ios beta 下载_如何回滚到iOS 10(如果您使用的是iOS 11 Beta)

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So you’ve installed the iOS 11 beta and, well, you don’t love it. No problem, because you can roll right back to iOS 10.

因此,您已经安装了iOS 11 Beta ,但是,您不喜欢它。 没问题,因为您可以直接回滚到iOS 10。

However, note that this will wipe your device completely, which could pose a problem. Let’s say you didn’t follow our advice to do a full backup before leaping into iOS 11 beta. In that case, if you downgrade to iOS 10, you’re looking at a full device wipe and any data you don’t have backed up in another way (like photos copied to your computer outside of iTunes or iCloud), will be erased.

但是,请注意,这将彻底擦除您的设备,这可能会引起问题。 假设您在进入iOS 11测试版之前没有遵循我们的建议进行完整备份。 在这种情况下,如果您降级到iOS 10,则表示正在擦除整个设备,并且您没有以其他方式备份的所有数据(例如,将照片复制到iTunes或iCloud之外的计算机上)都将被删除。 。

In addition, regardless of whether or not you backed up the device when it was on iOS 10, any changes made or data created on your phone between the iOS 11 beta update and the rollback will be lost.

此外,无论您是否在iOS 10上备份设备时,在iOS 11 Beta更新和回滚之间在手机上所做的任何更改或创建的数据都将丢失。

If you were just playing around with iOS 11 beta on a spare device, that’s not such a big deal. If you somehow found yourself in the unenviable position of installing iOS 11 beta on your primary device and you didn’t back it up first, however, you might want to consider just chugging along with iOS 11 to save yourself the lost data.

如果您只是在备用设备上玩iOS 11 beta,那就没什么大不了的了。 如果您以某种方式发现自己无法在主要设备上安装iOS 11 beta,并且您没有首先备份它,那么您可能要考虑与iOS 11兼容,以保存丢失的数据。

Lastly, this tutorial will only help you downgrade from the iOS 11 beta to iOS 10.3.3, and it will only work up until the public release of iOS 11. After that, Apple will stop signing older iOS firmware versions and you will not be able to downgrade to them.

最后,本教程将仅帮助您从iOS 11 beta降级到iOS 10.3.3,并且仅在iOS 11公开发布之前才能运行。此后,Apple将停止对较早的iOS固件版本进行签名,并且您不会能够降级到他们。

Those cautions aside, let’s jump right into the pretty easy rollback process.


你需要什么 (What You Need)

To follow along today, you need just a few things. You’ll need your device, a USB data cable for said device, an up-to-date copy of iTunes, and you’ll need to download the appropriate iPSW file for your device. For the unfamiliar, iPSW files are the firmware files for iOS devices. Using an iPSW file to reset or restore your device is like performing a complete factory reset.

要跟随今天,您只需要注意几件事。 您将需要您的设备,用于该设备的USB数据线,iTunes的最新副本,并且需要为该设备下载适当的iPSW文件。 对于不熟悉的人,iPSW文件是iOS设备的固件文件。 使用iPSW文件重置或还原设备就像执行完整的出厂重置一样。

All of the files listed below, organized by device model, are hosted directly by Apple. We’ve merely organized the direct links for ease of use. When you’re ready to roll back, download the matching iPSW file for your device. Unsure exactly which file you should download for your device? Check the model number on the case and use this iOS device list to confirm which device you have.

下面列出的所有文件(按设备型号组织)直接由Apple托管。 我们只是组织了直接链接以便于使用。 准备回滚时,为您的设备下载匹配的iPSW文件。 不确定要为设备下载哪个文件? 检查机壳上的型号,然后使用此iOS设备列表确认您拥有的设备。

iPhone iPSW Files:

iPhone iPSW文件:

iPad iPSW Files:

iPad iPSW文件:

iPod Touch iPSW Files:

iPod Touch iPSW文件:

After carefully confirming which iPSW file you need for your device, download the file to your computer and head on to the next section.


