c ++编译器_免费的C和C ++编译器列表

c ++编译器

Compilers convert instructions written in a programming language to machine code that can be read by computers. If you're interested in learning to program in C or C++, you'll find this list of free compilers handy.

编译器将以编程语言编写的指令转换为计算机可以读取的机器代码。 如果您对学习用C或C ++编程感兴趣,则可以找到这份免费的编译器列表。

这些编译器大多数都处理C ++和C ( Most of These ​Compilers ​Handle Both C++ and C )

  • Microsoft Windows SDK. This free SDK is for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4. It provides compilers, tools libraries, code samples and a help system for developers.

    Microsoft Windows SDK 。 这个免费的SDK适用于Windows 7和.NET Framework4。它为开发人员提供了编译器,工具库,代码示例和帮助系统。

  • Turbo C++ for Windows 7,8,8.1 and 10. The .NET Framework is required for Windows 7, Vista and XP, but there is no pre-requirement for more recent Windows versions. 

    适用于Windows 7、8、8.1和10的Turbo C ++ 。Windows 7,Vista和XP需要.NET Framework,但对于最新的Windows版本,则没有任何先决条件。

  • GCC is the classic open source C compiler for Linux and many other operating systems (including Windows under Cygwin or Ming). This project has been around forever and provides excellent open source quality software. It doesn't come with an IDE, but there are loads out there.

    GCC是适用于Linux和许多其他操作系统(包括Cygwin或Ming的Windows)的经典开源C编译器。 这个项目永远存在,并提供出色的开源质量的软件。 它没有IDE,但那里有负载。

  • Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler. The company offers several free compiler packages. 

    Digital Mars C / C ++编译器 。 该公司提供了几个免费的编译器软件包。

  • Xcode is for Apple's Mac OSX operating system and its version of GCC. It has excellent documentation and SDKs for Mac and iPhone. If you have a Mac, this is what you use.

    Xcode适用于Apple的Mac OSX操作系统及其GCC版本。 它具有适用于Mac和iPhone的出色文档和SDK 。 如果您使用的是Mac,则使用的是Mac。

  • Portable C Compiler. This was developed from one of the earliest C Compilers. At the start of the '80s, most C compilers were based on it. Portability was designed into it from the start.

    便携式C编译器 。 它是从最早的C编译器之一开发的。 在80年代初,大多数C编译器都基于它。 从一开始就设计了可移植性。

  • Failsafe C. A Japanese project from the Research Team for Software Security at the Research Center for Information Security, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan, this version of C for Linux supports over 500 functions (not C99 or Widechar). It provides complete protection against memory block over-boundary accesses making it as safe as Java and C#.

    故障安全C。 日本国家先进工业科学技术研究院信息安全研究中心软件安全研究小组的一个日本项目,该版本的C for Linux支持500多种功能(不是C99或Widechar)。 它提供了针对内存块越界访问的全面保护,使其与Java和C#一样安全。

  • Pelles C is a free development kit for Windows and Windows Mobile containing an optimizing C compiler, a macro assembler, a linker, a resource compiler, a message compiler, a make utility and installs builders for both Windows and Windows Mobile. It also has an IDE with project management, debugger, source code editor and resource editors for dialogs, menus, string tables, accelerator tables, bitmaps, icons, cursors, animated cursors, animation videos, versions, and XP manifests.

    Pelles C是Windows和Windows Mobile的免费开发套件,其中包含优化的C编译器,宏汇编器,链接器,资源编译器,消息编译器,make实用程序,并为Windows和Windows Mobile安装了构建器。 它还具有一个IDE,其中包含项目管理,调试器,源代码编辑器和资源编辑器,用于对话框,菜单,字符串表,加速器表,位图,图标,光标,动画光标,动画视频,版本和XP清单。

  • Borland C++ 5.5 compiler is a blazingly fast 32-bit optimizing compiler. It includes the latest ANSI/ISO C++ language support including the Standard Template Library framework and C++ template support and the complete Borland C/C++ Runtime Library. Also included in the free download are the Borland C/C++ command line tools such as the high-performance Borland linker and resource compiler.

    Borland C ++ 5.5编译器是非常快的32位优化编译器。 它包括最新的ANSI / ISO C ++语言支持,包括标准模板库框架和C ++模板支持,以及完整的Borland C / C ++运行时库。 免费下载中还包括Borland C / C ++命令行工具,例如高性能Borland链接器和资源编译器。

  • nesC is an extension to the C programming language designed to embody the structuring concepts and execution model of TinyOS. TinyOS is an event-driven operating system designed for sensor network nodes that have very limited resources (e.g., 8K bytes of program memory, 512 bytes of RAM).

    nesC是对C编程语言的扩展,旨在体现TinyOS的结构概念和执行模型。 TinyOS是一个事件驱动的操作系统,专为具有非常有限的资源(例如8K字节的程序存储器,512字节的RAM)的传感器网络节点而设计。

  • Orange C. Orange C/C++ supports C standards through C11 and C++ 11. The IDE is full-featured and includes a colorizing editor. This compiler runs on WIN32 and DOS. It generates 32-bit programs for both.

    橙C。 Orange C / C ++通过C11和C ++ 11支持C标准。IDE功能齐全,并包含着色编辑器。 该编译器在WIN32和DOS上运行。 它会为两者生成32位程序。

  • SubC is a fast, simple public domain compiler for a clean subset of the C programming language on Linux, FreeBSD and Windows platforms. 


Now that you have a compiler, you're ready for C and C++programming tutorials.

有了编译器之后,就可以开始使用C和C ++编程教程了

翻译自: https://www.thoughtco.com/list-of-free-c-compilers-958190

c ++编译器





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