icloud 如何同步_如何使用iCloud同步联系人,提醒等

icloud 如何同步

icloud 如何同步

If you use a Mac, iPhone, or iPad, you might have wondered what iCloud is using all that space for. Today, we’ll take you through the entire range of iCloud syncing and show you how to turn it off, if you so desire.

如果您使用Mac,iPhone或iPad,您可能想知道iCloud将所有这些空间用于什么。 今天,我们将带您了解iCloud同步的整个范围,并向您展示如何关闭它。

iCloud syncs quite a few applications, which is not only convenient but essential for applications to work correctly across your Apple devices (like Calendar, Notes, and Reminders). iCloud is the reason you can create reminders on your Mac and access them immediately on your iPhone, or another Mac, as long they’re all connected to the same iCloud account.

iCloud同步了很多应用程序,这不仅方便而且对使应用程序在Apple设备(例如日历,便笺和提醒)上正常运行至关重要。 iCloud是您可以在Mac上创建提醒并立即在iPhone或其他Mac上访问它们的原因,只要它们都已连接到同一个iCloud帐户。

在OS X上浏览iCloud (Touring the iCloud on OS X)

Let’s begin by opening up the iCloud system preferences on your Mac.


In the iCloud preferences, you’ll see two halves. The left half lets you access your account details and set up family sharing, or sign out.

在iCloud首选项中,您将看到两半。 左半部分使您可以访问帐户详细信息并设置家庭共享或注销。

Click on Account Details to change your name, contact, security, and payment information, and remove devices that are connected your iCloud account.


Back on the main page, the right pane shows the numerous iCloud sync options for your account. Let’s go through each one and talk about their implications.

返回主页,右窗格显示了您帐户的众多iCloud同步选项。 让我们逐一讨论一下它们的含义。

First, there’s the iCloud Drive option, which will store a variety of documents and data in iCloud. Chief among these are TextEdit, iMovie, Pages, as well as any third-party applications that use the iCloud drive. You can click the Options button to see what apps can store data in iCloud drive, and disable any that are taking up too much space.

首先,有iCloud Drive选项,它将在iCloud中存储各种文档和数据。 其中最主要的是TextEdit,iMovie,Pages以及使用iCloud驱动器的任何第三方应用程序。 您可以单击选项按钮查看哪些应用程序可以在iCloud驱动器中存储数据,并禁用任何占用过多空间的应用程序。

We’ve talked at length in the past about your iCloud Photo Library, so we won’t go into great detail here, but suffice to say, you can also click the Options button next to Photos to control what Photo data is synced to iCloud, if at all.

过去我们已经详细讨论了您的iCloud照片库 ,因此这里我们将不做详细介绍,但可以说,您也可以单击照片旁边的选项按钮以控制将哪些照片数据同步到iCloud ,如果有的话。

The rest of the data stored in iCloud includes:


Mail: By syncing your Mail, whatever changes you make on one device will be reflected on another. This is no different than any of the remaining items. So, if you compose a mail message on your iPhone and send it, you can find it then on your Mac in the Sent folder, and so forth.

邮件 :通过同步邮件,您在一台设备上所做的任何更改都会反映在另一台设备上。 这与其余任何项目没有什么不同。 因此,如果您在iPhone上编写邮件并发送,则可以在Mac的“已发送”文件夹中找到它,依此类推。

Contacts: This will sync all contacts you currently have in your iPhone, iPad, or Mac. Any changes or additions you make will obviously be replicated elsewhere.

联系人 :这将同步您当前在iPhone,iPad或Mac中拥有的所有联系人。 您所做的任何更改或添加显然都会复制到其他地方。

Calendars: If you make an event or schedule an appointment, it will show up on your other devices.

日历 :如果您进行活动或安排约会,它将显示在其他设备上。

Reminders: We’ve talked about Reminders previously, you might want to read up on that for more info. Needless to say, syncing your Reminders is a great way to make sure you don’t forget stuff when you’re out and about.

提醒我们之前已经讨论过提醒 ,您可能需要阅读有关更多信息。 不用说,同步提醒是确保外出旅行时不会忘记内容的好方法。

Safari: It can be frustrating not having all your bookmarks and browsing history with you. Luckily, if you sync your Safari to iCloud, everything will stay the same no matter what Apple device you’re using.

Safari :没有您的所有书签和浏览历史记录可能会令人沮丧。 幸运的是,如果将Safari同步到iCloud,无论您使用哪种Apple设备,一切都将保持不变。

Notes: We all have those moments of brilliance where we need to make a note of it. Sadly, if you suddenly wake up at night and dash off a note on computer, you might not have it with you when you want to recall it the next day. By syncing Notes to iCloud, you can rest assured that your genius will travel with you wherever you go.

注释 :我们每个人都有辉煌的时刻需要记录下来。 可悲的是,如果您突然在晚上醒来并在计算机上冲破笔记,那么当您第二天想回想它时,可能就不带它了。 通过将Notes同步到iCloud,您可以放心,天才随行。

Keychain: Unlike the others, which are all undoubtedly useful, you may want to think for a moment about this one. The Keychain basically keeps all your passwords in one place.

钥匙串 :与其他毫无疑问都是有用的钥匙串不同,您可能需要考虑一下。 钥匙串基本上将您所有的密码保存在一个地方。

It’s incredibly convenient though to be able to type in your Wi-Fi password and have it immediately show up on everywhere else, so in the long run, it’s well worth keeping this item enabled.


