eggjs和nest_Nest Thermostat:您可能不了解的5个提示和技巧




By now, pretty much anyone with an Internet connection has heard about the Nest digital thermostat system. But did you know it has a ton of cool features that link up with almost every device in your home?

到目前为止,几乎所有具有Internet连接的人都听说过Nest数字恒温器系统。 但是您知道吗,它拥有大量酷炫的功能,可以与您家中几乎所有设备连接起来吗?

Lauded as the future of the smart house, the little device that made a big splash with Google has the ability to do everything from simple tasks like controlling the climate in each room, all the way up to syncing with your phone to turn the heat on before you even walk in the door.


Here’s a list of a few of our favorite Nest tweaks, hacks, and shortcuts you may not have known about.


连接到健身追踪器 (Connect to a Fitness Tracker)

Fitness trackers are great for a lot of things: helping you exercise more, sleep longer, and eat better overall. But did you know you can link your Jawbone UP with your Nest so it knows when you are sleeping, and knows when you’re awake?

健身追踪器在很多方面都非常有用:可以帮助您多运动,睡更长的时间并总体上吃得更好。 但是您是否知道可以将Jawbone UP与Nest关联起来,以便它知道您何时睡觉,也知道您何时醒来?

Though it might sound like some sort of creepy surveillance Santa hiding in your walls, the Nest link between your fitness tracker actually helps you save money and stay more comfortable all at the same time. The Nest will take your sleeping data off the Jawbone’s readings, and as time goes on, synchronize when it warms up and when it cools down depending on the patterns you follow for waking up and going to bed.

虽然听起来像是圣诞老人在墙上藏着一些令人毛骨悚然的监视,但是健身追踪器之间的Nest链接实际上可以帮助您节省金钱并同时保持更舒适的状态。 Nest会从Jawbone的读数中删除您的睡眠数据,随着时间的流逝,它会在预热和冷却时同步,具体取决于您遵循的起床和入睡方式。


This means you’ll never be stuck sleepily trying to get your settings right as you’re still wiping the morning sun out of your eyes, and won’t have to worry about whether the thermostat is turned off by the time your head hits the bed at night.


与Google即时同步 (Sync with Google Now)

At the tail end of 2014, the engineers at Nest decided it was time to start taking full advantage of their partnership with Google, and incorporate the Google Now feature into the thermostat’s ecosystem.

在2014年年底,Nest的工程师认为是时候开始充分利用与Google的合作关系,并将Google Now功能整合到恒温器的生态系统中了。

A few shortcuts using Google Now include the ability to set the temperature using the “OK Google” voice command, as well as the option to have your Nest keep tabs on where you are via the GPS in the phone itself. When your Nest detects that you’ve left the office and are on the way home, it will automatically begin pre-heating or pre-cooling the house depending on the season and your established preferences.

使用Google即时的一些快捷方式包括使用“确定Google”语音命令来设置温度的功能,以及使Nest可以通过手机本身的GPS跟踪您所处位置的选项。 当Nest检测到您已离开办公室并回家的路上时,它将根据季节和您的既定偏好自动开始对房子进行预热或预冷。


This feature isn’t exclusive to a single device either, and can be added to anyone’s Android phone who’s already been approved as a registered member of the household. And don’t worry about the kids messing with the thermostat while you’re away, because any action that happens between a Google Now account and the Nest will immediately send a Now card to the administrator in charge.

此功能也不是单个设备独有的,可以添加到已经被批准为家庭注册成员的任何人的Android手机中。 不用担心孩子不在时孩子会碰到恒温器,因为在Google即时帐户和Nest之间发生的任何操作都会立即将即时卡发送给负责的管理员。

保护房屋免受火灾 (Protect Your House From a Fire)

Going on vacation, but worried a shoddy electrical box could start up trouble once the van is packed and the family is on the road?


By utilizing the sensors of Nest Protect, you’ll get an alert texted to you anytime CO2 levels in the house rise above a safe level. Once the fire is confirmed visually through the Nest Cam, you can trigger your Rachio sprinkler system to start spraying water around the house in an attempt to quell the flames.

通过使用Nest Protect的传感器,只要房屋中的CO2含量超过安全水平,您就会收到一条短信。 通过Nest Cam目视确认火灾后,您可以触发Rachio洒水系统开始在房屋周围喷水,以平息火焰。


Plus, in case you’re asleep and don’t hear your phone, you can link the Nest up with LIFX bulbs, which will automatically begin flashing every light in the house bright red so anyone that’s walking by or lives on your street will know that something is happening in the house that needs their immediate attention.

