


There are tons of third-party partition managers for Windows, but did you know that Windows includes its own? Microsoft did a good job of hiding the Disk Management tool, but it’s there.

Windows有大量的第三方分区管理器,但是您知道Windows包含它自己的吗? Microsoft在隐藏磁盘管理工具方面做得很好,但是它就在那里。

You can use the Disk Management tool to resize, create, delete and format partitions and volumes, as well as change their drive letters—all without downloading or paying for any other software.


访问磁盘管理 (Accessing Disk Management)

The quickest way to launch the Disk Management tool is by hitting Start, typing “partition” into the search box, and then clicking the “Create and format hard disk partitions” option that comes up.


The “Disk Management” window is divided into two panes. The top pane shows you a list of your volumes. The bottom pane shows a graphical representation of your disks and the volumes that exist on each disk. If you select a volume in the top pane, the bottom pane jumps to show the disk that contains that volume. And if you select a disk or volume in the bottom pane, the top pane jumps to show the corresponding volume there, too.

“磁盘管理”窗口分为两个窗格。 顶部窗格向您显示卷列表。 底部窗格显示磁盘和每个磁盘上存在的卷的图形表示。 如果在顶部窗格中选择一个卷,则底部窗格会跳转以显示包含该卷的磁盘。 并且,如果您在底部窗格中选择了磁盘或卷,则顶部窗格也会跳转以在其中显示相应的卷。

Note: Technically speaking, volumes and partitions are a little different. A partition is space that’s set aside on a disk separate from the other space on that disk. A volume is a partition that’s been formatted with a file system. For the most part, we’re going to be talking about volumes in this article, though we may mention partitions or unallocated space where those terms are appropriate.

注意:从技术上讲,卷和分区有些不同。 分区是在磁盘上预留的空间,与该磁盘上的其他空间分开。 卷是已使用文件系统格式化的分区。 在大多数情况下,我们将在本文中讨论卷,尽管在适当的地方我们可能会提到分区或未分配的空间。

如何调整卷大小 (How to Resize a Volume)

Occasionally, you may need to resize a volume. For example, you may need have a disk with one big volume and then decide you want to make it into two separate volumes. You can do that by shrinking the existing volume and then using the freed-up space to create a new volume. Or maybe your disk used to be divided into two volumes, but you deleted one of them. You could then extend the existing volume into that newly freed-up space to make one big volume.

有时,您可能需要调整卷大小。 例如,您可能需要具有一个大卷的磁盘,然后决定将其分成两个单独的卷。 您可以通过缩小现有卷,然后使用释放的空间来创建新卷来做到这一点。 或者也许您的磁盘曾经被分成两个卷,但是您删除了其中一个。 然后,您可以将现有卷扩展到该新释放的空间中,以创建一个大卷。

缩小音量 (Shrink a Volume)

Right-click a volume in either pane and select the “Shrink Volume” option.


You can only shrink a volume if it has enough free space. For example, say you have a 1 TB disk that contains a single volume, but you don’t have anything stored on it yet. You could shrink the volume by up to nearly the full 1 TB.

如果卷具有足够的可用空间,则只能收缩它。 例如,假设您有一个包含单个卷的1 TB磁盘,但是还没有任何存储空间。 您最多可以将卷缩减至整个1 TB。

In the example below, we’re shrinking an empty (no data stored on it) 1 TB volume by about 500 GB. Notice that the window shows the total size of the current volume, and the available space you have for shrinking (which in the case of our empty volume is close the total size). The only option you have is how much you want to shrink the volume by—in other words the amount of unallocated space that will be left over after the shrinking. The window also shows the total new size of the current volume after you shrink it by however much you select.

在下面的示例中,我们将一个空的(未存储任何数据)1 TB的卷缩减约500 GB。 请注意,该窗口显示了当前卷的总大小,以及您要缩小的可用空间(在我们的空卷情况下,该空间接近总大小)。 唯一的选择是要缩小多少卷,换句话说,缩小后将剩余的未分配空间量。 缩小任意选择后,窗口还将显示当前卷的总新大小。

And now that we’ve shrunk the volume, you can see that the disk contains our shrunken volume on the left and the new unallocated space we freed up on the right.


