学编程,语言学习路径_您想学习编程语言吗? 选择之前请先阅读


Programming Languages

Making a career choice is difficult. And, if you have decided on becoming a programmer, the difficulty is just beginning. The most important thing is to first decide the language that you want to learn and this is often the most difficult decision. The good part is that you know you need to focus on learning programming and the bad part is that you might still be thinking which programming language should you begin to learn.

做出职业选择很困难。 而且,如果您决定成为一名程序员,那么困难才刚刚开始。 最重要的是首先确定要学习的语言,这通常是最困难的决定。 好消息是您知道需要专注于学习编程,而坏消息是您可能仍在思考应该开始学习哪种编程语言。



Programming is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea and I am sure that if you have decided to become a programmer, you know are familiar with the career prospects and are passionate about exceling in the field. So, the question arises, which programming language is the best? But, you start to sought answer for that question, you need to answer a few questions for yourself.

编程绝对不是每个人都可以喝的,而且我敢肯定,如果您决定成为一名程序员,那么您会熟悉职业前景并且对在该领域的卓越表现充满热情。 因此,出现了一个问题,哪种编程语言是最好的? 但是,您开始寻求该问题的答案,您需要自己回答一些问题。

• Do you want to create web application, mobile applications, or both?

•您要创建Web应用程序, 移动应用程序还是同时创建两者?

• Do you want to learn one language and get proficiency in that or would you like to learn multiple languages?


• Are you prepared to dedicate time and effort diligently till you learn?


Once you have the answer for these, you will be able to narrow down your search criteria. If you are still looking for the easiest programming language, then proceed to the next section.

找到答案后,您将可以缩小搜索条件的范围。 如果您仍在寻找最简单的编程语言,请继续下一节。



These are 4 universal choices that any programmer would agree with. If ease of learning is your only criteria, then the programming languages listed below are the best choices anyone would give. Each has some benefits and drawbacks though, but, these are apt for beginners with no previous programming knowledge.

这些是任何程序员都同意的4种通用选择。 如果简单易学是您的唯一标准,那么下面列出的编程语言是任何人都会提供的最佳选择。 尽管每种方法都有其优点和缺点,但是,这些优点和缺点适用于没有任何编程知识的初学者。

Python: This is an easy to learn language. But, you will need to have a basic programming knowledge. Python can be used for web, GUI, and Software development. It powers frameworks like Django, Pyramid, Buildbot, Flask, etc. Some popular enterprises that use Python are NASA, YouTube, Yahoo! Groups etc. The extent of using Python varies but then when big names like these rely on a language, it surely has something in it. For more information, read the Python’s official beginner’s guide.

Python:这是一种易于学习的语言。 但是,您将需要具有基本的编程知识。 Python可用于Web,GUI和软件开发。 它支持Django,Pyramid,Buildbot,Flask等框架。一些使用Python的流行企业包括NASA,YouTube,Yahoo!。 团体等。使用Python的程度各不相同,但是当像这样的大人物依赖一种语言时,它肯定会有某些东西。 有关更多信息,请阅读Python的官方初学者指南。

Ruby: Ruby is another popular choice for beginners. The codes are simple to learn because everything except false and nil has a value and usually by practicing, you will be able to learn the basics. When you start learning, the basics would include familiarizing yourself with blocks and iterators. Ruby is used by sites like Twitter, GitHub, etc. For all the beginners, this Ruby in 20 minutes tutorial is a great way of getting started.

Ruby: Ruby是初学者的另一个流行选择。 这些代码很容易学习,因为除false和nil之外的所有其他东西都具有价值,通常通过练习,您将能够学习基础知识。 当您开始学习时,基础知识将包括熟悉块和迭代器。 Ruby被Twitter,GitHub等网站所使用。对于所有初学者而言,此Ruby in 20分钟教程是入门的绝佳方法。

Java: This is the most popular and the most promising programming language. It is often a professional choice for web and mobile applications. It is not as easy as Python and Ruby, but it is certainly versatile and there are practically no limits to what you can create with Java. Groupon, Google, Evernote, are just a few names that use Java. Learn more about Java by accessing the student’s resources.

Java:这是最流行,最有前途的编程语言。 它通常是Web和移动应用程序的专业选择。 它不像Python和Ruby那样容易,但是它肯定是通用的,并且使用Java创建的对象几乎没有限制。 Groupon,Google,Evernote只是使用Java的少数几个名称。 通过访问学生的资源来了解有关Java的更多信息。

C++: This is advanced version of the general computing language C and now there are even smarter versions of C++. This is a complex language but if you start learning from this, then all other languages would be comparatively easy to learn. This gives tough competition to Java in terms of applications. Some prominent users of C++ are Amazon, Chrome, etc. Check out the C++’s Get Started section for some interesting resources which includes tutorials and books.

C ++:这是通用计算语言C的高级版本,现在有C ++的更智能版本。 这是一门复杂的语言,但是如果您从中学习,那么所有其他语言都将相对容易学习。 就应用程序而言,这给Java带来了激烈的竞争。 C ++的一些杰出用户是Amazon ,Chrome等。请查看C ++的“入门”部分,以获得一些有趣的资源,其中包括教程和书籍。



In the virtual world, access to learning resources is no longer a concern. So, no matter what you want learn, you can find plethora of resources on websites, community forums, etc. These resources can be descriptive articles, interactive e-learning courses, and even video tutorials. Apart from this, the languages mentioned above are popular and there is dearth of help resources. Here are a few ways you can learn the language you choose:

在虚拟世界中,访问学习资源不再是问题。 因此,无论您要学习什么,都可以在网站,社区论坛等上找到大量资源。这些资源可以是描述性文章,交互式电子学习课程,甚至是视频教程。 除此之外,上面提到的语言非常流行,并且缺少帮助资源。 您可以通过以下几种方法来学习所选的语言:

Online courses: There are many websites that offer paid e-learning courses at a nominal price. You can easily come across courses where the certificates are awarded by renowned universities. Some popular online sites are coursera, Udemy. etc.

在线课程:有许多网站以象征性的价格提供付费的电子学习课程。 您可以轻松地参加由著名大学颁发证书的课程。 一些受欢迎的在线网站是Coursera,Udemy。 等等

Professional institutes: This is an obvious choice and a valid one. You can enroll in a vocational school or institute that specializes in the programming language that you have chosen. A certificate or diploma would enhance your resume in this case.

专业机构:这是显而易见的选择,也是有效的选择。 您可以注册专门学习所选编程语言的职业学校或学院。 在这种情况下,证书或文凭可以提高您的履历。

Community Forums: Each of the programming languages listed above has a forum where resources are readily available. So, you can make use of these to learn. I have seen people really polishing skills using these resources.

社区论坛:上面列出的每种编程语言都有一个论坛,您可以在该论坛上随时获得资源。 因此,您可以利用这些来学习。 我已经看到人们使用这些资源真正提高技能。

The information presented experts of Java application development here should help you make a wise choice. Let me know what programming language you chose after considering the aspect mentioned above. All the Best!

这里介绍的Java应用程序开发专家提供的信息应帮助您做出明智的选择。 让我知道您在考虑了上述方面之后选择了哪种编程语言。 祝一切顺利!

翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/wanting-learn-programming-language-read-make-choice/






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