linux chrome_Chrome稳定版现已提供Linux应用,但这意味着什么?

linux chrome

linux chrome

Chrome OS 69 just hit the stable channel and is currently rolling out to devices. This brings a handful of new features and changes, including Google’s Material theme, Night Light, an improved file manager, and most importantly: support for Linux apps.

Chrome OS 69刚刚进入稳定的通道,目前正在向设备推广。 这带来了一些新功能和更改,包括Google的Material主题,Night Light,改进的文件管理器,最重要的是:支持Linux应用程序。

适用于ChromebookLinux应用程序? (Linux Apps for Chromebooks?)

At Google I/O earlier this year, Google announced that it was going to bring support for Linux applications to Chrome OS, starting first with the Pixelbook. While Linux support has been available on the developer and beta channels for a while now, users who choose to stick with the stable channel (a wise choice for the most part) may now get their chance to check this out.

在今年早些时候的Google I / O大会上,Google宣布它将首先从Pixelbook开始将对Linux应用程序的支持引入Chrome OS。 虽然Linux支持已经在开发人员和Beta通道上使用了一段时间,但是那些选择使用稳定通道(大多数情况下是明智的选择)的用户现在可能有机会进行检查。

We say “may,” because Linux support won’t be available for all Chromebooks, unfortunately. It depends on which kernel your Chromebook is currently running, but at the current time, the list of devices that will receive Linux support is quite a bit shorter than the devices that won’t get the feature. Here’s a shortlist for the time being:

我们之所以说“可能”,是因为不幸的是,并非所有的Chromebook都支持Linux。 这取决于您的Chromebook当前正在运行的内核,但是目前,要获得Linux支持的设备列表要比不具备该功能的设备短很多。 这是目前的候选清单:

  • ASUS Chromebook Flip C101

    华硕Chromebook Flip C101
  • Acer Chromebook 11

    宏cer Chromebook 11
  • Acer Chromebooks Spin 11

    宏cer Chromebooks Spin 11
  • Acer Chromebook 15

    宏cer Chromebook 15
  • HP Chromebook x360

    惠普Chromebook x360
  • HP Chromebook x2

    HP Chromebook x2
  • Google Pixelbook

    Google Pixelbook
  • Samsung Chromebook Plus

    三星Chromebook Plus
  • Samsung Chromebook Plus v2

    三星Chromebook Plus v2
  • Lenovo Thinkpad 11e

    联想Thinkpad 11e
  • Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga 11e

    联想Thinkpad Yoga 11e

So, what does that mean for the average Chrome OS user? Honestly, not much. You won’t be forced to use Linux apps if you don’t want, and nothing is going to change in your day to day usage. That’s a good thing.

那么,这对普通的Chrome OS用户意味着什么? 老实说,不多。 不需要的话,您不会被迫使用Linux应用程序,并且日常使用情况也不会改变。 这是好事。

But if you want to expand your device’s capabilities, this will be a great way to do it. We have a full tutorial on how to get started with Linux apps, which should get you started. That said, we’d be remiss not to mention that Linux support is still in beta—just because it’s on the stable channel doesn’t mean that the feature is completely finished. It’s just…stable.

但是,如果您想扩展设备的功能,这将是一个很好的方法。 我们有完整的教程,介绍如何开始使用Linux应用程序,这应该可以帮助您入门。 话虽这么说,但我们不必说Linux支持仍处于beta中,只是因为它在稳定的渠道上并不意味着该功能已完全完成。 只是……稳定。

What it means, in general, is that your Chromebook just got a lot more powerful. The biggest complaint about Chrome OS, in general, has been its lack of a “real” ecosystem, something that Google started to address with the addition of Android apps. But now, with the entire Linux ecosystem on tap, Chrome OS is a lot more useful.

通常,这意味着您的Chromebook变得更加强大。 通常,关于Chrome操作系统的最大抱怨是缺乏“真正的”生态系统,谷歌开始通过添加Android应用程序来解决这一问题。 但是现在,随着整个Linux生态系统的使用,Chrome OS变得更加有用。

That means you can run things like GIMP for photo editing or LibreOffice for spreadsheets and documents. There are a lot of other applications made available with this move forward too, but it’s also worth keeping in mind that GPU acceleration isn’t yet available in Linux apps—that means things like gaming or video editing are still off the table, for the moment at least.

这意味着您可以运行诸如用于照片编辑的GIMP或用于电子表格和文档的LibreOffice之类的东西。 向前迈进的过程中,还有许多其他应用程序可供使用,但也要记住,Linux应用程序中尚未提供GPU加速功能-这意味着游戏或视频编辑之类的应用仍然无法实现。至少是片刻。

Chrome操作系统中的其他功能69 (Other Features in Chrome OS 69)

Aside from Linux support, Chrome OS 69 has a few other new features worth talking about.

除了Linux支持之外,Chrome OS 69还具有其他一些值得谈论的新功能。

For starters, it is getting a Material Design makeover that really modernizes the overall look and feel of the entire OS. It also gives it a more Android-like feel, which is something that Google has been working towards for a while now. The two are getting closer and closer to parity with each update.

对于初学者来说,它正在进行Material Design改造,真正使整个OS的整体外观现代化。 它还给人一种更类似于Android的感觉,这是Google一直在努力的方向。 每次更新时两者之间的距离越来越近。

Otherwise, you’ll notice that the File Manager has been slightly reworked in 69, with a new section called “My Files” that houses all Downloads, Play Files (Android files), and Linux Files. This is again a step in the right direction, as the file manager has often been cited as one of Chrome OS’ weakest links.

否则,您会注意到文件管理器在69中进行了稍微的修改,其中有一个名为“我的文件”的新部分,其中包含所有下载,播放文件(Android文件)和Linux文件。 这又是朝着正确方向迈出的一步,因为文件管理器经常被视为Chrome操作系统最薄弱的链接之一。

There’s also a Night Light feature in Chrome OS 69—this is exactly like its Android counterpart. It’s essentially a blue light filter that makes the screen better for your eyes at night. It can be turned on, off, or set to turn on at a specific time (or with sunset/sunrise). It’s an excellent feature that everyone should start using.

Chrome OS 69还具有“夜灯”功能,这与Android的功能完全一样。 从本质上讲,它是一种蓝光滤光片,可以使屏幕在晚上更适合您的眼睛。 它可以在特定时间(或日落/日出)打开,关闭或设置为打开。 这是每个人都应该开始使用的一项出色功能。

There are a myriad of other, smaller features available in this release as well, as per the norm for every Chrome OS update. It’s not yet available on all devices, but should be rolling out over the next few days.

根据每个Chrome操作系统更新的规范,此版本中还提供了许多其他较小的功能。 尚未在所有设备上都可用,但应在接下来的几天内推出。

via: ChromeUnboxed; 9to5Google

通过: ChromeUnboxed ; 9to5Google


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