


Since the majority of written words are now produced in one digital form or another, fonts and typefaces have become much more important than they used to be. And to the chagrin of graphic designers and generally nerdy people everywhere, those terms are often used interchangeably.

由于现在大多数书面单词都以一种或另一种数字形式生成,因此字体和字体比以前更加重要。 令图形设计人员和各地的书呆子们感到恼火的是,这些术语经常互换使用。

It doesn’t help that the technical terms for these tools, which first originated in the world of conventional paper publishing and printing presses, have been somewhat confused in the world of digital design and publishing. Let’s set the record straight, shall we?

这些工具的技术术语最初起源于传统的纸张出版和印刷机世界,却在数字设计和出版领域有些混乱,这无济于事。 让我们保持纪录吧?

字体:程式化字形的名称 (Typeface: The Name of the Stylized Glyphs)

The word “typeface” historically refers specifically to the shape and style of the letters, organized into a set based on the alphabet, numbers, and punctuation needed to completely express language. So, the collection of letter shapes that we know of as “Arial” or “Times New Roman” is called a typeface.

从历史上看,“字体”一词专门指字母的形状和样式,它们是根据完全表达语言所需的字母,数字和标点符号组成的集合。 因此,我们称为“ Arial”或“ Times New Roman”的字母形状的集合称为字体。

字体:包含字体的特定工具(或文件) (Font: The Specific Tool (or File) That Contains a Typeface)

In the original, movable type publishing sense, a “font” was a collection of metal casts that contained letters and symbols in specific sizes—all based on the design of the typeface. To be even more precise, a specific font was a collection of glyphs in a specific size and weight (bold, italic, etc). So, the metal casts for “Times New Roman, size 12, regular” would be a different font than “Times New Roman, size 20, bold,” and the typesetter would select them as needed for specific parts of a page.

在最初的可移动字体发布意义上,“字体”是金属铸件的集合,其中包含特定大小的字母和符号,所有这些都基于字体的设计。 更准确地说,特定字体是特定大小和重量(粗体,斜体等)的字形的集合。 因此,“ Times New Roman,大小12,常规”的金属样式将与“ Times New Roman,大小20,粗体”使用不同的字体,排字员将根据页面的特定部分选择字体。

Modern printing and digital publishing doesn’t use these huge, complex collections of movable casts, but the word “font” still refers to the specific mechanism that contains those glyphs. For any kind of digital writing or publishing, the “font” is the file that contains the typeface, just like the original collection of metal casts. Things are a little more streamlined now—a single font can be sized up or down by publishing software so there’s no need for multiple files at different sizes—but we do need different files for aspects like bold and italicized letters.

现代印刷和数字出版并未使用这些庞大而复杂的活动铸件集合,但“字体”一词仍指包含这些字形的特定机制。 对于任何形式的数字写作或出版,“字体”是包含字体的文件,就像金属铸件的原始集合一样。 现在,事情变得更加精简了-可以通过发布软件来放大或缩小单个字体的大小,因此不需要多个大小不同的文件-但对于诸如粗体和斜体字母这样的方面,我们确实需要不同的文件。

To put it simply: the style of text that you select when you’re writing or designing is the typeface, the file that contains that typeface is the font. You can copy, paste, move, install, and uninstall fonts from your computer, but you don’t call what you’re selecting in your word processor a “font”—it’s a typeface when you’re using it to actually produce something.

简而言之:在编写或设计时选择的文本样式是字体 ,包含该字体的文件是字体。 您可以从计算机上复制,粘贴,移动,安装和卸载字体,但是您不会将在文字处理器中选择的字体称为“字体”,当您实际使用它来产生某些东西时,它就是一种字体。

字体家族:相关字体集合 (Font Family: A Collection of Related Fonts)

As mentioned above, the computer file that contains a typeface is a font, but a single file might not contain all of the different glyphs necessary for a complete set of stylistic options in that font, like bold text, italicized text, “black” (extra bold) text, rarely-used foreign characters, and so on. A collection that does include more than one specific style of font is called a font family. So, for the Arial typeface, the font family contains the font files for Arial (regular), Arial Narrow, Arial Black, Arial Bold, Arial Italic, and Arial Bold Italic.

如上所述,包含字体的计算机文件是一种字体,但是单个文件可能不包含该字体中一套完整的样式选项所必需的所有不同字形,例如粗体,斜体,“ black”(粗体),很少使用的外来字符等。 确实包含不只一种特定样式的字体的集合称为字体系列。 因此,对于Arial字体,字体家族包含Arial(常规),Arial Narrow,Arial Black,Arial Bold,Arial Italic和Arial Bold Italic的字体文件。

Most modern operating systems can tell the difference between a single font and a font family, and group them accordingly. In Windows 10, the Font folder is a specific folder in the Control Panel. Simply copy font files into it in order to install them for use in any compatible program. Single font files are displayed as a single file, but font families have a stacked file icon.

大多数现代操作系统都能分辨出单个字体和字体系列之间的区别,并相应地对它们进行分组。 在Windows 10中,字体文件夹是控制面板中的特定文件夹。 只需将字体文件复制到其中即可安装它们以在任何兼容程序中使用。 单个字体文件显示为单个文件,但是字体系列具有堆叠的文件图标。

Double-click that stacked icon and you’ll open up a sort of meta-folder, showing all of the fonts in that specific font family. But if you copy and paste that stacked file into any folder outside the “Fonts” directory, you’ll see all of the contents as separate files.

双击该堆叠的图标,您将打开一种元文件夹,显示该特定字体系列中的所有字体。 但是,如果将堆叠的文件复制并粘贴到“ Fonts”目录之外的任何文件夹中,则所有内容都将显示为单独的文件。

混淆条款 (Confusing the Terms)

Even among professionals, the terms “font” and “typeface” are often used interchangeably. And to be perfectly honest, that’s not such a terrible thing—it’s a very small distinction now that type design is so malleable in terms of design and publishing. If your boss asks you to “change the font on the slideshow,” it probably won’t do you any favors to correct her and say “I can’t change the font, but I can change the typeface.” It also doesn’t help things that at least some programs get the terminology wrong, or don’t specify that they use a “typeface” instead of a font in the user interface.

即使在专业人员中,术语“字体”和“字体”也经常互换使用。 坦白说,这并不是一件可怕的事情,因为字体设计在设计和发布方面具有可塑性,这是一个很小的区别。 如果老板要求您“更改幻灯片上的字体”,则可能无法帮您纠正她并说“我不能更改字体,但是我可以更改字体”。 这也无助于至少某些程序弄错了术语,或者在用户界面中未指定使用“字体”代替字体的问题。

But if you’re a designer of any capacity, and you’re speaking with other designers, it’s best to get the terms right. If you were a doctor and you met a contemporary who confused a tibia and fibula, you’d probably think a little less of him. It’s also helpful if you’ve put something together that you’re going to have an actual designer take a look at. It helps to speak their language.

但是,如果您是任何能力的设计师,并且正在与其他设计师交流,那么最好使条款正确。 如果您是一名医生,并且遇到了一个将胫骨和腓骨相混淆的当代人,那么您可能会觉得他少一些。 如果您将一些东西放在一起,让真正的设计师来看看,这也很有帮助。 说他们的语言很有帮助。

So just remember: typeface is the design, font is the file, font family is the collection of files.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/325644/whats-the-difference-between-a-font-a-typeface-and-a-font-family/






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