肉眼识别 信噪比_肉眼实时查看Mac的所有网络流量

Private Eye是一款免费的应用程序,能让你实时监控Mac上每个应用的网络进出请求。它可以帮助你识别哪些应用在连接互联网,以及它们的活动详情。安装后启动,Private Eye即开始监控,关闭则停止。此外,你可以查看是传入还是传出请求,以便更好地理解网络活动。
肉眼识别 信噪比

肉眼识别 信噪比


Wonder which of your Mac apps are connecting to the Internet, and what they’re doing? Private Eye lets you spy on your applications, watching every outgoing and incoming request in real time. And it’s free.

想知道您的Mac应用程序中有哪些正在连接到Internet,以及它们在做什么? Private Eye使您可以监视应用程序,实时监视每个传出和传入的请求。 而且是免费的。

We’ve told you that your Mac’s firewall is off by default, and how to enable it. We also showed you how to allow apps to communicate through it. If all you want to do is stop incoming requests, with a few exceptions, that should do the trick.

我们已经告诉您Mac的防火墙默认情况下处于关闭状态 ,以及如何启用它。 我们还向您展示了如何允许应用通过它进行通信 。 如果您只想停止传入的请求(除少数例外),就可以解决问题。

But many users love using a firewall to monitor network traffic, and the default macOS firewall doesn’t offer that. This is where Private Eye comes in handy: open this application and you can watch every request in real time, and see which addresses sites are connecting to. Here’s how to set up Private Eye, and put it to use.

但是许多用户喜欢使用防火墙来监视网络流量,而默认的macOS防火墙不提供这种功能。 这是Private Eye派上用场的地方:打开此应用程序,您可以实时查看每个请求,并查看网站连接到的地址。 以下是设置并使用“专用眼”的方法。

安装专用眼 (Install Private Eye)

First things first: go ahead and download Private Eye from the Radio Silence website. Click the big blue “Download” button, and you’ll see the PKG file in your Downloads folder.

首先,请首先从Radio Silence网站上下载Private Eye 。 单击蓝色的大“下载”按钮,您将在“下载”文件夹中看到PKG文件。


Go ahead and launch the installer, giving permission when necessary.



When you’re done, you can find Private Eye in your Applications folder, or by searching with Spotlight.


实时观察您的网络流量 (Watch Your Network Traffic in Real Time)

Launch Private Eye and it will immediately start monitoring your network traffic. Every time an application makes a request, you’ll see the name of the application and which addresses they connected to. Results are added in real time.

启动Private Eye,它将立即开始监视您的网络流量。 每次应用程序发出请求时,您都会看到应用程序的名称以及它们连接到的地址。 结果是实时添加的。


Private Eye does not run in the background: when you open it, it starts monitoring, and when you close it, monitoring stops. This is a tool for spotting patterns in real time, not creating a massive log you can browse later.

专用眼未在后台运行:打开它时,它将开始监视,而当您关闭它时,将停止监视。 这是用于实时发现模式的工具,不会创建大量日志,您以后可以浏览。

If you want to learn more about what particular applications are doing, you can click them in the sidebar at left. For example, here’s online backup program Backblaze doing it’s thing:

如果要了解有关特定应用程序正在执行的操作的更多信息,可以在左侧的边栏中单击它们。 例如,下面的在线备份程序Backblaze就是这样:


You can also see only incoming or outgoing requests. On most Macs, there shouldn’t be many incoming requests. On mine, for example, Bittorrent Sync (now called Resilio Sync) was the only application accepting requests, which makes sense.

您也只能看到传入或传出请求。 在大多数Mac上,不应有很多传入请求。 以我为例,Bittorrent Sync(现在称为Resilio Sync)是唯一接受请求的应用程序,这很有意义。


If you’ve set up file sharing on your Mac, you might see more incoming requests than I did here.

如果您在Mac上设置了文件共享 ,则可能会收到比此处更多的传入请求。

等一下,这些应用程序是什么? (Wait, What Are These Applications?)

You’ll probably see a few applications you recognize, like your browser or your email client. Other applications, however, you won’t recognize at all. Don’t panic: most of them are probably perfectly normal. For example:

您可能会看到一些可以识别的应用程序,例如浏览器或电子邮件客户端。 但是,其他应用程序根本无法识别。 不要惊慌:大多数可能完全正常。 例如:

  • com.apple.geod is Apple’s location service, which informs applications where you are.


  • CalendarAgent, logically enough, updates Calendar even when it’s not running.

    从逻辑上讲,即使没有运行Calendar ,Agent也可以更新Calendar。

  • ksfetch updates Google products, mainly Google Chrome.

    ksfetch更新Google产品,主要是Google Chrome。

  • Spotlight Networking provides Internet suggestions when you search with Spotlight, and also when you type anything into Safari’s address bar.

    当您使用Spotlight进行搜索以及在Safari的地址栏中键入任何内容时, Spotlight Networking都会提供Internet建议。

  • trustd verifies the signature of software and websites.


I’m sure you’ll find a few more oddities, and you’ll need to do your own research. If something looks suspicious, Google the application name and see what you find. Most of the time you’ll learn it’s part of macOS, or related to an applications you’ve installed. Remember: don’t freak out just because an app “phones home”–it’s often with good reason. Occasionally, though, you might find something malicious, and it’s time to remove some malware from your Mac.

我相信您还会发现更多奇怪的地方,并且需要进行自己的研究。 如果发现可疑内容,请在Google中找到应用程序名称,然后查看发现的内容。 大多数时候,您会了解到它是macOS的一部分,或者与您已安装的应用程序有关。 请记住: 不要因为应用程序“打电话回家”而感到惊讶-这通常是有充分理由的。 不过,有时您可能会发现一些恶意软件,是时候从Mac中删除一些恶意软件了

Private Eye fills in a gap in macOS by letting you figure out what applications are connecting to online. If you’re more interested in how much data applications are using, we recommend you check out Activity Monitor, in particular the Network tab. You’ll learn a lot.

通过让您确定哪些应用程序正在在线连接,Private Eye填补了macOS中的空白。 如果您对应用程序正在使用多少数据更感兴趣,建议您检出“活动监视器” ,尤其是“网络”选项卡。 您会学到很多。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/276051/see-all-your-macs-network-traffic-in-real-time-with-private-eye/

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