creator隐藏显示弹出_如何在Windows 8和10上隐藏卷弹出显示



Windows 10 and 8 include a volume display that appears at the top left corner of the screen whenever you adjust the volume using a shortcut key. Microsoft offers no built-in way to disable it, but there is a way to hide it.

Windows 10和8包括一个音量显示,每当您使用快捷键调整音量时,该音量显示都会出现在屏幕的左上角。 Microsoft没有提供禁用它的内置方法,但是有一种隐藏它的方法。

This on-screen display (OSD) is particularly bothersome if you’re using media center software with a built-in volume display.

如果您使用带有内置音量显示的Media Center软件,那么此屏幕显示(OSD)尤其麻烦。

Windows几乎无法让您自定义此功能 (Windows Barely Lets You Customize This Feature)

There are only a few settings in Windows 10 for controlling the volume OSD feature, and none of them let you disable it.

Windows 10中只有少数设置可用于控制音量OSD功能,而没有一个设置可让您禁用它。

Under Settings > Ease of Access > Other Options, you can adjust the “Show notifications for” setting and control how long it and other notifications appear on your screen. Unfortunately, the default option of 5 seconds is the lowest available option. The setting here only lets you keep the volume OSD on your screen for longer.

在设置>轻松访问>其他选项下,您可以调整“显示通知”设置,并控制它和其他通知在屏幕上显示的时间。 不幸的是,默认选项5秒是最低的可用选项。 此处的设置仅允许您将OSD卷在屏幕上保留的时间更长。

The color is also customizable, and follows the accent color you can choose under Settings > Personalization > Colors.


如何隐藏卷OSD (How to Hide the Volume OSD)

The only available solution for hiding the volume OSD is a free, open-source utility named HideVolumeOSD. This tool works on Windows 8, 8.1, and 10.

隐藏卷OSD的唯一可用解决方案是名为HideVolumeOSD的免费开源实用程序。 该工具可在Windows 8、8.1和10上使用。

Download HideVolumeOSD from developer Marcus Venturi’s website. You can find the source code on GitHub if you’re interested.

从开发人员Marcus Venturi的网站下载HideVolumeOSD 。 如果您有兴趣,可以在GitHub上找到源代码。

Install the application and choose to install the tray icon version. You’ll get a system tray icon that starts automatically when you sign in. Click the tray icon to toggle the volume display on or off. It’s that simple.

安装该应用程序,然后选择安装任务栏图标版本。 您会看到一个系统托盘图标,该图标会在您登录时自动启动。单击托盘图标可打开或关闭音量显示。 就这么简单。

If you don’t want to see the system tray icon, you can just hide it by dragging and dropping it to the left of your notification area icons.


如何隐藏没有在后台运行托盘图标的OSD卷 (How to Hide the Volume OSD Without a Tray Icon Running in the Background)

If you prefer, you can install the silent mode version of HideVolumeOSD instead. This gives you a way to disable the volume OSD without an application running in your system tray.

如果愿意,可以改为安装HideVolumeOSD的静默模式版本。 这提供了一种在系统托盘中没有运行应用程序的情况下禁用OSD卷的方法。

After you install the silent mode version, you’ll see a HideVolumeOSD folder in your Start menu with three shortcuts. The “HideVolumeOSD” shortcut opens the normal system tray program. The “HideVolumeOSD (Hide)” program runs, hides the volume OSD, and then vanishes. The “HideVolumeOSD (Show)” program runs, shows the volume OSD, and then vanishes.

安装无提示模式版本后,您将在“开始”菜单中看到带有三个快捷方式的HideVolumeOSD文件夹。 “ HideVolumeOSD”快捷方式打开常规系统任务栏程序。 运行“ HideVolumeOSD(Hide)”程序,隐藏卷OSD,然后消失。 运行“ HideVolumeOSD(显示)”程序,显示卷OSD,然后消失。

You can run the “HideVolumeOS (Hide)” shortcut whenever you want to hide the volume OSD. Even better, you can copy the “HideVolumeOSD (Hide)” shortcut to your Startup folder. Windows will run it when you sign in to your computer, automatically hiding the volume OSD every time you sign in without leaving a system tray icon running.

每当您要隐藏卷OSD时,都可以运行“ HideVolumeOS(Hide)”快捷方式。 更好的是,您可以将“ HideVolumeOSD(隐藏)”快捷方式复制到“启动”文件夹中。 登录到计算机时,Windows会运行它,每次登录时都会自动隐藏OSD卷,而不会使系统任务栏图标运行。

To make this program run automatically when you sign in, right-click one of the “HideVolumeOSD” shortcuts in your Start menu and select More > Open File Location.

要使该程序在登录时自动运行,请右键单击“开始”菜单中的“ HideVolumeOSD”快捷方式之一,然后选择“更多”>“打开文件位置”。

Right-click the “HideVolumeOSD (Hide)” shortcut and select “Copy”.

右键单击“ HideVolumeOSD(隐藏)”快捷方式,然后选择“复制”。

Type shell:startup into the File Explorer’s location bar and press Enter.

在文件资源管理器的位置栏中键入shell:startup ,然后按Enter。

Right-click inside the startup folder and select “Paste” to place a copy of the shortcut into your Startup folder. Windows will automatically run this program when you sign in, hiding the volume OSD.

在启动文件夹中右键单击,然后选择“粘贴”以将快捷方式的副本放置到您的启动文件夹中。 登录时,Windows将自动运行该程序,并隐藏卷OSD。

The next time you sign in, Windows will automatically run the “HideVolumeOSD (Hide)” application, and it will hide the volume OSD without cluttering your system tray.

下次登录时,Windows将自动运行“ HideVolumeOSD(Hide)”应用程序,它将隐藏OSD卷,而不会弄乱系统托盘。

To undo your change temporarily, just run the “HideVolumeOSD (Show)” shortcut. To stop hiding the OSD every time you sign in, go back to shell:startup and delete the “HideVolumeOSD (Hide)” shortcut.

要暂时撤消更改,只需运行“ HideVolumeOSD(显示)”快捷方式。 要在每次登录时停止隐藏OSD,请返回shell:startup并删除“ HideVolumeOSD(Hide)”快捷方式。

We hope Microsoft will one day let us hide this feature without third-party utilities, but we’re not holding our breath.








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