



This year, How-To Geek’s own Justin was on-site at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, where every gadget manufacturer shows off their latest creations, and he was able to sit down and get hands-on with most of them. Here’s the best of the bunch.

今年,How-To Geek自己的贾斯汀(Justin)出席了在拉斯维加斯举行的消费电子展,每个小工具制造商都在这里展示他们的最新作品,他得以坐下来并亲身实践其中的大多数作品。 这是最好的。

Make sure to also check out our list of the Worst of CES 2011, where we covered the gadgets that just didn’t make the cut.

确保还查看我们的“最差CES 2011”清单 ,其中涵盖了那些没有成功晋级的小工具。

三星Series 9笔记本电脑 (Samsung Series 9 laptop)

Thin isn’t just for TVs anymore. This Samsung is a direct PC competitor to the MacBook Air and boasts similar or better specs than anything the 13″ Apple can throw at it thanks to its duraluminum body and and Intel Core i5. Too bad all of the duraluminum in the world won’t soak up a $300 price difference between the two machines. But at least you don’t have to give any money to Apple.

Thin不再仅用于电视。 三星是MacBook Air的直接PC竞争对手,并且由于其硬铝机身和英特尔酷睿i5,其规格与13英寸苹果电脑所能提供的性能相似或更好。 太糟糕了,世界上所有的硬铝都无法吸收两台机器之间300美元的价格差。 但是至少您不必给苹果任何钱。

三星的无线3D眼镜 (Samsung’s Wireless 3D Glasses)

3D glasses were fun to wear when they were blue and red and we were 9 years old. Active shutter glasses have not helped the matter with their heavier frames, recharge times, and inability to decide on a standard. The new Samsung 3D glasses fixes 2 of the 3 problems with their 1oz frame and wireless charging station. The plan is to buy the glasses first and then think of an excuse to buy the new TV that goes with them.

3D眼镜当我们是蓝色和红色且我们只有9岁时,配戴起来很有趣。 主动式快门眼镜因其较重的镜架,充电时间和无法确定标准而无济于事。 新的三星3D眼镜使用1盎司镜架和无线充电站可解决3个问题中的2个。 该计划是先购买眼镜,然后再找借口购买与之配套的新电视。

摩托罗拉Atrix (Motorola Atrix)

It is every geeks dream to have one gadget that can do everything just as well as all the individual devices combined. The Motorola Atrix isn’t that device, but at least it now makes it possible to use your phone as a full blown desktop.  The idea is when you put the phone into a desktop or laptop dock the webtop interface pops up giving you a full installation of Firefox and all of the apps on your phone at your disposal. You can even use the 3G from your phone and place phone calls directly from the webtop interface.

每个极客都梦想拥有一个既可以完成所有功能,又可以结合所有单个设备的功能的小工具。 摩托罗拉Atrix并不是那种设备,但至少现在它使将手机用作功能强大的台式机成为可能。 这个想法是,当您将手机放入台式机或笔记本电脑底座时,会弹出Webtop界面,为您提供Firefox的完整安装以及您手机上的所有应用程序。 您甚至可以通过电话使用3G,并直接从Webtop界面拨打电话。

RIM黑莓PlayBook (RIM BlackBerry PlayBook)

BlackBerry is a company that doesn’t have a strong following outside of the corporate world. Couple that with a declining market share and lack of apps and what does RIM do? Buys a company who knows what design is supposed to look like and make a sleek and super functional tablet that is bound to give the almighty iPad a run for its money. The only downside is the nagging requirement to tether the device to a BlackBerry for email, text, and 3G support. This tablet shares so much in common with webOS it is could almost pass as the next HP slate.

BlackBerry是一家在企业界之外没有强大追随者的公司。 再加上市场份额下降和缺少应用程序,RIM会做什么? 收购一家知道设计应该是什么样的公司,并制造出时尚且功能强大的平板电脑,这一定会给全能iPad带来实惠。 唯一的缺点是将设备绑定到BlackBerry以获得电子邮件,文本和3G支持的烦恼要求。 这款平板电脑与webOS有很多共同点,几乎可以在下一个HP平板电脑上通过。

雷蛇Sixense (Razer Sixense)

Whether you like motion gaming or not, it is here to stay for at least one generation. PC gamers are not going to be left out of all the fun thanks to Razer’s Sixense. While the controller is not actually for sale yet, this magnetic field projecting, infinite axising, programmable controller has already won our hearts; if for no other reason than the fact that they demoed it with Portal 2. In all seriousness, this thing looks amazing and the promise of a wireless model being developed means you could theoretically have as many of these controllers playing party games from a single receiving unit.

