chrome 切换标签页_切换到Chrome浏览器时如何防止它们重新加载标签页

chrome 切换标签页

chrome 切换标签页

Chrome has built-in memory management that causes inactive tabs to “sleep” as RAM is filled. When you click the tab again, it has to reload the page. It’s annoying.

Chrome具有内置的内存管理功能,可在RAM填满后使不活动的标签页“Hibernate”。 当您再次单击选项卡时,它必须重新加载页面。 这很烦人。

While memory management is important, constant reloads can be exceedingly irritating—especially if you work with a lot of Chrome tabs at once. The more tabs you have open, the more likely they are to be moved out of memory and into this “sleep” mode as RAM starts to get full. This is more likely to happen on systems with limited hardware, as RAM gets full faster.

尽管内存管理很重要,但持续重新加载可能会非常烦人-特别是如果您一次使用多个Chrome标签页时。 您打开的标签越多,随着RAM开始变满,它们越有可能从内存中移出并进入“睡眠”模式。 由于RAM的装满速度更快,这种情况更有可能在硬件有限的系统上发生。

Fortunately, there’s a way to stop this from happening. The downside, however, is that tabs will remain open in the background and continue chewing through RAM, thus slowing the system overall—that’s the entire reason this feature exists in the first place. If you have a system with ample RAM, it’s probably okay to go ahead and disable this RAM-saving feature if you want. If your system has limited resources, however, you may need to leave it on—but you can at least experiment with it and see how it works for you.

幸运的是,有一种方法可以阻止这种情况的发生。 但是,不利的一面是,这些选项卡将在后台保持打开状态,并继续通过RAM进行咀嚼,从而减慢了系统的整体运行速度-这就是该功能首先存在的全部原因。 如果您的系统具有足够的RAM,则可以继续操作,并根据需要禁用此RAM节省功能。 但是,如果系统的资源有限,则可能需要将其保持打开状态,但是至少可以尝试一下,看看它如何为您工作。

如何在Chrome中禁用标签页放弃 (How to Disable Tab Discarding in Chrome)

To disable this feature—which is technically called Tab Discarding—you’re going to need to toggle a simple Chrome flag. Open Chrome, and the enter the following into the omnibox:

要禁用此功能(技术上称为“标签丢弃”),您将需要切换一个简单的Chrome标志。 打开Chrome,然后在多功能框中输入以下内容:


This takes you directly to the Automatic Tab Discarding flag. Click the dropdown box next to the highlighted entry, and then choose the “Disable” option.

这将直接带您进入“自动放弃标签”标志。 单击突出显示的条目旁边的下拉框,然后选择“禁用”选项。

You’ll need to restart your browser, but after that the feature should be disabled. No tab more reloading!

您需要重新启动浏览器,但此后应禁用该功能。 没有更多标签重新加载!

如何访问废弃的选项卡信息(并进行调整) (How to Access Discarded Tab Information (and Tweak It))

But you’re not done here—let’s say you’re cool with Chrome getting rid of your tabs, but you want to tweak it just a little bit. Good news: you (kind of) can! There are no clear user-facing options for tab discarding in the traditional Settings menu, but there are a few options. Go here:

但你还没有完成在这里,让我们说你很酷使用Chrome摆脱你的标签的,但你要调整它只是一点点。 好消息:您(该类)可以! 传统的“设置”菜单中没有明确的面向用户的选项卡丢弃选项,但是有一些选项。 到这里:


This open the “Discards” menu, which shows a lot of relevant information about discarded tabs:


  • Utility Rank: How “important” Chrome deems a tab.

    实用程序排名: “重要的” Chrome浏览器如何看待标签。

  • Tab Title: The tab’s name.


  • Tab URL: The tab’s address.


  • Media: If the tab is currently playing media.


  • Discarded: If the tab is currently discarded.


  • Discard Count: How many times the tab has been discarded.


  • Auto Discardable: Let’s you control whether or not the tab is allowed to be discarded.


  • Last Active: When the tab was last accessed.


There’s also a column at the end that allows you to manually discard the particular tab.


As you can see, there’s a lot of good information here, but there is one main thing you probably want to pay specific attention to: the Auto Discardable section. If you want to make sure a tab never gets discarded, click the toggle button to remove the checkmark. That specific tab will never be discarded after that.

如您所见,这里有很多很好的信息,但是您可能要特别注意一件事:“自动丢弃”部分。 如果要确保一个标签永远不会被丢弃,请单击切换按钮以删除复选标记。 此后,该特定标签将永远不会被丢弃。

It’s worth mentioning that this only applies to that instance of the tab—not the URL, name, or anything else. So if you disable the Auto Discard feature, and then close the tab, the Auto Discard preference is destroyed with the tab’s instance. Even if you open a new tab with the same page loaded, you’ll have to disable the Auto Discard feature again.

值得一提的是,这适用于选项卡的该实例,而不适用于URL,名称或其他任何内容。 因此,如果禁用“自动放弃”功能,然后关闭选项卡,则“自动放弃”首选项会随选项卡的实例一起销毁。 即使您在加载了相同页面的情况下打开新标签页,也必须再次禁用“自动放弃”功能。

It can get kind of tedious to constantly keep an eye on these settings, so if you’re really into the idea of customizing the tab discarding feature, you’ll want leave this alone and just use a Chrome extension.


使用Great Suspender更好地控制Tab睡眠 (Use The Great Suspender for More Control Over Tab Sleeping)

If you find that your system slows too much with Tab Discarding disabled or just generally want more control, you have another option: a Chrome extension called The Great Suspender. This is actually the extension that was used as the inspiration for the tab discarding feature, which is pretty cool. It’s also significantly more customizable on the user end.

如果您发现系统在禁用“制表符放弃”功能的情况下速度过慢,或者只是希望获得更多控制权,则可以使用另一种选择:Chrome扩展程序,名为The Great Suspender 。 实际上,这是用作标签丢弃功能灵感的扩展,非常酷。 在用户端,它的定制性也大大提高。

With The Great Suspender, you can tweak how long to wait before tabs are suspended, as well as tab-specific options for suspension—for example, you can choose to never suspend pinned tabs, tabs with unsaved form inputs, or tabs that are playing audio. You can also only set tabs to only be suspended when the device is running on battery or connected to the internet, as well as suspend tabs manually with The Great Suspender option in the right-click menu.

使用The Great Suspender,您可以调整挂起标签之前的等待时间,以及用于挂起标签的特定于标签的选项,例如,您可以选择从不挂起固定的标签,未保存表单输入的标签或正在播放的标签音频。 您还可以仅将选项卡设置为仅在设备依靠电池运行或连接到Internet时才挂起,也可以使用右键单击菜单中的Great Suspender选项手动挂起选项卡。

On top of that, you can also whitelist specific websites so they never get suspended, regardless of how long they’ve been idle in the background.


The Great Suspender is quite the powerful tool, especially for low-memory systems where you want full control of memory management.

Great Suspender是非常强大的工具,尤其是对于要完全控制内存管理的低内存系统。


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