
Standard arrays in Java are fixed in the number of elements they can have. If you want to increase of decrease the elements in an array then you have to make a new array with the correct number of elements from the contents of the original array. An alternative is to use the ArrayList class. The ArrayList class provides the means to make dynamic arrays (i.e., their length can increase and decrease).

Java中的标准数组的固定数量是固定的。 如果要增加或减少数组中的元素,则必须使用原始数组内容中的元素数量正确数组。 一种替代方法是使用ArrayList类。 ArrayList类提供了制作动态数组的方法(即,它们的长度可以增加和减少)。

进口声明 ( Import Statement )

import java.util.ArrayList;

创建一个ArrayList ( Create an ArrayList )

An ArrayList can be created using the simple constructor:


ArrayList dynamicArray = new ArrayList();

This will create an ArrayList with an initial capacity for ten elements. If a larger (or smaller) ArrayList is required the initial capacity can be passed to the constructor. To make space for twenty elements:

这将创建一个初始容量为10个元素的ArrayList 。 如果需要更大(或更小的) ArrayList则可以将初始容量传递给构造函数。 为20个元素腾出空间:

ArrayList dynamicArray = new ArrayList(20);

填充ArrayList ( Populating the ArrayList )

Use the add method to append a value to the ArrayList:



Note: The ArrayList only stores objects so although the above lines appear to add int values to ArrayList the are automatically changed to Integer objects as they are appended to the ArrayList.

注意: ArrayList仅存储对象,因此,尽管以上几行似乎向ArrayList添加了int值,但在将它们附加到ArrayList ,它们会自动更改为Integer对象。

A standard array can be used to populate an ArrayList by converted it to a List collection using the Arrays.asList method and adding it to the ArrayList using the addAll method:


String[] names = {"Bob", "George", "Henry", "Declan", "Peter", "Steven"};
ArrayList dynamicStringArray = new ArrayList(20);

One thing to note about ArrayList is the elements don't have to be of the same object type. Even though the dynamicStringArray has been populated by String objects, it still can accept number values:

关于ArrayList要注意的一件事是元素不必具有相同的对象类型。 即使dynamicStringArray已由String对象填充,它仍然可以接受数字值:


To minimize the chance of errors it's best to specify the type of objects you want the ArrayList to contain. This can be done at the creation stage by using generics:

为了最大程度地减少出错的机会,最好指定要ArrayList包含的对象的类型。 这可以通过使用泛型在创建阶段完成:

ArrayList dynamicStringArray = new ArrayList(20);

Now the if we try to add an object that isn't a String a compile-time error will be produced.


在ArrayList中显示项目 ( Displaying the Items in an ArrayList )

To display the items in an ArrayList the toString method can be used:


System.out.println("Contents of the dynamicStringArray: " + dynamicStringArray.toString());

which results in:


Contents of the dynamicStringArray: [Bob, George, Henry, Declan, Peter, Steven]

将项目插入ArrayList ( Inserting an Item into the ArrayList )

An object can be inserted anywhere into the ArrayList index of elements by using the add method and passing the position for the insertion. To add the String "Max" to the dynamicStringArray at position 3:

通过使用add方法并传递插入位置,可以将对象插入元素的ArrayList索引中的任何位置。 要将String "Max"添加到dynamicStringArray的位置3:

dynamicStringArray.add(3, "Max");

which results in (don't forget the index of an ArrayList starts at 0):


[Bob, George, Henry, Max, Declan, Peter, Steven]

从ArrayList中删除项目 ( Removing an Item from an ArrayList )

The remove method can be used to remove elements from the ArrayList. This can be done in two ways. The first is to supply the index position of the element to be removed:

remove方法可用于从ArrayList删除元素。 这可以通过两种方式完成。 首先是提供要删除的元素的索引位置:


the String "Henry" in postion 2 has been removed:

位置2中的String "Henry"已被删除:

[Bob, George, Max, Declan, Peter, Steven]

The second is to supply the object to be removed. This will remove the first instance of the object. To remove "Max" from the dynamicStringArray:

第二个是提供要除去的物体。 这将删除该对象的第一个实例 。 要从dynamicStringArray删除“ Max”:


The String "Max" is no longer in the ArrayList:

String "Max"不再位于ArrayList

[Bob, George, Declan, Peter, Steven]

替换ArrayList中的项目 ( Replacing an Item in an ArrayList )

Rather than removing an element and inserting a new one in its place the set method can be used to replace an element in one go. Just pass the index of the element to be replaced and the object to replace it with. To replace "Peter" with "Paul":

set方法可用于一次性替换元素,而不是删除元素并在其位置插入新元素。 只需传递要替换的元素和替换它的对象的索引。 将“ Peter”替换为“ Paul”:


which results in:


[Bob, George, Declan, Paul, Steven]

其他有用的方法 ( Other Useful Methods )

There are a number of useful methods to help navigate the contents of an arraylist:


  • The number of elements contained within an ArrayList can be found using the size method:


    System.out.println("There are now " + dynamicStringArray.size() + " elements in the ArrayList");
    After all our manipulations of dynamicStringArray we're down to 5 elements:dynamicStringArray进行所有操作之后,我们将归结为5个元素:
    • There are now 5 elements in the ArrayList

    The number of elements contained within an ArrayList can be found using the size method:


    System.out.println("There are now " + dynamicStringArray.size() + " elements in the ArrayList");
    After all our manipulations of dynamicStringArray we're down to 5 elements:dynamicStringArray进行所有操作之后,我们将归结为5个元素:
  • Use the indexOf method to find the index position of a particular element:


    System.out.println("The index position of George is : " + dynamicStringArray.indexOf("George"));
    The String "George" is in index position 1:String "George"在索引位置1:
    • The index position of George is : 1

    Use the indexOf method to find the index position of a particular element:


    System.out.println("The index position of George is : " + dynamicStringArray.indexOf("George"));
    The String "George" is in index position 1:String "George"在索引位置1:
  • To clear all the elements from an ArrayList the clear method is used:


  • Sometimes it can be useful to see if the ArrayList has any elements at all. Use the isEmpty method:

    有时查看ArrayList是否有任何元素可能很有用。 使用isEmpty方法:

    System.out.println("Is the dynamicStringArray empty? " + dynamicStringArray.isEmpty());
    which after clear method call above is now true:clear方法调用后,现在为true:
    • Is the dynamicStringArray empty? true

    Sometimes it can be useful to see if the ArrayList has any elements at all. Use the isEmpty method:

    有时查看ArrayList是否有任何元素可能很有用。 使用isEmpty方法:

    System.out.println("Is the dynamicStringArray empty? " + dynamicStringArray.isEmpty());
    which after clear method call above is now true:clear方法调用后,现在为true:

翻译自: https://www.thoughtco.com/using-the-arraylist-2034204





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