vscode ana_Ana Tudor最喜欢的CodePen演示

vscode ana

In 2013 I asked CodePen creator Chris Coyier about his favorite CodePen demos and people loved his picks and insight. I've even shared some of my favorite demos. This time around I wanted to know what Ana Tudor, one of my favorite CodePen artists, thought were her favorites. Enjoy!

2013年,我向CodePen创作者Chris Coyier询问了他最喜欢的CodePen演示 ,人们喜欢他的选择和见识。 我什至分享了一些我最喜欢的演示 。 这次我想知道我最喜欢的CodePen艺术家之一Ana Tudor认为她的最爱是什么。 请享用!


I love canvas, I love interactive demos and I don't think I have ever been more impressed by somebody's work than when I discovered what Tiffany Rayside has created on CodePen. So I had to start off with one of her interactive canvas pens, even though it was painful to pick just one. Tap/ click to add nodes and watch them connecting and dancing around.

我喜欢画布,喜欢互动式演示,而且我不认为当别人发现Tiffany Rayside在CodePen上创作的作品时,给人留下深刻的印象。 所以我不得不从她的一支交互式帆布笔开始,尽管只挑一支很痛苦。 点击/单击以添加节点,并观看它们之间的连接和跳舞。

See the Pen Cocoon by Tiffany Rayside (@tmrDevelops) on CodePen.

见笔蒂芙尼Rayside( @tmrDevelops )上CodePen

明显透明 (Apparently transparent)

3D is another love of mine and this next pen by Gerard Ferrandez is a beautiful example of what can be done with 3D transforms and JS interactivity.

3D是我的另一个爱好,Gerard Ferrandez的下一支笔是使用3D变换和JS交互性可以完成的美丽示例。

See the Pen apparently transparent by Gerard Ferrandez (@ge1doot) on CodePen.

见笔显然是透明杰拉德Ferrandez( @ ge1doot )上CodePen

图像破碎 (Shattering images)

Image galleries are everywhere, so it was refreshing to see something more unusual done in this direction.


See the Pen Shattering Images by Szenia Zadvornykh (@zadvorsky) on CodePen.

CodePen查看 Szenia Zadvornykh( @zadvorsky )的“笔粉碎图像”

帆布蛇虫 (Canvas snake bugs)

Jack Rugile is one of my canvas heroes and this demo is just one the more recent examples of JS awesomeness his profile is so rich in. Just writing the previous sentence took me about ten minutes because I kept playing with it.

Jack Rugile是我的画布英雄之一,这个演示只是他的个人资料如此丰富的最新JS令人敬畏的例子之一。仅写上一句话就花了我大约十分钟,因为我一直在玩。

See the Pen Canvas Snake Bugs by Jack Rugile (@jackrugile) on CodePen.

见笔帆布蛇错误杰克Rugile( @jackrugile )上CodePen

文字背景 (Text background)

Yoksel blew my mind with this pen. The technique she uses for achieving this cool effect is simple, yet really clever.

Yoksel用这支笔惊呆了我。 她用来达到这种炫酷效果的技术很简单,但确实很聪明。

See the Pen embbax by yoksel (@yoksel) on CodePen.

请参阅CodePen上 yoksel( @yoksel )的Pen embbax

3D草绘器 (3D sketcher)

Another amazing canvas demo, this time by Jason Brown. This one makes a childhood dream come true - I remember wanting to be able to escape from the flat sheet of paper and be able to draw in 3D. Well, now it's possible...

另一个出色的画布演示,这次是Jason Brown。 这个梦想实现了童年的梦想-我记得我希望能够摆脱平板纸的困扰,并能够绘制3D图像。 好吧,现在有可能...

See the Pen 3D Sketcher by Jason (@loktar00) on CodePen.

见笔3D草图由Jason( @ loktar00上) CodePen

几何很漂亮 (Geometry is beautiful)

Kenji Saito has created many cool canvas pens. I've always loved geometry, so this is one I can never get tired of.

斋藤贤二创造了许多很酷的帆布笔。 我一直很喜欢几何,所以这是我永远不会厌倦的几何。

See the Pen Day56: WebGL Particle Animation#3. by Kenji Saito (@kenjiSpecial) on CodePen.

请参阅“笔日” 56:WebGL粒子动画#3。Kenito Saito( @kenjiSpecial )在CodePen编写

粒子爆炸器 (Particle exploder)

Particle demos are always fun. Especially when they're also interactive. The first time I saw this mini-game by Matei Copot, I ended up spending a lot of time trying to "kill" as many particles as possible.

粒子演示总是很有趣。 特别是当他们也互动时。 第一次看到Matei Copot制作的迷你游戏时,我最终花了很多时间试图“杀死”尽可能多的粒子。

See the Pen Particle exploder (mini-game) by towc (@MateiGCopot) on CodePen.

请参阅CodePen上的towc ( @MateiGCopot )的笔粒子爆炸程序(迷你游戏)

SVG材质调整大小动画 (SVG material resize animation)

I don't normally find interface elements that exciting, but this demo by Nikolay Talanov is just too good to miss.

我通常不会发现令人兴奋的界面元素,但是Nikolay Talanov的这个演示太好了,不容错过。

See the Pen SVG material resize animation by Nikolay Talanov (@suez) on CodePen.

CodePen查看 Nikolay Talanov( @suez )的Pen SVG材质调整大小动画

X光检查 (X-ray me)

I've started seeing more and more SVG demos lately and this pen by Noel Delgado is probably the cutest of them all.

最近,我开始看到越来越多的SVG演示,Noel Delgado的这支笔可能是其中所有工具中最可爱的。

See the Pen SVG Mask (Experiment) by Noel Delgado (@noeldelgado) on CodePen.

见笔SVG面膜(实验)由Noel德尔加多( @noeldelgado )上CodePen

翻译自: https://davidwalsh.name/ana-tudors-favorite-codepen-demos

vscode ana





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