

Today I gave some thoughts to what distinguishes a good software project website from a bad software project website (especially for open source projects).


I came up with a few must-have criteria for a good software project website:


On the very first page, state what the software does, and what the goal of the project is.


More than once, I’ve seen project websites about a software, that provide downloads and how-tos and everything else, but don’t even explain what the software does. If I hear about a software and open the website, the first thing I want to know is what the software can be used for. If I can’t find that information quickly, I lose interest.

我已经不止一次地看到有关该软件的项目网站,这些网站提供下载,操作指南以及其他所有内容,但甚至都没有解释该软件的功能。 如果我听说了某个软件并打开了网站,那么我想知道的第一件事就是该软件可以用于什么用途。 如果我无法快速找到该信息,我会失去兴趣。

Provide Screenshots in the main navigation


Whether you like it or not, what many users care for are screenshots. Feature lists are great, but when you see some screenshots of the program in action, you get the general Idea how it works and how user-friendly it has been designed. Great features are useless if the UI sucks.

不管您是否喜欢,许多用户关心的是屏幕截图。 功能列表很棒,但是当您看到该程序的某些屏幕截图时,您将获得一般的想法,即它的工作原理和用户友好性。 如果UI很糟,那么出色的功能将毫无用处。

Put the download section in the main navigation


The second most important thing on a project website is the link to the download section. It should be visible on every page, and it should provide quick, easy download possibilities. Also, redirected downloads suck. Direct (and therefore wget-able) downloadlinks are better.

项目网站上第二重要的事情是下载部分的链接。 它应该在每个页面上都可见,并且应该提供快速,轻松的下载可能性。 此外,重定向下载很烂。 直接的(因此是wget可用的)下载链接更好。

Provide documentation


What users want and developers hate, is documentation. Great documentation can contribute to great success. A good example of this is the area of software frameworks. A lot of frameworks (like CodeIgniter, Django and jQuery) are highly successful – not least because of the great and easy-to-understand documentation. Provide good documentation (e.g. on ReadTheDocs) and don’t forget to share it with others.

用户想要并且开发人员讨厌的是文档。 出色的文档可以为您带来巨大的成功。 一个很好的例子是软件框架领域。 许多框架(例如CodeIgniterDjangojQuery )都非常成功-尤其是由于其功能强大且易于理解的文档。 提供良好的文档(例如,在ReadTheDocs上 ),不要忘记与他人共享。

Provide a way for feedback


Many open source projects grew over time because of user feedback. User feedback is important. And it needs to be quick and easy. A registration for an issue tracker is a no-go for me. If I have to register, I don’t report. Allow anonymous bugreports and feature requests, and a lot more feedback will come in.

由于用户的反馈,许多开源项目随着时间的推移而增长。 用户反馈很重要。 而且它需要快速简便。 对我来说,注册问题跟踪器是不行的。 如果必须注册,我不报告。 允许匿名的错误报告和功能请求,将会收到更多反馈。

For OSS projects: Provide easy possibilities to participate and share code


Among software users, there are many great and capable programmers. Many of them have great ideas for contributions they could make. Most of them don’t have the time and motivation to track down the owner of the source repository and to ask for the permission to contribute. And patches that can’t be shared aren’t fun. Provide an e-mail address to send in patches. Or even better, use a distributed source code management system like Git. And then host it on a platform like Github, so that users can easily contribute their changes to the main branch, without you having to manage tedious permissions.

在软件用户中,有许多优秀而有能力的程序员。 他们中的许多人都对自己的贡献有很好的想法。 他们中的大多数人没有时间和动力去追踪源存储库的所有者并要求获得贡献。 无法共享的补丁不好玩。 提供一个电子邮件地址以发送补丁程序。 甚至更好的是,使用分布式源代码管理系统(Git) 。 然后将其托管在Github之类的平台上,以便用户可以轻松地将其更改贡献给main分支,而无需管理繁琐的权限。

Stay in touch with the users


Communicate. And provide information on how to reach you on all available communication channels, like e-mail, IRC, twitter, facebook, forums etc. The more there are, the better. Inform the users about updates, but don’t spam them (use newsfeeds or social networks). And answer all not-totally-stupid questions. If you communicate, and if your software rocks, users will turn into fans.

通信。 并提供有关如何在所有可用的沟通渠道上与您联系的信息,例如电子邮件,IRC,Twitter,Facebook,论坛等。数量越多越好。 通知用户有关更新的信息,但不要向他们发送垃圾邮件(使用新闻源或社交网络)。 并回答所有并非完全愚蠢的问题。 如果您进行交流,并且您的软件摇摆不定,那么用户将成为粉丝。

翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2010/09/why-some-software-project-websites-suck-and-others-dont/






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