mac 无法启动 无苹果_Mac无法让您发挥创意! 那么,为什么艺术家真的爱苹果?...

mac 无法启动 无苹果

mac 无法启动 无苹果

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Chances are you have at least one “creative” friend who’s a Mac advocate. Ever wondered how Apple got a reputation as the “creative company,” or why artists are so drawn to them? Surely, computers can’t make you creative, can they?

您可能至少有一位“创意”朋友是Mac的拥护者。 有没有想过苹果如何获得“创意公司”的美誉,或者为什么艺术家如此吸引他们? 当然,计算机不能使您富有创造力,对吗?

Maybe you’re an avid Mac Hater, or maybe you’re an Apple advocate—chances are you’ve heard of this myth and wonder why people all seem to think this way. Take a look through the history of Apple, and see why Macintosh has become so synonymous with desktop publishing, photography, creativity, and design industries.

也许您是一个狂热的Mac Hater,或者您是Apple的拥护者-您可能已经听说过这个神话,并且想知道为什么所有人似乎都这么想。 回顾一下Apple的历史,看看Macintosh为什么成为台式机出版,摄影,创意和设计行业的代名词。

Mac普及了图形用户界面(GUI) (Macs Popularize the Graphic User Interface (GUI))


Contrary to opinion, Apple did not create the first operating system with a Graphic User Interface. The Xerox Alto was the inspiration behind the first Apple computers with GUI-based operating systems. Developed in the seventies, the Alto (as well as many other computers) were not commercially viable products, and were used mostly by engineers, many at Xerox.

与观点相反,Apple没有创建第一个带有图形用户界面的操作系统。 Xerox Alto的灵感来自于首批基于GUI的Apple计算机。 Alto(以及许多其他计算机)是在70年代开发的,在商业上并不可行,并且主要由工程师使用,其中许多在Xerox上使用。

The idea of “Personal Computers” was, at one time, completely alien. Computers, as most people knew them, were complex machines that cost many thousands of dollars and required teams of engineers to program proprietary machine code to even do modest tasks. Apple was inspired by the friendliness of the GUI Xerox had developed, and began developing more affordable computers and their own Graphic User Interface.

“个人计算机”的想法曾经完全是陌生的。 正如大多数人所知道的那样,计算机是复杂的计算机,成本高达数千美元,并且要求工程师团队对专有的机器代码进行编程,以完成微不足道的任务。 苹果公司受到GUI Xerox友好开发的启发,并开始开发价格更便宜的计算机和他们自己的图形用户界面。

By the early 80s, Apple had put out a number of machines, including the famous Apple II, as well as the Apple Lisa, the first Apple computer to feature a GUI. Lisa was a disastrous product, despite being Apple’s brave first foray into Graphic Interfaces. By 1984, Apple launched the first Macintosh, and began building their reputation as a group of outsiders—dangerous, creative people thinking “outside the box.” In a world dominated by IBM clones and DOS-boxes, the Macintosh was radically different than practically anything on the market at the time. With the famous “1984” commercial, Apple began to market their brand, appealing to customers that appreciated the nice graphical touches and artistic details the monospaced text of DOS couldn’t provide.

到80年代初,苹果已经推出了许多机器,包括著名的Apple II和第一台具有GUI的Apple计算机Apple Lisa。 尽管Lisa是Apple勇敢地首次涉足图形界面,但它却是一个灾难性的产品。 到1984年,苹果公司推出了第一台Macintosh,并开始树立他们作为一群局外人的声誉,这些局外人是危险的,有创造力的人,他们认为“框外”。 在一个由IBM克隆和DOS盒子主导的世界中,Macintosh与当时市场上的任何东西都根本不同。 苹果公司以著名的“ 1984”商业广告开始销售自己的品牌,以吸引那些欣赏DOS不能提供的等距文字的精美图形触感和艺术细节的客户。

图形? 有一个应用程序 (Graphics? There’s An App For That)


Apple has come under fire, criticised for creating “closed platforms” in the iOS-based iPhone and iPad devices. Despite all of this, a lot of Apple’s early success can be attributed to the Apple II, which was designed with a lot of the openness we expect in personal computers today.

苹果因在基于iOS的iPhone和iPad设备中创建“封闭平台”受到批评。 尽管如此,Apple II的早期成功还是可以归功于Apple II,Apple II的设计具有我们今天对个人计算机所期望的许多开放性。

The Apple II allowed for customization beyond the basic, closed platform of Apple I, with third-party companies creating expansion devices, adding ports, controllers and hardware as users demanded. The Apple II was also a huge success because Apple stepped away from the business model of the day, and allowed third-party software companies to develop software that could be installed an run by their machines. Before the age of Apple II, most computers only had software developed by the same company selling the hardware. Apple II enjoyed runaway success when the first spreadsheet program, Visicalc, was created and sold by Visicorp, making the Apple II one of the first computers with any serious business application.

