


The Amazon Dash Wand is a $20 dongle-like device that’s marketed as the definitive kitchen assistant. It can shop for groceries for you and has Alexa built in, making it the cheapest Alexa device that Amazon sells (especially if you consider the fact that it’s basically free after the $20 credit you get when buying it). However, there are a lot of things it can’t do. Here’s a little rundown of that the Wand is and isn’t capable of.

亚马逊Dash Wand是一款售价20美元的类似于加密狗的设备,被作为权威的厨房助手出售。 它可以为您购买杂货,并内置了Alexa,使其成为亚马逊出售的最便宜的Alexa设备(尤其是如果您考虑到购买20美元的赠金后基本上免费的事实)。 但是,它有很多不能做的事情。 这是魔杖能够或无法做到的一点缺点。

它可以控制您的智能家居设备 (It Can Control Your Smarthome Devices)

philips-hue-lights copy

Outside of kitchen stuff, controlling your smarthome devices is probably the best use for the Dash Wand. It’s like having a little voice remote that you can take with you around the house, especially if you don’t have Echos spread out everywhere.

在厨房之外, 控制智能家居设备可能是Dash Wand的最佳用途。 就像有一个小小的声音遥控器,您可以随身携带在房子周围,尤其是当您没有在各处散布回声时。

You can use it to control lights, thermostats, outlets, switches, and more, and you use it just like you would your Echo by giving Alexa a command to turn on and off a device in your house.


您可以问一般问题 (You Can Ask General Questions)

What’s the weather? What’s on my calendar? How old is Tom Hanks? These are all simple questions that you can ask Alexa through the Dash Wand, and it’ll give you the answers you’re looking for.

天气如何? 我的日历上有什么? 汤姆·汉克斯多大了? 这些都是简单的问题,您可以通过短跑魔杖询问Alexa,它会为您提供所需的答案。

You can even use it to do conversions of different measurements, like cups to gallons, ounces to cups, and more, solidifying its strength as a great kitchen assistant.


您可以在亚马逊上订购产品 (You Can Order Products on Amazon)

The Dash Wand is designed to be a grocery list companion, letting you order items either by saying a product name into the microphone or by scanning the product’s bar code. From there, you can use Amazon Fresh to have those groceries delivered right to your door if you have the service in your area.

达世特魔杖被设计成杂货清单上的伴侣,让您通过在麦克风中说出产品名称或扫描产品的条形码来订购商品。 如果您所在的地区有服务,您可以从那里使用Amazon Fresh将那些杂货直接送到您家门口。

To no one’s surprise, though, you can also use the Dash Wand to order pretty much anything that Amazon sells, just like you can with a regular Echo device. All you have to do is say “Buy toilet paper” and it will first scan your order history for previous purchases of toilet paper and ask if you want to re-order the same kind. If not, it’ll list off other options.

不过,毫不奇怪,您也可以使用Dash Wand来订购Amazon出售的几乎所有商品, 就像使用常规Echo设备一样 。 您所要做的就是说“购买厕纸”,它将首先扫描您的订购历史记录以查找先前购买的厕纸,然后询问您是否要重新订购相同种类的厕纸。 如果没有,它将列出其他选项。

它不是免提的 (It’s Not Hands-Free)

Unfortunately, the Dash Wand’s Alexa capabilities have some pretty big limitations. Most importantly: you can’t use it hands-free, like other Alexa products.

不幸的是,Dash Wand的Alexa功能有一些很大的限制。 最重要的是:您不能像其他Alexa产品一样免提使用它。

In order to get Alexa to listen, you have to hold in the button as you say your command, similar to how the Amazon Tap worked before it was updated with hands-free capabilities. This isn’t a huge deal since it’s a device that can fit in your pocket and it’s really easy to carry around, but it might take some getting used.