另外,万一您睡着了而听不到电话,您可以将Nest与LIFX灯泡连接起来, 灯泡将自动开始闪烁房屋中的每盏灯,并以红色闪烁,这样,无论经过或居住在您街道上的人都会知道那房子里正在发生什么事,需要他们立即注意。

应用IFTTT食谱 (Apply IFTTT Recipes)

In our previous article on the “If This Then That” app, we covered the many different ways that the one-size-fits-all utilitarian tool was filling in many of the gaps that were still left in making the smart home as cohesive as it could be.

在我们之前关于“ If This Then That”应用程序的文章中 ,我们介绍了一种“千篇一律”的实用工具填补了许多不同的方式,这些空白仍然使智能家居具有凝聚力。它可能是。

Whether these disconnects are down to lawyers or licensing agreements we can’t say for sure, but either way, IFTTT opens up your Nest to pretty much every other smart device in your home without fail. WeMo light switches, older Dropcam security cameras, and GE Smart Appliances can all be linked through IFTTT to perform a variety of tasks, depending on the trigger and action profile you set up beforehand.

这些断开连接是由于律师还是许可协议所致,我们无法确定,但是无论哪种方式,IFTTT都可以将您的Nest打开几乎所有其他智能设备,而不会失败。 WeMo的电灯开关,较旧的Dropcam安全摄像机和GE Smart Appliances均可通过IFTTT链接起来,以执行各种任务,具体取决于您事先设置的触发器和操作配置文件。

Screenshot 2015-07-02 at 10.14.31 PM

Some highlights include telling your Nest to turn off the A/C if the Weather app on your iPhone detects it’s cool outside, linking up your Hue lights to turn on when the Nest knows you’ve walked in the door, or notify you if any motion is detected while the house is supposed to be empty.

其中的一些亮点包括: 如果iPhone上的天气应用程序检测到室外凉爽告诉Nest 关闭空调;当Nest知道您已经走进门时 ,将Hue灯连接起来以开启 ;或者通知您是否有关联当房子应该空着时,检测到运动

使用OhmConnect赚取额外现金 (Earn Extra Cash with OhmConnect)

Here’s something you probably didn’t think the Nest could ever do… get you paid for using it.


With the help of a pilot program being tested in California, a new service from the startup OhmConnect will actually use peak energy usage statistics and “buyback” systems to resell your power back to the grid during the most costly hours of uptime.


Screenshot 2015-07-02 at 10.17.46 PM

So, say for example it’s 6:30pm on a particularly hot day. Normally this would be prime time for you and your family to be running the A/C at full blast, costing both you and the grid quite a bit of extra strain. OhmConnect works by syncing up with your Nest to send you notifications when the optimal time to turn down your usage hits, and helps to communicate with the climate control system to keep you just cool enough, all while the utility company repackages the power you would be using and charges it to the next door neighbor.

因此,举例来说,天气特别炎热的时候是晚上6:30。 通常,这是您和您的家人全速运行A / C的黄金时间,这会给您和电网造成很大的额外负担。 OhmConnect的工作原理是与Nest同步,以便在最佳时间降低使用命中率时向您发送通知,并有助于与气候控制系统进行通信以使您保持足够的凉爽,而公用事业公司将重新包装您将要使用的电源使用并将其收费给隔壁的邻居。

Over time you can earn anywhere from $50 to $150 per year with the system just by turning down your appliances about a half hour per day. For now, the program is still in the process of rolling out to other states besides California, but says confidently they have plans to make it into more markets by sometime around the end of 2016.

随着时间的推移,您每天只需关闭设备约半小时,每年就可以从该系统赚取50至150美元的收益。 目前,该计划仍在推广至除加利福尼亚州以外的其他州,但自信地说,他们计划在2016年底之前将其推广到更多市场。

When the Nest first came out (and was quickly swooped up by Google), not a lot of people were sure what to do with it. Now though, there’s a swath of new devices like smart cams, smartphones, and smart wearables that can make your smarthome just a little bit brainier.

当Nest首次问世(并Swift被Google吞并)时,很少有人知道该怎么做。 现在,出现了许多新设备,例如智能摄像头,智能手机和智能可穿戴设备,这些设备可以使您的智能家居变得更聪明。

Image Credits: Google, LIFX, Nest, Jawbone, OhmConnect, IFTTT

图片来源: GoogleLIFXNestJawboneOhmConnectIFTTT







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