



Everyone, at some point, tries to take a photo of a spectacular sunset. But if your camera isn’t quite capturing the magic the way you see it in real life, here are a few tricks to keep in mind.

每个人都在某个时候尝试拍摄壮观日落的照片。 但是,如果您的相机不能像您在现实生活中那样捕捉魔术,那么请牢记一些技巧。

是什么使日落照片很棒 (What Makes a Good Sunset Photo)

Whether you try and shoot a sunset with a DSLR, Snapchat, or something in between, the principles remain the same. I shot the examples in this article on everything from an iPhone to a Canon 5D MKIII.

无论您是尝试使用DSLR,Snapchat还是在两者之间拍摄日落,其原理都保持不变。 我拍摄了本文中的示例,涉及从iPhone到佳能5D MKIII的所有内容。

Sunset photos are all about light and color. You have all these beautiful oranges, golds, pinks, and, towards the start of twilight, deep blues. There’s a sense of closure at the end of the day. Things are still. This is what you’re trying to tap into with a good sunset photo.

日落照片都是关于光线和色彩的。 您拥有所有这些美丽的橘子,金色,粉红色,以及临近暮光之初的深蓝。 一天结束时会有一种封闭感。 事情还在。 这就是您要尝试拍摄的精美日落照片的原因。


The thing is, a good sunset photo also has to be a good photo. A straight up shot of a pink sky is… boring. Sure, the colors are pretty, but there’s nothing else going on. You need a foreground, something to tie the beautiful sky to reality. Beautiful landscapes work, as do shots of buildings. Even portraits can do it. However, this does make the shot a bit more complex, so you’ll need to make sure you’re using the right settings.

事情是,一张好的日落照也必须是一张好照。 桃红色天空的直拍很无聊。 当然,颜色很漂亮,但是没有其他React。 您需要一个前景,将美丽的天空与现实联系起来。 美丽的风景以及建筑物的镜头都能发挥作用。 即使人像也可以做到。 但是,这确实会使拍摄更加复杂,因此您需要确保使用正确的设置。

技术资料 (The Technical Stuff)

Light levels change rapidly at sunset, so there are no one-size-fits-all settings. The light drops as the sun does, but it also falls when the sun’s obscured by clouds or anything else. You should use aperture priority mode so you can react to anything.

日落时光线水平变化很快,因此没有一种适合所有情况的设置。 光线像太阳一样下降,但是当太阳被云或其他任何物体遮挡时,光线也会下降。 您应该使用光圈优先模式,这样您才能对任何事情做出React。

What aperture you use depends on your foreground subject. For a portrait, I’ll use a wide aperture. In most cases though, you’ll be shooting a landscape or cityscape, so an aperture between f/8 and f/16 will work best.

您使用哪种光圈取决于您的前景主体。 对于肖像,我将使用大光圈。 不过,在大多数情况下,您将拍摄风景或城市景观,因此f / 8与f / 16之间的光圈效果最佳。


If you’ve got a tripod, I’d recommend using one for sunset photos. There are two reasons: first, you can keep a tight aperture and low ISO even as your shutter speed gets slower, and second, you can shoot HDR images.

如果您有三脚架,建议您使用三脚架拍摄日落照片。 原因有两个:首先,即使快门速度变慢,也可以保持较小的光圈和较低的ISO;其次,可以拍摄HDR图像

At sunset, there can be a lot of variance between how bright the sun and sky is, and how bright the foreground is. Sometimes you can expose for both in one shot, but pretty often you can’t. When I’m doing sunset shots, I like to shoot a few different exposures, one darker than what it should be and one brighter than what it should be. This means I’ll have details from everything in the scene. In post production, I can combine them into one image using HDR.

在日落时,太阳和天空的亮度与前景的亮度之间可能会有很大的差异。 有时候,您可以一次曝光两个镜头,但是通常却不能。 当我进行日落拍摄时,我喜欢拍摄几种不同的曝光,一种比应该的暗,一种比应该的亮。 这意味着我将获得场景中所有细节的细节。 在后期制作中,我可以使用HDR将它们合并为一张图像。

其他技巧 (Other Tips and Tricks)

In a sunset photo, the sun should never be the main subject. Use the wonderful light it creates to show off another subject. The shot below, for example, is a panorama of a Dublin landmark.