为了让Alexa收听,您必须在说命令时按住按钮,这与在使用免提功能更新Amazon Tap之前的方式类似。 这不是什么大不了的事情,因为它是一种可以放在口袋里的设备,并且确实很容易随身携带,但是可能需要花些时间才能使用。

它无法播放音乐 (It Can’t Play Music)

While the Dash Wand has a built -in speaker, the device can’t be used as one, so to speak. This means that you can’t play music, podcasts, or even your flash briefing on the Dash Wand itself.

虽然Dash Wand具有内置扬声器,但可以说该设备不能用作扬声器。 这意味着您无法在Dash Wand本身上播放音乐播客甚至Flash简报

Luckily, this isn’t really a huge issue, since the speaker is pretty horrible—even worse than the Echo Dot’s speaker. However, it’s still something you should know, since if you were to ask Alexa on the Dash Wand “What can you do?”, she’ll weirdly say that she can play music.

幸运的是,这并不是一个大问题,因为演讲者非常恐怖,甚至比Echo Dot的演讲者还差。 但是,这仍然是您应该知道的事情,因为如果您要在Dash Wand上问Alexa:“您能做什么?”,她会奇怪地说自己可以播放音乐。

您无法设置计时器,警报或提醒 (You Can’t Set Timers, Alarms, or Reminders)

It’s a pretty basic task that such a simple little device could easily do, but the Dash Wand isn’t able to set timers, alarms, and reminders like an Amazon Echo.

如此简单的小型设备可以轻松完成这是一项非常基本的任务,但是Dash Wand无法像Amazon Echo一样设置计时器,警报和提醒

It doesn’t really make much sense at first, but after knowing that Alexa needs to wake itself up in order to sound off on an alarm or timer, it starts to become logical. Alexa can only be woken up by pressing down the button on the Dash Wand, so alarms, timers, and reminders just wouldn’t work on the device—leave that to the Echo.

起初它并没有多大意义,但是在知道Alexa需要唤醒自己才能响起闹钟或计时器后,它开始变得合乎逻辑。 只能通过按下Dash Wand上的按钮将Alexa唤醒,因此警报,计时器和提醒在设备上将不起作用-将其留给Echo。

音量无法更改 (The Volume Can’t Be Changed)

Oddly enough, you can’t change the volume of the Dash Wand, even by saying something like “Turn the volume down”.


It’s a small little caveat that many users wouldn’t really be bothered by, but there’s no doubt that Amazon set the volume for the Dash Wand to be as loud as the built-in speaker would allow, which is pretty dang loud.

这是一个小小的警告,许多用户并不会真的被打扰,但是毫无疑问,亚马逊将Dash Wand的音量设置为内置扬声器所允许的音量,这真是很大声。

您不能使用呼叫,消息传递或直接插入功能 (You Can’t Use Calling, Messaging, or Drop In Features)

The newest features to come to Alexa are calling, messaging, and Drop In, which allow you to chat with other Alexa users using Echo devices or the Alexa app.

最新功能来在Alexa的通话,信息功能下降 ,它允许您使用回声装置或Alexa的应用,页面的其他用户聊天。

However, the Dash Wand is exempt from any of these new features, which again, makes sense if you keep having to press down the button in order to talk—it’s not that convenient.

但是,Dash Wand不受任何这些新功能的限制,如果您必须继续按下按钮才能进行交谈,那么这又是有意义的-这并不方便。

In the end, while Amazon touts the Alexa capabilities of the Dash Wand, it’s still pretty limited as far as what it can do. It’s not really the full-fledged Alexa device that you might have hoped for. However, for $20 (and you get that $20 back after registering the device), you can’t go wrong.

最后,尽管亚马逊吹捧了达什魔杖的Alexa功能,但就其功能而言,它仍然相当有限。 它并不是您可能希望的成熟的Alexa设备。 但是,只要花20美元(注册设备后您就可以得到20美元),您就不会出错。

Photo Credit: Mike Seyfang/Flickr.

图片来源: Mike Seyfang / Flickr。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/315733/what-the-amazon-dash-wand-can-and-cant-do/


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