
Once a week we round up some of the reader questions we’ve answered to share with everyone. This week we’re looking at how to bulk edit the authorship on Microsoft Office docs, set up port forwarding on your router, and remote controlling your Android phone.

每周一次,我们汇总一些读者提出的问题,并与所有人分享。 本周,我们将研究如何在Microsoft Office文档上批量编辑作者身份,如何在路由器上设置端口转发以及如何远程控制Android手机。

批量编辑Microsoft Office文档的作者身份 (Bulk Editing the Authorship of Microsoft Office Documents)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I have an MS Office problem that’s been bugging me since forever. The Office computer I’m using was once a co-workers, and as the first user he’s the “Author” of all the documents. I need to change this. I’ve got thousands of Office files, and have managed to alter the Author name of about 1/8 of these files to reflect my name… but doing it manually is exhausting.

我有一个MS Office问题,一直困扰着我。 我使用的Office计算机曾经是同事,并且作为第一个用户,他是所有文档的“作者”。 我需要改变这个。 我有成千上万个Office文件,并且设法更改了这些文件中大约1/8的作者名称,以反映我的名字……但手动完成工作很累。

Is there a way to change the default Author Name of files, and to apply this change to all files in a folder, the Computer et cetera??




Office Editing in Edison


Dear Office Editing,


The first thing you want to do, if you haven’t done so already, is to go to Word Options –> Popular –> Personalize Your Copy of Microsoft Office and change the default Author name to your name to ensure future documents are labeled right.

如果您尚未做的话,要做的第一件事是转到“ Word选项”->“流行”->“个性化Microsoft Office副本”,然后将默认的“作者”名称更改为您的名字,以确保将来的文档被正确标记。

As for editing the old documents, you may want to check out this one-trick-pony application called Microsoft Word Document Properties from Easy HR. We tested it out on your behalf and it works like a champ for the simple property editing you want to do. Don’t bother filling out the information block on the page; you can just click the download link and grab the file. Install it, search for the Word documents within the directory you specify, and then you can change the Author to your name. We’d highly recommend copying a dozen or two documents to a test directory before running it on your entire document collection.

至于编辑旧文档,您可能需要从Easy HR签出一个名为Microsoft Word Document Properties的小技巧应用程序。 我们代表您进行了测试,它就像您要进行的简单属性编辑的冠军一样。 不要理会页面上的信息块; 您只需单击下载链接即可获取文件。 安装它,在指定的目录中搜索Word文档,然后可以将“作者”更改为您的名称。 我们强烈建议您先将一两个文档复制到测试目录,然后再在整个文档集中运行它。

配置路由器以进行端口转发 (Configure Your Router for Port Forwarding)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

My new network setup involved a router (for the first time! I know, I know! I’m late to the party) and apparently to get some of my apps to function right I need to set up port forwarding. The only thing is I don’t really know what the heck I’m doing. Is port forwarding like getting your mail forwarded? Is that a terrible analogy? Help!

我的新网络设置涉及路由器(第一次!我知道,我知道!我来晚了),显然要使我的某些应用正常运行,我需要设置端口转发。 唯一的事情是我真的不知道我在做什么。 端口转发就像转发邮件一样吗? 这是一个可怕的类比吗? 帮帮我!

Port Baffled in Buffalo


Dear Port Baffled,


It’s not a bad analogy at all. Port forwarding is simply where your router takes a data stream (whether coming out of your network or into it) and links it to a new port number. It’s a little switch-a-roo that happens inside the router to keep everything running smoothly even though the ports you’re displaying to the world and the ports you’re using inside your network aren’t the same. We’ve actually got an in-depth guide explaining port forwarding and how to configure your router to take advantage of port forwarding here. It should answer all your questions and help you get your router running the way you want it to.

这根本不是一个坏的类比。 端口转发只是您的路由器获取数据流(无论是从网络流出还是流入网络)并将其链接到新端口号的地方。 即使您要显示给世界的端口与网络内部正在使用的端口不同,路由器内部也会发生一点切换,以使一切平稳运行。 实际上,我们在这里获得了深入的指南,解释了端口转发以及如何配置路由器以利用端口转发。 它应该回答您所有的问题,并帮助您以所需的方式运行路由器。

远程控制Android设备 (Remote Control An Android Device)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

This might be a First World Problem but it’s the problem I’ve got. I don’t like breaking my concentration to pick up my Android phone in order to respond to texts (we use them a lot in my job) or other phone-based tasks. I like staying focused on the monitor in front of me! How can I remote control and remote view my Android phone? I’d like to be able to plug it in to the computer to charge and simultaneously remote control is with my mouse and keyboard.

这可能是第一世界的问题,但这是我遇到的问题。 我不喜欢专心致志地拿起Android手机来回复短信(我们在工作中经常使用短信)或其他基于电话的任务。 我喜欢专注于眼前的显示器! 如何远程控制和远程查看我的Android手机? 我希望能够将其插入计算机进行充电,并同时使用鼠标和键盘进行远程控制。



Android Tweaking in Texas


Dear Android Tweaking,


It might be a very specific problem to have but it’s a problem we have a solution for (and it’s something we do around the office for exactly the reasons you describe: focus and ease of use with a keyboard and mouse). We use the Android SDK plus Java-based Android Screencast. It’s not exactly the most intuitive system to setup but it is really easy to use once you’ve done the initial configuration. Check out our guide here.

这可能是一个非常具体的问题,但这是我们有解决方案的问题(出于您所描述的确切原因,我们在办公室内都这样做了:集中注意力并易于使用键盘和鼠标)。 我们使用Android SDK以及基于Java的Android Screencast。 它并不是最直观的设置系统,但是一旦完成初始配置,它就非常易于使用。 在这里查看我们的指南

Have a pressing tech question? Shoot us an email at ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to help.

有紧迫的技术问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至ask@howtogeek.com ,我们将竭尽所能。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/76153/ask-htg-bulk-editing-office-doc-properties-port-forwarding-and-remote-controlling-android/





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