fedora usb_如何创建Fedora Live USB媒体

fedora usb

How to create a Fedora live USB media is introduced in this post. We can boot to Fedora operating system environment through a live USB system in the USB flash media on a USB-bootable computer without writing the computer’s hard disk. We can also install Fedora operating system from the live system environment.

本文介绍了如何创建Fedora live USB介质。 我们可以通过USB引导计算机上USB闪存介质中的实时USB系统引导至Fedora操作系统环境,而无需写入计算机的硬盘。 我们还可以从实时系统环境中安装Fedora操作系统。

Remember to backup data in the USB stick before proceeding the method below.


命令行方式 (Command Line Method)

This is the method I prefer. It’s straight forward and easy to follow as long as you are some how familiar with Linux.

这是我更喜欢的方法。 只要您对Linux有一定的了解,它就很容易理解。

下载Fedora Live ISO映像 (Download the Fedora Live ISO image)

First, download Fedora Live ISO image of different releases version.

首先, 下载不同发行版的Fedora Live ISO映像

You can even download an boot.iso and netinst.iso with smaller size if you want to install from network of local image. The method in this part works with these images too.

如果要从本地映像网络安装,甚至可以下载较小尺寸的boot.isonetinst.iso 。 这部分中的方法也适用于这些图像。

直接将图像复制到USB介质 (Directly copy the image to USB media)

Here, we introduce 2 method.


Method 1: use the livecd-iso-to-disk tool


This is the suggested method as it can handle many situations for you comparing to the following dd method.


If you have not installed the tool, install it by dnf install livecd-tools as root.

如果尚未安装该工具,请通过dnf install livecd-tools以root身份进行dnf install livecd-tools

Make sure the USB is already partitioned and one disk partition is created as ext4 with sufficient space.


Then you can create the disk by command


# livecd-iso-to-disk ./fedora-image.iso /dev/sdXy

Here, the /dv/sdXy is the partition’s path, such as sdb1. livecd-iso-to-disk may require you to set/format/modify the disk partition with certain commands.

在此,/ dv / sdXy是分区的路径,例如sdb1。 livecd-iso-to-disk可能需要您使用某些命令来设置/格式化/修改磁盘分区。

Method 2: use the dd tool


We can use dd to make a direct copy from the image to USB media. Remember to backup your data on the USB media since all data will be lost after dd.

我们可以使用dd将映像直接复制到USB介质。 请记住,将数据备份到USB介质上,因为dd之后所有数据都会丢失

# dd if=./Fedora-Live-i686.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=8M

/dev/sdX is device name of the USB stick instead of the partition name (sdc is right, sdc1 is wrong).

/ dev / sdX是USB记忆棒的设备名称,而不是分区名称(sdc是正确的,sdc1是错误的)。

测试实时USB介质 (Test the Live USB media)

We can use qemu or other virtualization tools to try boot from the Live USB media we created.

我们可以使用qemu或其他虚拟化工具来尝试从创建的Live USB媒体启动。

  1. umount /dev/sdbX

    卸载/ dev / sdbX
  2. qemu -hda /dev/sdX -m 256 -vga std

    qemu -hda / dev / sdX -m 256 -vga std

/dev/sdX is the Live USB media’s device name.

/ dev / sdX是Live USB介质的设备名称。

Only if it can boot, we know the media works and we can close the virtual machine.


Liveusb-creator的图形方法 (Graphical Method with Liveusb-creator)

This method can be used on both Linux and Windows. For windows users the liveusb-creator application can be downloaded from Liveuse-creator homepage.

此方法可以在Linux和Windows上使用。 对于Windows用户,可以从Liveuse-creator主页下载liveusb-creator应用程序。

For Fedora users, liveusb-creator is already in the repository.

对于Fedora用户, liveusb-creator已经在存储库中。

# yum install liveusb-creator

Run liveusb-creator and select the “Live CD image” path and the “Target Device”, and then click “Create Live USB”. The application will write the Live image to the USB stick.

运行liveusb-creator,然后选择“ Live CD映像”路径和“目标设备”,然后单击“创建Live USB”。 该应用程序会将实时图像写入USB记忆棒。

After it finishes, we can also use qemu as described above to test the Live USB media.

完成后,我们还可以如上所述使用qemu测试Live USB媒体。

翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/creating-fedora-live-usb-media/

fedora usb





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