扩展音量 (Extend a Volume)

You can only extend a volume if it has unallocated space to the right of it on the same disk. Windows can’t extend a basic partition to its left—you’ll need third-party software for that.

如果卷在同一磁盘上右侧没有分配的空间,则只能扩展该卷。 Windows无法在其左侧扩展基本分区-为此,您需要第三方软件。

To extend a volume, right-click the existing volume (which has unallocated space to its right), and then click “Extend Volume.”


In the “Extend Volume Wizard” window, click “Next.”


The “Select Disks” screen will already have the appropriate disk selected. It also shows the total volume size and the maximum available space you have to extend the volume. Just select the space you want to use and then click the “Next” button. Here, we’re extending our volume to use all of the available unallocated space.

“选择磁盘”屏幕将已经选择了适当的磁盘。 它还显示了总的卷大小以及扩展卷所需的最大可用空间。 只需选择您要使用的空间,然后单击“下一步”按钮。 在这里,我们正在扩展容量以使用所有可用的未分配空间。

And finally, click the “Finish” button to have Windows extend the volume.


创建一个新卷 (Create a New Volume)

If you’ve shrunk a partition—or have unallocated space on a disk for whatever reason—you can use the free space to create an additional volume. Just right-click inside the unallocated space and select the “New Simple Volume” option.

如果缩小了分区(或者由于某种原因在磁盘上有未分配的空间),则可以使用可用空间来创建其他卷。 只需在未分配空间内右键单击,然后选择“新建简单卷”选项。

In the “New Simple Volume Wizard” window, click “Next” to get started.


Specify the size of the volume you want to create and then click the “Next” button. Here, we’re creating a new volume that uses all the available unallocated space on the disk.

指定要创建的卷的大小,然后单击“下一步”按钮。 在这里,我们正在创建一个新卷,它使用磁盘上所有可用的未分配空间。

Assign a drive letter (or accept the default assignation) and then click the “Next” button.


You can choose whether or not to go ahead and format the partition, but you will need to format it at some point before you can use. The only real reason you might want to not format it right away is if you need to let another tool do the formatting.

您可以选择是否继续格式化分区,但是在使用之前,需要先对其进行格式化。 您可能不希望立即对其进行格式化的唯一真实原因是是否需要让其他工具进行格式化。

An example of this would be if you were planning to install a new operating system in the new volume so that you could dual-boot your PC into different operating systems. In that case, you might want to let the new operating system format the drive during its installation.

例如,如果您打算在新卷中安装新的操作系统,以便可以将PC双重引导到不同的操作系统。 在这种情况下,您可能希望让新的操作系统在安装过程中格式化驱动器。

Otherwise, go ahead and format the disk, pick a file system to use, and assign a volume label. Click “Next” when you’re ready.

否则,请继续格式化磁盘,选择要使用的文件系统,然后分配卷标。 准备好后,单击“下一步”。

And then click the “Finish” button to have Windows get started creating the volume and—if you chose to—formatting it.


When it’s done, you’ll see your new partition listed in the Disk Management tool and you should see it if you pop open File Explorer, as well.


如何删除卷 (How to Delete a Volume)

Sometimes, you might need to delete an existing volume. One good reason for this is if you no longer use the volume. By deleting it, you return that space to the unallocated pool and then you could use it to extend an existing volume. Fair warning: deleting a volume also deletes all of the data on that volume, so make sure it’s empty or backed up before you proceed.

有时,您可能需要删除现有卷。 一个很好的理由是,如果您不再使用该卷。 通过删除它,可以将该空间返回到未分配的池,然后可以使用它来扩展现有卷。 合理的警告:删除卷也将删除该卷上的所有数据,因此在继续操作之前,请确保其为空或已备份。

Right-click the volume in either pane of the “Disk Management” window, and then select the “Delete Volume” option.


In the warning window that pops up, click the “Yes” button.