无论您是否喜欢运动游戏,它都将保留至少一代。 由于Razer的Sixense,PC游戏玩家将不会被排除在所有乐趣之外。 虽然该控制器尚未真正发售,但这种磁场投射,无限轴可编程控制器已经赢得了我们的关注。 如果除了他们使用Portal 2对其进行演示之外,没有其他原因,说真的,这件事看起来很神奇,而且开发无线模型的希望意味着从理论上讲,您可以从一个接收器中让尽可能多的这些控制器玩派对游戏单元。

索尼3D头戴式显示器 (Sony 3D head-mounted display)

A completely immersive experience is something that every gamer, movie fan, and meditator seeks. The Sony 3D head-mounted display is so close to providing that experience that it gives us something to look forward to at CES 2012. In our experience the 3D was better than any glasses free or glasses based technology and the immersion was just as good as sitting in our own private movie theater.

每个游戏玩家,电影迷和冥想者都希望获得一种完全身临其境的体验。 索尼3D头戴式显示器非常接近提供这种体验,它使我们对CES 2012有所期待。在我们的体验中,3D优于任何免费眼镜或基于眼镜的技术,并且沉浸感与坐在我们自己的私人电影院里。

龟滩PX5 (Turtle Beach PX5)

Long has the Turtle Beach X41 been the best wireless surround sound with microphone headset around. However with a lack of Bluetooth the X41 is limited to only working with the Xbox 360 and still requires a cable for voice chat on the PC. The PX5’s have improved in almost every way on top of the X41, and now have included Bluetooth so they can be paired with your console for chat and your phone for wireless music streaming or phone calls at the same time. PS3 owners can lavish in the wonderful world of 7.1 wireless surround sound, that is, so long as you can afford the $250 MRSP.

Turtle Beach X41一直以来都是带麦克风耳机的最佳无线环绕声。 但是,由于缺少蓝牙,X41仅限于与Xbox 360一起使用,并且仍需要电缆才能在PC上进行语音聊天。 PX5在X41的几乎所有方面都进行了改进,现在包括蓝牙,因此可以与您的控制台配对进行聊天,并与您的电话配对以同时进行无线音乐流或通话。 只要您能负担得起$ 250的MRSP,PS3所有者就可以尽情享受7.1无线环绕声的奇妙世界。

Microsoft Surface 2.0 (Microsoft Surface 2.0)

The original surface was announced when Windows Vista SP2 was fresh on our minds and Windows 7 was on our beta machines. It was clunky, expensive, and had a very limited number of demo programs. The new surface is only 4″ thick, can be mounted vertically or horizontally, can not only sense your touch but can also “see” things set on it with Samsung’s pixel sense, and it costs about $6000 less than the original. Oh and did we forget to mention it is made of the largest piece of Gorilla Glass known to man?

Windows Vista SP2刚出现在我们的脑海中,而Windows 7出现在我们的Beta版计算机中,则宣布了最初的表面。 它笨重,昂贵,并且演示程序的数量非常有限。 新的表面只有4英寸厚,可以垂直或水平安装,不仅可以感觉到您的触摸,还可以通过三星的像素感“看到”设置在它上面的东西,它的成本比原来便宜了约6000美元。 哦,我们忘了提到它是人类已知的最大的大猩猩玻璃制成的吗?

侦察GPS护目镜 (Recon GPS Goggles)

Our first person shooters have had heads up displays for years and finally our real life can enjoy all the benefits so long as your are looking for speed and GPS location rather than ammo and kill death ratios. If you happen to snowboard, or possibly street luge, than these goggles are probably something that you have dreamed about and should start saving your pennies for now.

我们的第一人称射击游戏已经展示了多年的平视显示器,最后,只要您正在寻找速度和GPS位置而不是弹药并杀死死亡率,我们的现实生活就可以享受所有好处。 如果您碰巧是滑雪板,或者可能是街头雪橇,那么这些护目镜可能就是您梦dream以求的东西,现在应该开始节省一分钱。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/40108/the-best-of-ces-consumer-electronics-show-in-2011/






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