Apple II允许在Apple I的基本封闭平台之外进行自定义,第三方公司可以创建扩展设备,并根据用户需求添加端口,控制器和硬件。 Apple II也取得了巨大的成功,因为Apple摆脱了当今的商业模式,并允许第三方软件公司开发可以由其机器运行安装的软件。 在Apple II时代之前,大多数计算机仅具有由出售硬件的同一家公司开发的软件。 当Visicorp创建并销售了第一个电子表格程序Visicalc时,Apple II取得了巨大的成功,这使Apple II成为了首批具有任何严肃业务应用程序的计算机之一。


Early into the Macintosh’s history, Adobe stepped onto the scene, creating Postscript and the concepts needed to create vector based fonts. Postscript was developed by ex-Xerox PARC engineers, which by 1985, brought quality, printable graphics to users via the Apple Laserwriter, one of the first laser printers available commercially on the market.

在Macintosh的历史早期,Adobe涉足现场,创建了Postscript和创建基于矢量的字体所需的概念。 Postscript是由前Xerox PARC工程师开发的,到1985年,该产品通过Apple Laserwriter(一种市场上第一批商业化的激光打印机之一)为用户带来了高质量,可打印的图形。

Jobs also claims that his interest in fonts and calligraphy was one of the reasons good typography was such a major part of the early Macintosh machines. Adobe’s work with Postscript led to the development of the first digital fonts, using tools that they had to create themselves. Low resolution displays were completely inappropriate for recreating typography with any degree of accuracy, so Adobe engineers developed vector drawing tools that eventually became Illustrator 1.0, once the tools were marketed to consumers. Macintosh owners could start installing Illustrator 1.0 as early as 1987, with a serious upgrade by 1988, marketed as “Illustrator 88.” Computer-based design was on its way to becoming viable, and Adobe began to target its Mac-based software at Graphic designers and professional creatives.

乔布斯还声称,他对字体和书法的兴趣是良好的排版成为早期Macintosh计算机如此重要的原因之一。 Adobe与Postscript的合作导致使用他们自己创建的工具开发了第一批数字字体。 低分辨率显示器完全不适合以任何精确度重新创建字体,因此Adobe工程师开发了矢量绘图工具,一旦将其销售给消费者,该工具最终将成为Illustrator 1.0。 Macintosh所有者最早可以在1987年开始安装Illustrator 1.0,并在1988年进行了重大升级,并以“ Illustrator 88”销售。 基于计算机的设计正在走向可行,Adobe开始将其基于Mac的软件瞄准图形设计师和专业创意人士。

photoshop 1

Around this time, a University of Michigan graduate student began developing a raster-graphics program for his Macintosh he would later name “Photoshop.” Presenting his software to Adobe, Photoshop quickly became a company-defining product for them, and shipped in 1990 as Macintosh only software, quickly becoming the market leader in graphics software. With two of the earliest commercial design products under their belt, as well as some of the earliest quality fonts, Adobe had more or less created computer-based graphic design as we understand it today, and had done it largely using Mac as a platform.

大约在这个时候,密歇根大学的一名研究生开始为其Macintosh开发一个光栅图形程序,他后来将其命名为“ Photoshop”。 向Adobe展示其软件后,PhotoshopSwift成为了他们的公司定义产品,并于1990年作为仅Macintosh的软件发售,Swift成为图形软件的市场领导者。 凭借两种最早的商业设计产品以及一些最早的高质量字体,Adobe或多或少地创建了我们今天所了解的基于计算机的图形设计,并且很大程度上是使用Mac作为平台来完成的。

向不喜欢计算机的人出售计算机 (Selling Computers to People That Don’t Like Computers)

Apple had gone through some tough times, and were attempting to reinvent themselves again as a friendly and user-friendly computer company. With the popularity of Windows overshadowing their market share, Apple chose to strategically simplify their machines and begin marketing to users, stressing easy setup and simple, attractive design.

苹果公司度过了艰难的时期,并试图重新塑造自己,成为一家友好和用户友好的计算机公司。 由于Windows的普及盖过了他们的市场份额,苹果选择从战略上简化其机器并开始向用户推销,强调易于设置和简单,吸引人的设计。

In an era when nearly all computer cases were plain beige boxes, masses of cables and boxy monitors, Apple engineered neat, compact computers like the first iMac, and made them available in bright, collectible colors, a strategy they continue to use to this very day. While their early marketing push to design-oriented computer users was arguably a success, Apple was now attempting to reach a new market in users that were simply intimidated by computers. And while Microsoft had done their part in simplifying the operating system for users, they didn’t offer the emphasis on design Apple put into their hardware.