The volume you deleted becomes unallocated space, which you can then use however you like.


如何更改卷的驱动器号 (How to Change a Volume’s Drive Letter)

If you’ve ever wanted to rearrange the drive letters for your various volumes, the Disk Management tool is the place to go. Maybe you just want all your main hard drives grouped together or maybe you want to use a specific letter for a certain drive.

如果您想重新排列各个卷的驱动器号,则可以使用磁盘管理工具。 也许您只想将所有主硬盘驱动器组合在一起,或者您想对某个驱动器使用特定的字母。

Right-click any volume and select the “Change Drive Letter and Paths” option.


In the “Change Drive Letter and Paths” window, click the “Change” button.


In the dropdown to the right of the “Assign the following drive letter” option, select a new drive letter. Note that only letters not already assigned to volumes are available on the dropdown. If you’re rearranging several drive letters, you may have to change some others first to make their letters available. When you’ve selected a letter, click the “OK” button.

在“分配以下驱动器号”选项右侧的下拉菜单中,选择一个新的驱动器号。 请注意,下拉菜单中仅提供尚未分配给卷的字母。 如果要重新排列几个驱动器号,则可能必须先更改其他一些驱动器号才能使用它们的驱动器号。 选择一个字母后,单击“确定”按钮。

A warning message lets you know that some apps might rely on drive letters and won’t run correctly if you change the letter. Typically, this applies only to much older apps, so you should be safe going ahead and clicking the “Yes” button. If you do run into trouble, you can change the drive letter back.

警告消息告诉您某些应用程序可能依赖驱动器号,如果更改驱动器号,它们将无法正常运行。 通常,这仅适用于较旧的应用程序,因此您应该放心并单击“是”按钮。 如果确实遇到麻烦,则可以改回驱动器号。

You can also use this same basic process to assign a permanent drive letter to a removable drive or remove a volume’s drive letter and hide it.


如何擦除或格式化卷 (How to Erase or Format a Volume)

You can also use Disk Management to format a volume. Using Disk Management to do this provides all the same options as the regular format tool you access through File Explorer, so whichever you want to use is up to you. You can format a volume whether the volume has already been formatted or not. Just be aware that you’ll lose all the data when you format a volume.

您也可以使用磁盘管理来格式化卷。 使用“磁盘管理”执行此操作,可以提供与通过文件资源管理器访问常规格式工具相同的所有选项,因此,要使用的内容取决于您。 无论卷是否已格式化,都可以对其进行格式化。 请注意,格式化卷时会丢失所有数据。

Right-click a volume and choose the “Format” option.


In the “Format” window, type a volume label, specify a file system, and choose whether you want to perform a quick format or not. When you’re ready, click the “OK” button.

在“格式”窗口中,键入卷标,指定文件系统,然后选择是否要执行快速格式化。 准备好后,单击“确定”按钮。

You’re warned that formatting will erase all the data on the volume, so if you’re sure, go ahead and click the “OK” button.


Formatting can take anywhere from a few seconds to a minute or so, depending on the size of the volume. When it’s done, you’ll be ready to put the volume to use.

格式化可能需要几秒钟到一分钟左右的时间,具体取决于卷的大小。 完成后,您就可以使用该卷了。

The Disk Management tool isn’t as flashy as some third-party tools—in fact, it still looks like something from Windows 2000—but it gets the job done. Third-party partition managers do sometimes include more advanced features—like creating bootable disks, recovering information from damaged volumes, and the ability to extend volumes into unallocated space to the left of the volume. So, if you need any of those features, it might be worth taking a look around. Popular choices include EaseUS and GParted.

磁盘管理工具并不像某些第三方工具那样浮华-实际上,它看起来仍然像Windows 2000一样,但是可以完成工作。 第三方分区管理器有时确实包含一些更高级的功能,例如创建可启动磁盘,从损坏的卷中恢复信息以及将卷扩展到卷左侧未分配空间的能力。 因此,如果您需要这些功能中的任何一个,可能值得一看。 流行的选择包括EaseUSGParted







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