Find My Mac: Losing your Mac would be terrible, which is why as soon as you sync your “Find My Mac” data, you can easily locate a lost or stolen Mac because all the information you need will already be in your iPhone or iPad.

查找我的Mac :丢失Mac会很糟糕,因此为什么一旦同步“查找我的Mac”数据,您就可以轻松找到丢失或被盗的Mac,因为所需的所有信息已经在iPhone或iPad中。

在iPhone或iPad上使用iCloud (Using iCloud on Your iPhone or iPad)

You can perform the same customizations to your iCloud syncing and sharing on your iPhone or iPad by tapping open “iCloud” from the settings on your device.

您可以通过在设备上的设置中点击打开的“ iCloud”,对iPhone或iPad上的iCloud同步和共享执行相同的自定义设置。

At the top, you’ll see your name and the e-mail address to which iCloud is set up. You can tap your name to open up further settings, which we’ll delve into in just a bit.

在顶部,您将看到您的姓名和设置iCloud的电子邮件地址。 您可以点按您的姓名以打开其他设置,我们将在稍后进行深入研究。

The storage option will give you the option to manage your current storage, and buy more if needed.

Scroll down through this iCloud settings page and you will see that, just like on a Mac, you can enable or disable different iCloud features.


Take a moment to check out the iCloud Drive settings. You can turn this off or on with a simple tap, and choose whether you want to see it on the home screen.

花点时间检查一下iCloud Drive设置。 您可以通过简单的点击将其关闭或打开,然后选择是否要在主屏幕上查看它。

Additionally, you can see a list of apps that allow people to look you up by your email address. You can turn this on or off for any apps you want.

此外,您可以看到允许人们通过您的电子邮件地址查找您的应用程序列表。 您可以为所需的任何应用程序打开或关闭此功能。

Below that, there’s a list of specific apps that can use iCloud Drive to store files. If you find yourself running low on storage space, or simply don’t want an app to use iCloud Drive, then you can turn them off here.

在其下方,列出了可以使用iCloud Drive存储文件的特定应用程序。 如果您发现自己的存储空间不足,或者只是不想让应用使用iCloud Drive,则可以在此处将其关闭。

You may also consider turning off the “Use Cellular Data” item. This ensures iCloud Drive isn’t eating into your valuable data limit.

您也可以考虑关闭“使用移动数据”项。 这可以确保iCloud Drive不会占用您宝贵的数据限制。

Under the Photos settings, there’s the ever-present iCloud Photo Library master switch, which lets you turn the whole thing off if you prefer.


Below this, you can elect to optimize iPhone storage, which means that photos and videos on your iPhone (or iPad) will automatically be reduced in size so they don’t take up too much space on your device. Originals, meanwhile, will be kept in your iCloud Drive.

在此之下,您可以选择优化iPhone的存储空间,这意味着iPhone(或iPad)上的照片和视频会自动缩小尺寸,因此不会占用您设备上的过多空间。 同时,原件将保存在您的iCloud Drive中。

If you choose to upload photos to your photo stream, new ones will be sent to your iCloud devices whenever they’re connected to Wi-Fi.

One other items of interest is the “Upload Burst Photos” options, which means that if you take burst photos (press and hold the volume down button), all of them will be uploaded to your Photo Stream. Keep in mind, uploading all your burst photos could be considerable and take up a lot of space, so you may want to turn this off.

另一个令人感兴趣的项目是“上传连拍照片”选项,这意味着如果您拍摄连拍照片(按住音量降低按钮),所有这些照片都将上传到您的Photo Stream。 请记住,上传所有连拍的照片可能会很大,并且会占用大量空间,因此您可能需要关闭此功能。

The last option here is to utilize iCloud Photo Sharing, which means you can share albums with others, and subscribe to theirs as well.


iOS上的iCloud设置 (iCloud Settings on iOS)

From the main iCloud settings screen, tap on your name to see your iCloud account settings. Here you can change your contact information, password, and credit card associated with your Apple ID. But the most interesting feature here is the “Devices” section.

在iCloud设置主屏幕上,点击您的姓名以查看您的iCloud帐户设置。 您可以在此处更改与您的Apple ID关联的联系信息,密码和信用卡。 但是,这里最有趣的功能是“设备”部分。

If you look at the Devices settings, just like with the Mac settings, you can see all the devices you have connected to your iCloud account, see the model, version, serial number, and even remove it from your account.


Just like on the Mac, iOS’ iCloud settings allow you to tailor your sync preferences to the apps and services you use most (or don’t use at all).


It’s also good to keep in mind that if you find something isn’t syncing as expected, make sure to check that you didn’t accidentally disable the feature at some point.


Obviously, you can turn off each or even all these features per your individual needs and preferences. We think they’re all valuable and save tons of time and effort, but then again, if you don’t use Reminders, Notes, or any of the other baked in Apple applications, it may be worth turning them off. And if you start running out of iCloud space, disabling syncing for a few apps could help.

显然,您可以根据自己的需要和偏好关闭每个或所有这些功能。 我们认为它们都很有价值,可以节省大量的时间和精力,但是如果您不使用提醒,Notes或Apple应用程序中的其他任何工具,那么值得将它们关闭。 而且,如果您开始用尽iCloud空间,则禁用一些应用程序的同步可能会有所帮助。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/237902/what-does-icloud-sync-do-and-how-to-turn-it-off/

icloud 如何同步





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