evolution 引擎_Evolution在Linux的哪里保存其数据和配置文件?

evolution 引擎

Evolution is a great personal information management tool that provides Email, address book and calendar tools. Evolution provides many enterprise friendly feature such as native support to Microsoft Exchange connectivity for Emails, address books and calendars. Evolution uses various ways including plain files and dconf configuration systems. This post will give an introduction to the common locations or paths where Evolution stores its data and configuration files in Linux. Understanding of where Evolution stores configuration and data files is an important step to use and manage Evolution effectively, such as avoiding storing Email files in insecure storage locations if your Emails are sensitive and should be stored securely such as on encrypted storage systems.

Evolution是一款出色的个人信息管理工具,可提供电子邮件,通讯录和日历工具。 Evolution提供了许多企业友好功能,例如对电子邮件,地址簿和日历的Microsoft Exchange连接的本地支持。 Evolution使用多种方式,包括纯文件和dconf配置系统 。 这篇文章将介绍Evolution在Linux中存储其数据和配置文件的常见位置或路径。 了解Evolution在何处存储配置和数据文件是有效使用和管理Evolution的重要步骤,例如,如果您的电子邮件敏感并且应安全地存储在加密存储系统上,则避免将电子邮件文件存储在不安全的存储位置。

进化密码 (Passwords in Evolution)

Emails are critical for many users and the security of the stored password is a big concern for using a tool that stores the passwords. Evolution uses GNOME Keyring to store the passwords for your accounts. GNOME Keyring has an encrypted secrets storage that is integrated with the user’s login and the secret storage will be unlocked after the user logins into Linux.

电子邮件对于许多用户而言至关重要,而存储密码的安全性是使用存储密码工具的主要关注点。 Evolution使用GNOME密钥环来存储您的帐户的密码。 GNOME密钥环具有一个加密的机密存储,该存储与用户的登录信息集成在一起,并且在用户登录Linux之后,机密存储将被解锁。

If you would like to see the passwords saved, invoke seahorse to view and manage the saved passwords.


Evolution中的配置设置 (Configuration settings in Evolution)

Evolution since version 3.6 stores files according to the XDG Base Directory Specification which defines the directories and environment variables for configuration and data files paths. Here, we discuss the default values for Evolution using default values of XDG Base Directory Specification.

自3.6版以来的演进是根据XDG基本目录规范存储文件的,该规范定义了配置和数据文件路径的目录和环境变量。 在这里,我们使用XDG基本目录规范的默认值讨论Evolution的默认值。

配置和状态文件 (Configuration and state files)

Configuration and state files are stored under



Among the configuration files, the account settings are under



键盘快捷键的配置文件 (Configuration files for keyboard shortcuts)

One confusing part using Evolution I found was how to check all the keyboard shortcuts and how to configure them. Evolution provides a shortcuts reference PDF. But it only provides a set of common ones besides of the many more others Evolution supports.

我发现使用Evolution的一个令人困惑的部分是如何检查所有键盘快捷键以及如何配置它们。 Evolution提供了快捷方式参考PDF 。 但是,除了Evolution支持的其他功能之外,它仅提供了一组常见的功能。

After some searching, it is found out that Evolution stores the keyboard shortcuts under a plain text file at



which is a GtkAccelMap map file.


GSettings / dconf中的配置设置 (Configuration settings in GSettings/dconf)

Evolution uses GSettings/dconf (which store files under $HOME/.config/dconf) to save some of its configurations.

Evolution使用GSettings / dconf(将文件存储在$HOME/.config/dconf )来保存其某些配置。

To view the settings in GSettings, you may use the dconf-editor GUI tool to find the path for Evolution. One example is /org/gnome/evolution/ as follows.

要查看GSettings中的设置,您可以使用dconf-editor GUI工具查找Evolution的路径。 一个示例是/org/gnome/evolution/ ,如下所示。

Evolution数据文件和缓存 (Evolution data files and caches)

Evolution stores the user’s data files such as contacts and calendars under the data files dir



Under the data files dir, you may find directories like calendar, addressbook and tasks.


As common networked tools, Evolution caches some data to "hide" from users the latency caused by network. Evolution stores disposable data caches under

作为常见的联网工具,Evolution缓存了一些数据,以“隐藏”用户因网络引起的延迟。 Evolution将一次性数据缓存存储在下面


For example, if you are using imap, in the mail dir you can find cached and stored Email files.


That’s most of the common configuration files and settings paths Evolution use to store configuration and data. Hope this post could give you a basic understanding of the locations where Evolution store its data so that you can use Evolution more effectively. Enjoy!

那是Evolution用于存储配置和数据的大多数常见配置文件和设置路径。 希望本文能使您对Evolution存储数据的位置有一个基本的了解,以便您可以更有效地使用Evolution。 请享用!

翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/evolution-save-data-configure-files-linux/

evolution 引擎





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