在日落的照片中,太阳永远不会成为主要对象。 用它创造的奇妙的光线炫耀另一个主题。 例如,下面的镜头是都柏林地标的全景。


Your focus when you’re shooting at sunset should always be on composing a good shot outside of the sunset. To capture great color, all you need to do is make sure you don’t overexpose the sky. It’s making the rest of the image look great that’s the challenge.

在日落拍摄时,您的重点应该始终是在日落之外构图。 要捕捉出色的色彩,您需要做的就是确保您不会过度曝光天空。 这使图像的其余部分看起来很棒,这就是挑战。


Start by finding something interesting to photograph. Cool landscapes, landmarks, models, your dogs, or anything else are better than a boring shot of the sky from an industrial park. Here’s a photo of a gorgeous sky I shot a few years back. Since there’s nothing happening anywhere else in the photo, it’s a rather mediocre image.

首先找到一些有趣的照片。 凉爽的风景,地标,模型,您的狗或其他任何事物都比工业园区中无聊的天空更好。 这是几年前拍摄的美丽天空的照片。 由于照片中的其他任何地方都没有发生任何事情,因此这是一张相当普通的图像。


When you’re composing your shot, give plenty of room to the sky. It shouldn’t take up the entire photo, but anything up to about two-thirds of the photo can work.

构图时,请为天空留出足够的空间。 它不应该占用整个照片,但是最多可以处理三分之二的照片。

Try taking multiple exposures of the same thing. A slightly underexposed sunset photo often looks better than a correctly exposed one. The colors will seem deeper and richer. You can edit things in Photoshop afterward, but it’s best to get the shot as good as possible in camera.

尝试对同一事物进行多次曝光。 曝光不足的日落照片通常看起来比曝光正确的照片要好。 颜色看起来更深,更丰富。 之后,您可以在Photoshop中编辑内容,但是最好在相机中获得最佳拍摄效果。

Processed with VSCO with h3 preset

Keep shooting even after the sunset ends. Until about an hour after the sun goes down, there will still be enough light from the sun to shoot by. The oranges will fade to blue, but they’ll be just as beautiful.

即使日落结束后也要继续拍摄。 直到太阳下山后约一个小时,太阳仍然会有足够的光线可以照进来。 橘子会褪色为蓝色,但它们会一样美丽。


Use apps like SunCalc to work out where the sun is going to set. They can help you find the right location to shoot a certain landscape from.

使用诸如SunCalc之类的应用来确定太阳将要落在哪里。 他们可以帮助您找到拍摄特定风景的正确位置。

Arrive on location about an hour before the sun actually sets. The hour before the sun goes down is known as “the golden hour” because of the color of the light. Not only does it give you time to set up for the actual sunset shot, but you’ll also take great photos with a little more light.

在太阳真正落山前约一个小时到达目的地。 由于光线的颜色,太阳下山前的一个小时被称为“黄金时段”。 它不仅使您有时间进行实际的日落拍摄,而且还可以用更多的光线拍摄出精美的照片。

Processed with VSCO with h3 preset

Lastly, consider turning around. The light from a sunset is cast all across the sky. Your sunset photos don’t have to include the sun.

最后,考虑转身。 落日的光芒笼罩着整个天空。 您的日落照片不必包括太阳。

Sunrise and sunset are two of my favorite times to photograph. Not being a morning person, however, I take a lot more shots as the sun goes down. The big secret to great sunset photos is to ignore the sunset. Use the wonderful light to capture something else. Then you’ll have a great sunset photo.

日出和日落是我最喜欢拍摄的两个时间。 但是,由于不是早起的人,随着太阳下山,我拍摄了很多照片。 拍摄出色日落照片的最大秘诀是忽略日落。 使用奇妙的光线捕捉其他事物。 然后,您将获得一张很棒的日落照片。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/280943/how-to-take-good-sunset-photos/






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