如何将设备回滚到iOS 10 (How to Roll Your Device Back to iOS 10)

First, if you’ve enabled the “Find My iPhone” feature for your iPhone or iPad, you will need to turn that feature off first. You must do this from the iPhone or iPad itself. Head to Settings > [Your Name] > iCloud > Find My iPhone or Find My iPad and ensure the feature is turned off.

首先,如果您为iPhone或iPad启用了“查找我的iPhone”功能,则需要先关闭该功能。 您必须从iPhone或iPad本身执行此操作。 转到设置> [您的名字]> iCloud>查找我的iPhone或查找我的iPad,并确保该功能已关闭。

With the iPSW file in hand, plug your iOS device into your PC or Mac with the USB cable and fire up iTunes. Inside iTunes, click on the device icon (located in the upper left corner and highlighted in the screenshot below).

手持iPSW文件后,使用USB电缆将iOS设备插入PC或Mac,然后启动iTunes。 在iTunes中,单击设备图标(位于左上角,并在下面的屏幕快照中突出显示)。

Within the device’s “Summary” page (the default view), locate the “Restore [Device Name]…” button in the Summary panel. Press and hold the Option key (Mac) or Shift key (Windows) and click the button. You must press the keyboard key while clicking the button in order to load the file browser to select a custom restore file. If you don’t, iTunes will only allow you to select from local backups you’ve made.

在设备的“摘要”页面(默认视图)内,在“摘要”面板中找到“还原[设备名称]…”按钮。 按住Option键(Mac)或Shift键(Windows),然后单击按钮。 您必须在单击按钮的同时按下键盘键,才能加载文件浏览器以选择自定义还原文件。 如果您不这样做,iTunes将仅允许您从制作的本地备份中进行选择。

When you click the Restore button, you won’t be prompted to back up your device, get any data off it, or warned in any fashion. The presumption is that, because you know this super secret key combination, you know what you’re doing.

单击“还原”按钮时,不会提示您备份设备,获取任何数据或以任何方式发出警告。 假设是,因为您知道此超级密钥组合,所以您知道自己在做什么。

In the file browser that pops up, navigate to the iPSW file for your device in the location you saved the download. Select it (make sure, if you have multiple devices, you select the correct one for the device you’re currently wiping and restoring) and then click “Open” to start the process.

在弹出的文件浏览器中,在保存下载的位置导航到设备的iPSW文件。 选择它(确保,如果您有多个设备,请为当前要擦除和还原的设备选择正确的设备),然后单击“打开”以开始该过程。

Click “Restore” to continue and erase the contents of your iPhone or iPad.


If you see an error message instead, you probably downloaded the wrong iPSW file for your device.


Once you click “Restore”, it’s go time: your iOS device will be wiped and the iOS software will be downgraded from iOS 11 Beta to iOS 10.3.3. When the process is finished, your device will boot back up as if you’d just turned it on for the first time, welcome screen and all. At that point you can either start with a totally fresh copy of iOS 10 or you can copy your old iOS 10 backup (if you made one) from iTunes or iCloud.

单击“还原”后,就该开始了:您的iOS设备将被擦除,iOS软件将从iOS 11 Beta降级到iOS 10.3.3。 该过程完成后,设备将重新启动,就像您是第一次打开设备时一样,欢迎屏幕等等。 届时,您可以从全新的iOS 10副本开始,也可以从iTunes或iCloud复制旧的iOS 10备份(如果已创建)。

If you made a backup in iTunes, iTunes will ask you if you want to restore that backup to your device right after it finishes installing iOS 10. Select the backup and click “Continue” to do so.

如果您在iTunes中进行了备份,iTunes将在完成安装iOS 10后询问您是否要将备份还原到设备上。选择备份,然后单击“继续”。

At this point, be it with a fresh install or your old iOS 10 backup restored, you’re back on iOS 10 and can linger there as long as you want. However, you’ll probably want to upgrade to iOS 11 when the final, stable version is released later in 2017.

此时,无论是全新安装还是还原了旧的iOS 10备份,您都可以使用iOS 10,并且可以在任何地方徘徊。 但是,您可能要在2017年晚些时候发布最终的稳定版本时升级到iOS 11。


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