在这个时代,几乎所有的电脑机箱都是米色的普通盒子,大量的电缆和方形的显示器,苹果公司设计了整洁,紧凑的计算机,例如第一台iMac,并以明亮,可收藏的颜色为其提供了使用的策略,他们继续沿用这种策略。天。 尽管他们早期的营销活动可以说是面向设计计算机用户的成功,但苹果公司现在正试图打入那些被计算机吓倒的用户的新市场。 尽管微软在为用户简化操作系统方面做出了自己的贡献,但他们并没有强调苹果在其硬件中采用的设计。

By emphasizing the design of unique hardware and ease of use, Apple managed to capture the market share of artistic and creative users, many of which were not computer-savvy nor liked beige boxes. And, as such, while Windows was quickly becoming a viable platform for Adobe’s Photoshop and Illustrator—most creative people probably wouldn’t have understood why anybody would even want to use a Windows based machine.

通过强调独特硬件的设计和易用性,Apple设法占领了艺术和创意用户的市场份额,其中许多人不精通计算机,也不喜欢米色盒子。 因此,尽管WindowsSwift成为Adobe Photoshop和Illustrator的可行平台,但大多数有创造力的人可能都不了解为什么有人甚至想要使用基于Windows的计算机。

OS X,跨平台和直观程序 (OS X, Cross Platform, and Intuitive Programs)


In 1999, OS 9, the final operating system in the “classic” line was replaced by OS X, an entirely new OS based on Unix and BSD operating systems. OS X focused in even more on Apple’s core market of design-appreciating and art-friendly crowd. The increasing popularity of the internet made it necessary for the operating system to be more friendly towards Windows machines.

在1999年,OS 9(“经典”系列中的最终操作系统)被OS X取代,OS X是基于Unix和BSD操作系统的全新操作系统。 OS X更加关注苹果的核心市场,即设计欣赏和艺术友好人群。 互联网的日益普及使得操作系统必须对Windows计算机更加友好。

Apple created simple program launchers and slick new desktop environments, making the incredibly complex machine as simple as possible for computing-challenged users. During this transition, Apple had to change their hardware from PowerPC architecture processors, opting instead to go with Intel. This cleared the way for XP installations on Macintosh machines, much to the chagrin of many Mac evangelists.

苹果公司创建了简单的程序启动器和漂亮的新桌面环境,从而使对计算有挑战的用户的机器变得异常简单。 在此过渡期间,Apple必须从PowerPC架构处理器更改其硬件,而选择与Intel一起使用。 这为在Macintosh机器上安装XP扫清了道路,这让许多Mac福音传教士大为恼火。

This move toward Intel caused serious problems with Adobe software, among others. Windows XP had become an accepted platform for Photoshop, and this sudden change to Intel computers left a gap in service for the Macintosh’s killer apps, Photoshop and Illustrator. Many Mac users delayed their upgrades, as this dramatic change temporarily rendered the major reason for buying a Mac, in their eyes, unusable. It wasn’t long after when Apple created emulators and Adobe created the Intel based Creative Suite 3, and irate designers and artists could stop worrying about why they could no longer get Photoshop on a Mac.

迈向英特尔的这一举措在Adobe软件等方面引起了严重的问题。 Windows XP已成为Photoshop的公认平台,而对Intel计算机的突然更改为Macintosh的杀手级应用程序Photoshop和Illustrator留下了服务空白。 许多Mac用户推迟了升级,因为这一重大变化暂时使购买Mac的主要原因在他们眼中无法使用。 不久之后,苹果公司创建了仿真器,而Adobe公司创建了基于Intel的Creative Suite 3,愤怒的设计师和艺术家可以不再担心为什么他们无法再在Mac上使用Photoshop了。

It becomes clear that Apple’s reputation as the “hip, creative company” has been a combination of their smart marketing going back to the very early days of the company. While they have expanded their marketing to mass market products like the iPod or iPhone, their emphasis on aesthetics and simple, easy operation clearly stem from their roots as the platform for digital graphics and design. Whether they’ll remain as the go-to choice for artists and designers, or, as their market share increases, transition to something else entirely, still remains to be seen.
显而易见,苹果公司之所以被誉为“髋关节,创意公司”,是因为其聪明的营销方式可以追溯到公司成立之初。 尽管他们将营销扩展到了iPod或iPhone等大众市场产品,但他们对美学的追求以及简单易用的操作显然源自其作为数字图形和设计平台的根源。 它们是否将继续作为艺术家和设计师的首选,还是随着市场份额的增加而完全过渡到其他领域,还有待观察。

Image Credit: I love Mac by nakagawa, available under Creative Commons.

图片来源:我爱nakagawa的Mac ,可在“知识共享”下找到。


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