putting as few steps as possible between him and Tayo or Pokoyo is crucial here.

就个人而言,我将YouTube添加到了主文件夹的顶部,这样我的小家伙要做的就是启动GoToApp,而YouTube是第一个选择。 在他和TayoPokoyo之间采取尽可能少的步骤至关重要。

With that, each time you want to launch the sideloaded app, you’ll just need to jump into GoToApp and launch it directly from there.


And that’s all there is to it.


I’ll be the first to admit that this a rather lengthy process for something so simple—and arguably something that should be a stock function. I want to be in charge of the apps my child can use, not Amazon. Alas, at least there is a solution, albeit one that is more convoluted than it should be.

我将第一个承认,对于如此简单的事情(可能是应该作为股票函数的事情),这是一个相当漫长的过程。 我要负责我的孩子可以使用的应用程序,而不是亚马逊。 las,至少有一个解决方案,尽管比应有的解决方案复杂得多。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/321474/how-to-get-sideloaded-apps-to-show-up-in-freetime-profiles-on-fire-tablets/





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