


Photo by ollily

摄影: ollily

Don’t fret about not having the time to tediously enter all your financial transactions into a complicated spreadsheet or program. The envelope system for keeping financial records is low-maintenance, cost-effective, and easy to implement in little time. All you need are some envelopes, a rubber band, a pen, a sharpie, a highlighter, a storage box, an hour at the end of the month, and all of the month’s receipts.

不要担心没有时间将您所有的财务交易繁琐地输入到复杂的电子表格或程序中。 用于保存财务记录的信封系统维护成本低,具有成本效益并且易于在短时间内实现。 您所需要的只是一些信封,橡皮筋,钢笔,沙皮纸,荧光笔,储物盒,一个月底的一个小时以及一个月的所有收据。

The envelope system is a simple and fun way to save, organize, and store your receipts and keep reliable financial records.


第1步:保存本月所有收据 (Step 1: Save All Your Receipts During the Month)

Throughout the month, get a receipt for each purchase you make. If a cashier doesn’t give you your receipt, don’t forget to ask. When making online purchases, make sure to print out the receipts immediately. If you can, print them out on thin paper and format them so they’re similar in shape and size to normal receipts.

在整个月中,您每次购买都会获得一张收据。 如果收银员没有给您收据,请不要忘记询问。 在线购买时,请确保立即打印出收据。 如果可以,将它们打印在薄纸上并进行格式化,以使它们的形状和大小与普通收据相似。

Keep your receipts in your wallet until they start to overflow, then dump them into a designated envelope at home. Be sure to label the envelope something like “Current Receipts,” and keep it in a safe an easy-to-access location.

将收据保存在钱包中,直到它们开始溢出为止,然后将其丢到家里的指定信封中。 确保在信封上贴上“当前收据”之类的标签,并将其保存在易于访问的安全位置。

步骤2:在月底整理收据 (Step 2: Organize Your Receipts at the End of the Month)

Before you can store your records in an orderly fashion, you need to organize the receipts. And before you can organize them, you need to finalize each receipt individually.

您需要先整理收据,然后才能有条不紊地存储记录。 在整理它们之前,您需要分别完成每张收据。

Go through each one and highlight:


  • The date

  • The total amount spent (or refunded)

  • The type of transaction (e.g. cash, debit, check, gift card)


Make sure to use a light-colored highlighter so that the ink from the receipt still shows through. Some receipts have very light ink that fades away once highlighted over. In that case simply highlight underneath the information in a straight line so that it doesn’t bleed into the information.

确保使用浅色荧光笔,以使收据中的墨水仍能透过。 有些收据的墨水很浅,一旦突出显示就会消失。 在这种情况下,只需在信息下方以直线突出显示,这样它就不会渗入信息中。

After highlighting, write down notes directly onto the receipts as needed:


  • Make note of tax deductible expenses which may be business related or for charity

  • Note returns, why they were made, how much money was refunded, and the new net totals

  • Label any receipts where it’s not immediately obvious where the purchase was made, to whom it was made, or why it was made

  • Write down any miscellaneous notes that will help you keep better records, possibly make future returns, budget in the future, and be a better consumer (e.g. noting how using a certain coupon saved you half-off, when a big sale occurred, etc.)

    写下任何杂项便笺,这些便笺将有助于您保留更好的记录,可能取得将来的回报,在将来进行预算并成为更好的消费者(例如,注意使用某种优惠券如何为您节省一半的费用,何时发生大笔交易等)。 )

If you find that there’s not enough space on a particular receipt for taking these notes, then write them on a small piece of paper and staple it to the back of the corresponding receipt. Make sure to write a reminder on the receipt itself to reference the extra notes on the next page.

如果发现特定收据上没有足够的空间来记录这些便笺,则将它们写在小纸上,然后装订到相应收据的背面。 确保在收据本身上写一个提醒,以参考下一页上的其他说明。

Here’s what a finalized receipt should look like (note that it’s staple to other receipts beneath it):


Once you’re done taking notes, organize the batch in chronological order and staple it. Alternatively, you can use a paper clip. It doesn’t matter if you use reverse chronological order instead (with the most recent receipts on the top) but whatever you choose — keep it consistent. Otherwise, you’ll have a hard time locating individual receipts later on when you have to switch between two different ordering systems.

完成笔记后,按时间顺序整理批次并装订。 或者,您可以使用回形针。 可以使用相反的时间顺序(最新收据位于顶部),但无论您选择什么,都可以保持一致。 否则,以后在两个不同的订购系统之间切换时,您将很难找到单个收据。

步骤3:使用信封和盒子存储收据 (Step 3: Store Your Receipts Using Envelopes and Boxes)

Once you prepare the monthly batch of receipts, place it into an envelope. You may have to fold some receipts over so that the batch will fit. Consider color-coding an envelope for the season or month if that helps you stay organized.

准备月度收据后,将其放入信封中。 您可能需要将一些收据折叠起来,以便批次适合。 如果可以帮助您保持井井有条,请考虑对季节或月份的信封进行颜色编码。

Then fold the envelope closed (without sealing it) and flip it over. Use a black or dark-colored sharpie to label the envelope. Follow the example below, with the month and year in the upper left, or label in a way that’s easier for you to work with.

然后折叠信封,使其关闭(不封口)并将其翻转。 使用黑色或深色的削皮刀标记信封。 按照下面的示例,左上角的月份和年份,或以一种更易于使用的方式进行标记。

Once you have more than one month collected, stack the envelopes together in chronological order (keep it consistent with the order you have for the actual receipts). Put a rubber band around the bundle.

一旦收集了一个多月,就按时间顺序将信封堆叠在一起(使其与实际收据的顺序保持一致)。 在捆扎物周围放橡皮筋。

At the end of the year, you’ll have all your financial records bundled within twelve envelopes. Over multiple years, you’ll gather multiple bundles.

到年底,您将所有财务记录捆绑在十二个信封中。 多年来,您将收集多个捆绑包。

Keep your envelope bundles stored in a box. Keep the box someplace safe and easily accessible. Over time you may accumulate multiple boxes, which will be easy to stack and store. And any time you need to reference your financial records, they’ll be easy to find and access.

将信封捆保存在盒子中。 将盒子放在安全且易于取用的地方。 随着时间的流逝,您可能会积累多个盒子,这些盒子很容易堆叠和存储。 而且,只要您需要参考财务记录,就可以轻松找到和访问它们。

It’s ideal to use a visually appealing box that represents your financial goals. The box in the example below showcases comfortable chairs on a relaxing beach scene, as more vacation time is one measure of financial success.

理想的做法是使用一个外观吸引人的方框来代表您的财务目标。 下面的示例中的框在轻松的海滩场景中展示了舒适的椅子,因为更多的休假时间是衡量财务成功的一种方法。

With the easy-to-implement envelope system, you can keep all your financial records in one place with little hassle. And you can keep it fun by using colored pens, highlighters, and envelopes, and a visually appealing box that keeps you focused on financial success!

借助易于实施的信封系统,您可以轻松地将所有财务记录保存在一处。 此外,您还可以使用彩色笔,荧光笔和信封以及一个视觉上吸引人的盒子来保持乐趣,使您专注于财务上的成功!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/54122/the-envelope-system-for-keeping-financial-records/






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